A friend had borrowed my 45-90 for bullet testing of a variety of bullets and loads and he first shot the ele at a bout 20 yards with a frontal brain shot with 450 grain FMJ flat point Kodiak at 2150 fps; the FMJ actually made a perfect mushroom without breaking the jacket, but barely entered the brain. The ele went right down, but needed a finishing shot, so his next round was a 450 grain NF FPS at 2000 fps + and that shot all the way through the head and out the back, terminating the ele. Then, to test a Belt Mountain 430 grain brass bullet at 2050fps, the frontal brain shot went through the head and into the body.
The NF and Belt Mountain bullets were unscathed and could have been reloaded and used again.
The Kodiak proved to be excellent on cape buffalo, but not tough enough for ele frontal brain shots.
The crescent steel butt plate did bother me some when I first bought the rifle, but after I learned to tuck the lower butt tip into my arm pit, it has not bruised me since. The only thing I do not like about the crescent butt plate is that is not as easy to stand up on the butt as a rifle with a shotgun style butt with a rubber recoil pad like my 1895 .405 WCF.