Step 4 : UNITY
“ Canned Lion Hunting is sick ! “ , “ Why would you need a semi automatic rifle for hunting ? “ , “ An A R 15 is an assault weapon . Why would anyone purchase 1 of those , for hunting ? “ , “ I hunt ducks and deer for food . But Trophy Hunting is a sick activity ! “ , “ I shoot Cape buffaloes , but why on earth ... Would anyone wish to shoot a lion ? “ , “ I hunt in Africa a lot . But you have to be a real psychopath ... To want to shoot an elephant . “ , “ I love hunting eland , but why on earth ... Would anyone wish to hunt a giraffe ? “ , “ If you use a small caliber on your game animal , then you clearly do not respect the animal enough to deserve to hunt it . “ , “ No real sports man , ever participates in a driven hunt ! “ , “ Hunting over dogs , is cruel ! No real hunter hunts this way . “ , “ Repeating rifles are unsportsmanlike . True sports men only use single shot rifles , or doubles .“ , “ Bow hunting is barbaric ! “ , “ Hunting deer with buck shot , should be completely banned ! It is so cruel ! “ , “ A .375 Holland & Holland magnum is all you really need to hunt the world . If you use a bigger caliber , then you simply can not shoot straight . “ , “ If you need a rifle with 6 cartridges in the magazine , then you do not deserve to be hunting ... Any way “, “ Baited hunts are unsportsmanlike. “ , “ Hunting at night should be banned . “ , Those who pose with their slain game animals for photographs , do not respect the animal which we are hunting ... At all . “ , “ If you are truly an ethical hunter , then do not hunt with iron sights “ .
The above is a sample of just some of the more condescending statements ... Which are often made by members of the international hunting community , in regards to other hunters . In American terms , “ We are always after each other’s asses “ . We are too pushy about our views and philosophies ... Which we always attempt to shove down the throats of other hunters , by attempting to impose up on them .
During our time ... We were no different . Back when I used to be a professional shikaree in Nagpur , India ( From 1961 - 1970 ) ... There were 14 different shikar out fitters , all across India . And we were damned competitive , with 1 another . This competitiveness often turned in to indirect hostility . Each out fitter was so desperate to attract more clients ... That they were always pettily attempting to defame the other out fitters . This had some pretty negative effects on the Indian hunting industry ... As a whole .
Some examples of such defamation , included :
> If the client of another shikar out fitter , took even a dove with out a license ...Then , the owner of Allwyn Cooper Limited ( The out fitter which I was under the employment of ) would see to it ... That Indian tabloids circulated the news like wild fire .
> If a client of Allwyn Cooper Limited lost a gaur bison , after wounding it ... Then , the owner of Rao Naidu Shikar Limited would go around spreading the rumor ... That Allwyn Cooper Limited’s shikarees were letting wounded game animals escape , only to die lingering deaths in the thickets .
> If a professional shikaree working for Rao Naidu Shikar Limited , was forced to dispatch an unlicensed animal ( In order to save his client’s life , or the life of someone else in the shikar party ) ... Then , the owner of Sundar Raj Shikar Limited would immediately bring it to the public’s attention ... That Rao Naidu Shikar Limited’s employees were decimating India’s wild life , by not adhering to any bag limits .
> If a client of Sundar Raj Shikar Limited , took his royal Bengal tiger over bait ... Then , the owner of Allwyn Cooper Limited would go around circulating the rumor that Sundar Raj Shikar Limited ... Was offering shikars via “ Unsporting Methods “ .
In hind sight ... It is quite clear to see how the ( Silently , but steadily ) growing anti hunting crowd in India , was able to exploit this behavior to their benefit . The lack of unity amongst India’s professional shikar out fitters ... Was partially responsible for leading to our eventual down fall , in 1972 . Our “ Bitching “ about each other ... Was merely providing more ammunition for the Indira Gandhi regime , to publicly demonize hunters , fire arms owners and meat eaters before the ignorant masses .
Today , things are no different . Some hunters are critical of “ Canned Lion Hunting “ . Some hunters believe that you should not hunt with semi automatic weapons . Some hunters believe that you should only hunt with telescopic sights . Some hunters believe that using small calibers on game animals , is inhumane . Some hunters believe that buck shot should be banned , from being used on 4 legged game . Some hunters believe that certain animals are acceptable quarry ... While others are not . Some hunters believe that driven hunts are immoral ... While other hunters believe that baited hunts are immoral . Some hunters loathe the concept of hunting at night . Some hunters believe that only single shot or double barreled rifles should be used , for sporting purposes . The list of different philosophies could no on , for ever .
