I want a specialist in big kudu!

I’ve posted the offers posted here in past. You find a different way to avoid acknowledging those. It’s common practice just a part of most Limpopo outfitter’s businesses because competition there is so high even if they have access to quality properties and game for many of their hunts. Pre-measured trophies, introduced trophies, stocked hippos and crocs in small ponds, CBL lions, it’s all the same. A person needs to choose wisely and clearly state and discuss the hunt they want with outfitter because this is all so common. However, then again, if my other assumption is correct I would not expect you to know who any of them are . . .
I can promise you that you are correct, happened to me. Even the best due diligence still depends on the outfitter to tell the full truth. I wrote a whole report and it is on this site.

As for OPs question concerning size his request would scare me. All larger than average kudu look big/huge to me. One would need lots of faith/trust in an outfit who states free range size possible and probable's and again as much or more trust in the PH who states the shoot/don't shoot. I am sure more kudu shrink when dead than the other way and grow.

As for OPs question concerning size his request would scare me. All larger than average kudu look big/huge to me. One would need lots of faith/trust in an outfit who states free range size possible and probable's and again as much or more trust in the PH who states the shoot/don't shoot. I am sure more kudu shrink when dead than the other way and grow.
I think the best way to go about this would be to take two (or even 3). Takes a lot of stress off hunt as well with that mindset. Take a good bull to start then hunt for a really exceptional bull. I’ve taken a few kudu that grew and one that shrunk after the shot. The one that shrunk we were looking for a particular size bull, but unfortunately the thick brush in valley made it very difficult. Looking for a particular size unfortunately adds stress to the hunt for both hunter and PH. My two best kudu just happened.
I’ve posted the offers posted here in past. You find a different way to avoid acknowledging those. It’s common practice just a part of most Limpopo outfitter’s businesses because competition there is so high even if they have access to quality properties and game for many of their hunts. Pre-measured trophies, introduced trophies, stocked hippos and crocs in small ponds, CBL lions, it’s all the same. A person needs to choose wisely and clearly state and discuss the hunt they want with outfitter because this is all so common. However, then again, if my other assumption is correct I would not expect you to know who any of them are . . .
Not true for most outfitters as you state....

I ask again where can you shoot a kudu of your size requirement in a pen in Limpopo????

Anywhere in the world you hunt you will find people who take shortcuts because there is a market for it.

Game farm management is an integral part of hunting. Introducing new blood is always a good idea.

Think about White rhino if it was not for game farm management they would have been extinct, so would Black wildebeest.....

You however always have negative things to say about hunting in SA as if wrongdoings do not take place in other countries.

Stop making blanket negative post about hunting in South Africa and rather name such outfits.....

If you dont want to hunt South Africa that is your choice, most do.
Not true for most outfitters as you state....

I ask again where can you shoot a kudu of your size requirement in a pen in Limpopo????

Anywhere in the world you hunt you will find people who take shortcuts because there is a market for it.

Game farm management is an integral part of hunting. Introducing new blood is always a good idea.

Think about White rhino if it was not for game farm management they would have been extinct, so would Black wildebeest.....

You however always have negative things to say about hunting in SA as if wrongdoings do not take place in other countries.

Stop making blanket negative post about hunting in South Africa and rather name such outfits.....

If you dont want to hunt South Africa that is your choice, most do.
If I were a new member with a different name or went to a hunt South Africa Facebook group and went looking for a guaranteed 55+ kudu or 60+ kudu you really think I wouldn’t get in offer in less than one day? There is a continual attempt to downplay how farming is integrated with hunting In south Africa particularly Limpopo. If I made that request, an outfitter/PH would locate a breeding bull. It may possibly be released into a larger area before hunt but I see no difference. Short cuts may be taken other places in world but no where else is it disguised like in South Africa particularly Limpopo. No one has misconceptions about high fence deer in Texas but somehow it’s still told that 60 inch kudu jumped in the fence and no one knew it was there even with crocs and hippos. For naming outfitters, I don’t think you really care the answer, but there is a PM function here. I can see certain practices clearly in a large percentage of Limpopo sponsors offers here. They only make up a small percentage of the whole of outfitters in South Africa. Certain practices are now engrained and redefined as acceptable. A person needs to choose very carefully if they want a specific type hunt in Limpopo especially for a certain size trophy.
Not true for most outfitters as you state....

I ask again where can you shoot a kudu of your size requirement in a pen in Limpopo????

Anywhere in the world you hunt you will find people who take shortcuts because there is a market for it.

Game farm management is an integral part of hunting. Introducing new blood is always a good idea.

Think about White rhino if it was not for game farm management they would have been extinct, so would Black wildebeest.....

You however always have negative things to say about hunting in SA as if wrongdoings do not take place in other countries.

