You just have to learn the data about individual units you want to hunt. On the CPW website you can go to "Hunting Statistics" and look up the mule deer recap draw report from the past years and predict how many points it takes to draw any season in a unit. There is not a one size fits all solution to wildlife management so each unit or group of units that make up a deer herd (called a DAU - Data Analysis Unit) are managed differently. As for the city of Craig, yes there are a lot of deer in town because they have learned that they are protected there. This is not an accurate reflection on the units near Craig. Those units are in a group called DAU-7. Since 2005, that deer herd is down from just over 100,000 deer to about 40,000 deer today. As for other towns and cities, yes there can be a lot of deer around Colorado Springs, Boulder, etc... but again, that is because hunting is not allowed inside city limits. Another factor near Colorado Springs is that only a limited amount of hunting is allowed on the Air Force Academy, which consists of several thousand acres.
All species can be affected by habitat loss. As for elk, they are less susceptible to predation by lion, bear, and coyotes and elk suffer less winterkill. Since elk are grazers, not browsers, they also have not lost as much critical habitat. CWD also does not limit elk populations as much as it does in mule deer. Most of the land development in western Colorado is taking place on mule deer winter range. Elk are also generally more adaptable than mule deer. As for lion, Colorado has fairly aggressive lion hunting quotas in place already but lions are hard to hunt, even with hounds. In Colorado and throughout the mountain west states, mule deer are in a general population decline whereas most other species are holding their own with a few local exceptions.
Population estimates are done by classification counts in the winter by aircraft and vehicle. The animals seen are classified as bucks, does, and yearlings. This data is then fed into a computer along with other data such as license numbers, success rates from hunter surveys, etc... and a population estimate is formulated. These estimates are not exact but are thought to be close.
Let me know if you want help with your 2019 applications.