I was wondering if any of the forum members had watched CNN news tonight. I usually don’t watch it but once in a while I tune in just to see what they’re saying about Trump. However, tonight they had Jack Hannah on there that animal trainer and they ask him what he thought of big game hunting in Africa . I have never been to Africa .....yet. They didn’t interview him very long but the short time he was on there he really put hunting down. He stated that the people get nothing out of hunting, he said there are millions of dollars spent on hunting big game and the people get literally nothing . I’m going to make this short but without the Safari dollars a lot of these animals would be extinct and I don’t know how a man like him who supposedly knows as much about African animals as he does would make a statement like he did on there. I used to watch him once in a while when he was on TV But that is the last time I’ll ever watch him. He is one of the real anti-hunting fanatics.