Stop making blanket negative post about hunting in South Africa and rather name such outfits.....

If you dont want to hunt South Africa that is your choice, most do.
What strikes me funny is when this subject comes up in any thread, all SA outfitters on this site choose not to engage. Other than you. Why? Are you saying that I can shoot a 12' 5" exact (measured before release) croc in a pond/dam inside a game proof fence under illusion as "wild" but same does not hold true to a huge kudu????

I was naïve at the fenced game before my last safari in SA. In all other countries I hunted, game ran across the rds at dangerous levels with no fences seen for days driving. Only seen a few springbuck outside a fence on any highway we drove in our 8000 KM tour while in SA. My mistake I assumed SA was same/close as other countries.

I am not saying SA system is right or wrong, hunter chooses, yes it happens all over the world. But SA seams to be the only country I have experienced that denies, denies, denies, remains quiet and NEVER admits it. In fact my last outfitter confirmed my great detailed emailed question concerning croc hunt style. None was "true". What I want, like and will demand before any future SA safari is the TRUTH. Let me decide, come clean when I ask.

If OP is OK with a released 55" + kudu and high percent odds tell him, let hunter decide. If same kudu is truly born wild then tell him also, along with the slim odds of success.

What strikes me funny is when this subject comes up in any thread, all SA outfitters on this site choose not to engage. Other than you. Why? Are you saying that I can shoot a 12' 5" exact (measured before release) croc in a pond/dam inside a game proof fence under illusion as "wild" but same does not hold true to a huge kudu????

I was naïve at the fenced game before my last safari in SA. In all other countries I hunted, game ran across the rds at dangerous levels with no fences seen for days driving. Only seen a few springbuck outside a fence on any highway we drove in our 8000 KM tour while in SA. My mistake I assumed SA was same/close as other countries.

I am not saying SA system is right or wrong, hunter chooses, yes it happens all over the world. But SA seams to be the only country I have experienced that denies, denies, denies, remains quiet and NEVER admits it. In fact my last outfitter confirmed my great detailed emailed question concerning croc hunt style. None was "true". What I want, like and will demand before any future SA safari is the TRUTH. Let me decide, come clean when I ask.

If OP is OK with a released 55" + kudu and high percent odds tell him, let hunter decide. If same kudu is truly born wild then tell him also, along with the slim odds of success.

I agree with most of your post with the exception of seeing animals running outside the fence in SA.
I also driven a lot of miles in SA to and from hunting areas by myself and I've seen a lot of animals including Kudu, Warthog, Bushbuck, Springbuck, Impala and numerous others.
There are animals HF can keep and some others can't.
Warthogs and Bush pigs dig under the fence and some others get in and out from the same hole.
Some game farms in Limpopo area borders the river and animals even elephants and lions have been known to cross over from Botswana.
Obviously Leopards and Baboons are everywhere and can't be contained.
Last time I was in Limpopo we had a very scary and dangerous leopard encounter and we came very close to killing the cat in self defense.
It was very unexpected.
If you choose where, how and what you hunt it can be an almost free range experience, almost...
On a side note there's also a lot of free range hunting in SA for certain species in different areas than Limpopo.
I agree with most of your post with the exception of seeing animals running outside the fence in SA.
I also driven a lot of miles in SA to and from hunting areas by myself and I've seen a lot of animals including Kudu, Warthog, Bushbuck, Springbuck, Impala and numerous others.
There are animals HF can keep and some others can't.
Warthogs and Bush pigs dig under the fence and some others get in and out from the same hole.
Some game farms in Limpopo area borders the river and animals even elephants and lions have been known to cross over from Botswana.
Obviously Leopards and Baboons are everywhere and can't be contained.
Last time I was in Limpopo we had a very scary and dangerous leopard encounter and we came very close to killing the cat in self defense.
It was very unexpected.
If you choose where, how and what you hunt it can be an almost free range experience, almost...
On a side note there's also a lot of free range hunting in SA for certain species in different areas than Limpopo.
We never spent much time in Limpopo area, so no real world knowledge there. On our 5 camp hunt we did see wild free ranging animals in wild behind some hunting blocks, agree some species are very hard to contain, ones you state especially. A monster bushbuck ran away from us on a fenced property and very quickly showed the owner a very small hole in the fence. He went thru without slowing down. All my night predators, and reedbuck were wild on sheep, cattle or nut farms. Many animals around Kruger were "wild" outside the fence. I did not mean to imply that SA has no born wild free ranging specimens as it does. But drives across Zim and Namibia were much different scale, like what I am used to in Canada.

As stated, my next SA safari will have some very specific detailed you better answer honestly questions that will be answered, checked, verified and proven before I send any $$$$.

