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  • S
    stk reacted to Red Leg's post in the thread Politics with Like Like.
    With Trump, personal grievance is apparently always more important than national interest. After all, Putin never insulted him.
  • S
    stk reacted to roverandbrew's post in the thread Politics with Like Like.
    I am pretty calm. My life has revolved around nefarious actors the last 30 years or so. I knew exactly who he was before elected. I was...
  • C
    Charlie is 12-1/2 so he’s getting up there but Beagles live longer than most breeds and average 15yrs+ so he’s still got some gas in the...
    THAT'S AFRICA SAFARI replied to the thread SA Lion hunting.
    Lion prices in South Africa are currently fluctuating a great deal due to the fact that CBL is under immense scrutiny and pressure to...
  • C
    CZDiesel reacted to Sabre's post in the thread Tonight is going to be a very long night with Like Like.
    I am very glad to hear he is back home and doing a bit better. How old is he? I have been in some sketchy hospitals as well, and...
  • R
    russ473 reacted to HankBuck's post in the thread .308 Win in Africa - fan or foe? with Like Like.
    @Sabre - you gave the “perfect” description of the .308: “balance of low recoil, power, distance, availability…”. It is an extremely...
  • S
    Sabre replied to the thread .308 Win in Africa - fan or foe?.
    To some degree, I agree with you, but there is diminishing returns. Yes, if you shoot an eland with a .22 there is certainly more...
  • VertigoBE
    VertigoBE reacted to mdwest's post in the thread Politics with Like Like.
    There’s never any guarantees… but Musk IMO is about as corruption proofed as anyone can be… What’s going to motivate the corruption...
  • luger6
    luger6 reacted to Tundra Tiger's post in the thread Politics with Haha Haha.
    You seem to reside there. I'll take your word for it. ;)
  • luger6
    luger6 reacted to Tubby’s Canteen's post in the thread Politics with Like Like.
    As a Canadian im just on the outside looking in but I do have a question. If Elon musk is firing department after department in Americas...
  • hyipl
    hyipl reacted to OxfordTheCat's post in the thread Politics with Like Like.
    His entire being is a lie: A false self made man and rags-to-riches story, a false founder story (Paypal), and in the early days of the...
  • hyipl
    hyipl reacted to mdwest's post in the thread Politics with Haha Haha.
    There’s never any guarantees… but Musk IMO is about as corruption proofed as anyone can be… What’s going to motivate the corruption...
  • hyipl
    hyipl reacted to Tubby’s Canteen's post in the thread Politics with Like Like.
    As a Canadian im just on the outside looking in but I do have a question. If Elon musk is firing department after department in Americas...
  • S
    Sabre reacted to Andrew62's post in the thread .308 Win in Africa - fan or foe? with Like Like.
    I've taken nearly 100 animals in Africa with my .308, a lot of which were blue wildebeests and zebras. For years I used Barnes 168...
  • M
    Matt8660 reacted to mark-hunter's post in the thread SA Lion hunting with Like Like.
    South Africa is hunter friendly country, with very developed hunting industry designed to fit western hunters, followed by Namibia. Both...