I have a Krieghoff drilling in 16x16/7x57R. It has a dural aluminum frame. It is light, handy, versatile and deadly. It does not kick excessively, certainly not a "viciously kicking little bitch" but then I use standard one ounce upland game loads in the shotgun barrels. I just used it yesterday on a grouse hunt. Worked perfectly.
I have owned two others, both Sauers, both in 16x16/8x57R. I would not consider purchasing a drilling ( or any other hinge action firearm) in a rimless cartridge. That's what rimmed cartridges were designed for. They are MUCH easier to grasp when unloading in cold or wet conditions, or when in a hurry.
I have used a buddy's 12x12/7x65R Merkel drilling while hunting in Germany, it was effective, but not well balanced and handy like the 16 ga guns I have owned.
Modern drillings are made in 20 ga, and I would certainly suggest you check them out. I have not handled one, but expect that they may be the best chambering, along with 7x57R for a USA hunter.
I also have a Krieghoff .22 magnum rimfire insert in mine, makes it even more handy when doing "come what may" hunts on our trapline. I have used it for things like beaver and rabbits and grouse. With the Kahles 3-9 scope clicked in to the claw mounts it is accurate and effective on medium sized game to as far as I care to shoot.
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