I am no expert but have been doing research into the same type of hunt you are looking for 55” plus Kudu and have corresponded with several outfitters. There are no guarantees with these outfitters and are either low fenced or extremely large high fenced with no interior cross fences. I am sure there are many more great outfitters out there. Myself and my son are headed to Botswana with NKWE in May, but all of the places below have the genetics and age structure.

Botswana NKWE Safaris huntingjaco@gmail.com mattegan36@gmail.com
Mozambique Coutada 9 Mokore Safaris garyduckworth@mokore.com
Mozambique, Limpopo Alex McDonald Safaris alexmcdonald0@gmail.com
@alimufti I admire a man that knows exactly what he wants. You stated it pretty clearly. I used to see a lot of big Kudu in Namibia, but that was before the rabies and the drought. I think that the areas in RSA that you are interested in hold potential to get a 60 incher. I am planning a hunt in South Africa this coming year. New moon is May 8th. Looking at two properties. One has had essentially no hunting pressure the last 10 years, the other in the last 5. They have pick-ups on the property that I hunted in the mid 60's, so the genetics are there. Why am I going back? Because it's a damned hard hunt, and I didn't get one of those elusive monsters. (I had only 3 days because of other commitments, and needed 10.) Researching a hunt is a big part of the fun, so I won't give too much advice, but feel free to PM me if you want to know where I will be hunting. And BTW.....that is a pretty nice kudu in your avatar, so you already know what it takes to get it done fair chase....................best of luck................FWB
Some folks here would be better off joining the greenie gang instead of constantly bashing hunting in RSA and trying to generalise that all outfitters("thay will....") in RSA partake in illegal activities such put and take and make availible certain size animals on demand and allowing shooting of said animals in "pens".....what a croc off bullshit....

If x y or z does and you have experience of it then name and shame or shut up and hunt where you desire....

Generalising or creating the impression that all outfitters do this just show how little some know about game farm management and hunting in general in RSA.....
Some folks here would be better off joining the greenie gang instead of constantly bashing hunting in RSA and trying to generalise that all outfitters("thay will....") in RSA partake in illegal activities such put and take and make availible certain size animals on demand and allowing shooting of said animals in "pens".....what a croc off bullshit....

If x y or z does and you have experience of it then name and shame or shut up and hunt where you desire....

Generalising or creating the impression that all outfitters do this just show how little some know about game farm management and hunting in general in RSA.....
And everyone would be better off if one member would stop creating the illusion of being a highly experienced PH

Generalizing and creating the impression that certain practices are very rare can be interpreted as an equally large disservice. It shows how many are willing to be careless with the truth.
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And everyone would be better off if one member would stop pretending to be a highly experienced PH
Haha at least you still have a sense of humour....
So it does in USA, etc. Your choice but do not condem the rest.....happens all over the hunting world......
Exactly? What is your point here? And it happens more in Limpopo than anywhere else!
Exactly? What is your point here? And it happens more in Limpopo than anywhere else!
Simply if you say "They will let you shoit 1 in a pen" then name the "they"....Limpopo is a big place with many outfitters....do not generalise and.condemn all.....
Nothing funny about it
I know it is actually hilarious.....making assumptions again about something and someone you know nothing about.....
I know it is actually hilarious.....making assumptions again about something and someone you know nothing about.....
Still waiting on a PM from one of your past clients, you, or even one of the outfitters here, until then I’ll continue to assume. I see nothing funny about creating a false illusion to provide some credibility.
How goes the Kudu quest?
On balance and after seeing the so many helpful posts on this thread I think the following.
Limpopo has gone the way of the charge per inch system which I'm not interested in doing.
The area sizes and chance of newly released animals at a high price seem to be there...however small and not dissing anything or anyone. There is a demand and this is being met and hunting in one form or another along with wildlife preservation is thriving- so great!
For myself I think I'd be better off hunting for southern Greater kudu in Kwazulu natal where there is a chance of a 55plus and if it doesn't happen then fine...no worries. Its a genuine hunt that i need with the chance of genetics for large kudu being present and that too at a much much more reasonable price than what limpopo outfitters are offering.

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schwerpunkt88 wrote on Robmill70's profile.
Morning Rob, Any feeling for how the 300 H&H shoots? How's the barrel condition?
mrpoindexter wrote on Charlm's profile.
Hello. I see you hunted with Sampie recently. If you don't mind me asking, where did you hunt with him? Zim or SA? And was it with a bow? What did you hunt?

I am possibly going to book with him soon.
Currently doing a load development on a .404 Jeffrey... it's always surprising to load .423 caliber bullets into a .404 caliber rifle. But we love it when we get 400 Gr North Fork SS bullets to 2300 FPS, those should hammer down on buffalo. Next up are the Cutting Edge solids and then Raptors... load 200 rounds of ammo for the customer and on to the next gun!