The infamous John Pondoro Taylor ( Author of “ African Rifles & Cartridges “ ) actually made 1 such comment in his book ... Which made my blood boil . He had the gall to make the statement that repeating rifles should be prohibited ... From being used against African game animals .
I personally believe that despite all of our differing views on how to go about our business ... The international hunting community is solidly united by 1 strong fact : That we hunt . Could a stronger form of unity ever exist ? I think not . We all must bear in mind ... That in the eyes of the anti hunting crowd , ANYONE WHO HUNTS is evil . This should be all the more motivation , for us to put our differences aside ... And stand with 1 another . Let us not condemn our brother sports men ... But rather stand with them , in solidarity .
Let me tell you all a little bit ... About how hunting restrictions and fire arms restrictions are imposed . The anti hunting / anti fire arms crowd operate by separating different groups of hunters , from 1 another ... And then , proceeding to attack them 1 by 1 . Here is an example , of how anti hunters / anti fire arms owners increasingly keep pushing for more restrictions . They go after 1 right , at a time .
Phase 1 : The antis push for a restriction on bump stocks . Virtually none of the hunting community cares enough ... To actually protest against the antis and their howling . The government bans bump stocks . No one in the hunting community actually cares , because “ I have no need for a bump stock “ .
Phase 2 : The antis push for a restriction on high capacity magazines . Most of the hunting community still do not care , because “ You do not need 30 cartridges to shoot a deer “ .The government bans high capacity magazines .
Phase 3 : The antis push for a ban on hand guns . Many members of the hunting community remain indifferent , because “ No body hunts with a hand gun , any way “ . The government bans hand guns .
Phase 4 : The antis push for a ban on semi automatic rifles and shot guns . A fair number of members in the hunting community still do not care ... Because “ Semi automatics are unsporting ! “
Phase 5 : The antis push for a ban on pump rifles and shot guns . Now , majority of the hunting community finally DO begin to care .
Variations of these phases naturally exist . For instance , when I visited Australia in 1979 to hunt Mag Pie Geese and a kangaroo ... It was legal to hunt kangaroos in Australia , with a shot gun . I took this magnificent specimen , at night ... Over torch light , with my “ Old Belgian “ .
I used an Eley Alphamax 2.75 inch “ High Brass “ AAA cartridge . 44 pellets of English AAA to the head of the brute , at a distance of 5 meters ... Folded him cleanly . Years later , when I revisited New South Wales ... I learnt that it was now legally prohibited to use shot guns , for the hunting of kangaroos . I also learnt that the after math of the tragic “ Port Arthur Massacre “ had culminated in the prohibitions on the civilian ownership of semi automatic and pump shot guns and rifles .
In Great Britain , the same crowd who pushed for a ban on fox hunting ( And succeeded, mind you ) ... Is now the crowd who is going after deer stalking and driven grouse shooting , in an attempt to have them banned . Clearly , getting fox hunting banned ... Did not appease these people , in the slightest . It merely emboldened them , and made their barking louder . And become EVEN MORE unreasonable , in their agendas and demands . Giving these retards a mere inch ... Makes them greedy for an entire mile .
So ... Why are we always proven wrong , when we assume that caving in to 1 of the demands of the antis ... Will appease them ? I believe that Harrison Ford said it best , in his excellent film “ Air Force 1 “ - “ Give a mouse a cookie ... And he shall want a glass of milk , to go with it . “
I firmly detest the idea of hunters turning the other way ... While other hunters have their rights RIPPED away from them, by governments which pander to the anti hunting crowd . It is an act of selfishness and cowardice . It might not immediately seem so ... But always remember this : If someone manages to take away 1 of our rights ... Then , there is nothing to stop them against going after all of our other rights ... As well . Regardless of any potential internal differences ... The international hunting community MUST stand together . If we intend to win this , that is .
Now , does this mean that we should tolerate all sorts of irresponsible behavior displayed by some of our fellow hunters ? Absolutely not . Irresponsible behavior should always be called out ... As it is seen . Allow me to provide a very basic example , of such behavior . On “ You Tube “ , there are countless videos of a certain African White Hunter ( Whom I shall refrain from naming , due to professional courtesy ) ... Who has a reputation for deliberately wounding Cape buffaloes and hippopotamuses , in order to provoke them in to charging towards him . They make for thrilling videos to be sure ... But ( Ignoring ethics , for a moment ) this sort of conduct is also extremely counterproductive . The objective of hunting ANY game animal ... is to dispatch it as quickly as possible ( Preferably , with the very 1st shot ) . Prolonging an animal’s suffering , just to make a more thrilling video ... Merely provides the anti hunting crowd , with more ammunition to slander the true lovers of this noble sport ... And give us a bad name .