AH ambassador
Seems it was a week or two ago I was fretting over the .308 I got my older boy for our hunt with HartzView in 2013. Was it too much recoil for the skinny young man? Will I somehow screw him up and help him develop a flinch? Guess not, here he his shooting my .375, a 260gr Accubond running at about 2600fps. He's now at least as tall as me. Somewhere inside that boy at any given moment is most of the contents of a once filled walk in refrigerator, not sure where he puts it.
Also getting his little brother ready for his trip. Off the bench, groups were tightening up as he shot more. Fun day at the range letting the boys do most of the shooting.
Also getting his little brother ready for his trip. Off the bench, groups were tightening up as he shot more. Fun day at the range letting the boys do most of the shooting.