I really am very happy to have joined this forum because it's always a pleasure to share hunting and shooting with fellow enthusiasts!
I really think the 375 is good enough for anything that walks this earth, but I am a big bore nut so if I was hunting Elephant I would be probably be doing so with a 416 Rigby or a double 470 Nitro Express. I have never hunted Africa but I intend to do so many times during the course of my life, and my dad did hunt Africa manyy times.
My father was a 375 fan and he always told me that of the 6 buffalo he shoot in Africa, only two where one shoot kills one with a 375 H&H, and the other with a borrowed 404 Jeffreys, the other ones where shoot with much more powerful rifles from 416 rigby to 458 lott.
He shoot his only Elephant in Zimbabwe also with a 375 H&H, but this was not planned it was a chance enconter with a herd that was marked as "problem" because they had ravaged a village near Matetsi (i think it was matetsi, anyway the outfitter was Roger Whitall) so he took the chance as it came and shoot a very old bull with it. He also shoot many animals with his 375 wich is by far of all the guns that he left me and my brother the one that saw more action around the world; that same rifle was used for leopard, lion, brown and black bear, elk, moose, caribou, and an array of african plains game, and come to think of it even couple of white and black tailed deer in the north of Mexico!
So my point is, there are rifles that are "ideal" for diferent purposes in diferent situations, for example I personaly can't think of a better rifle than a 300 Magnum (take your pick!) for hunting sheep or goats in Asia, you need the power to anchor the Ram or Billy and the reach to make if necessary a very long shoot. and so forth; but the magic of the 375 H&H is that you can leave camp with your rifle not knowing if you will encounter a record book duiker of the buffalo of your dreams, and provided good shoot placement, wich is of course first and foremost, you can take every oportunity you have with confidennce that if you do youre part, the rifle will deliver.
It is what it is, the best all round cartridge for Africa, provided that you are intending to hunt something big, difficult, that can bite scratch or needs to be hit with something hard. Because if you intend to hunt SA or Namibia and the biggest game you sought is Kudu, you may be better of with a 7mm, 300, or even a 338, but when Eland, Buff, or any one of the big ones are in the picture, then the 375 is at his home.
That's my opinion from stories, a lot of reading and what not, but I vowe to the experts, and to this day I haven't shoot anything bigger than an Elk and have not headed to the woods or bush with the intention of shooting anything hauling a rifle bigger than a 338 winchester magnum; so I'll have a more valid opinion when I do some hunting in Africa and hopefully around the world! Until then, thank you guys for sharing your knowledge and stories, because next to reading, sharing stories and memories is the closest we mortals that have not so much hunting experience have to actually being there, and that's what keeps the fire burning!
Cheers and good hunting!