
Newsome has not been flying around the USA for nothing. And let’s not forget his Aunt is Nancy Pelosi, the most powerful D house member. And the D’s strategy of getting Trump indicted, tried and convicted as a felon is falling apart. This time around Uncle Joe will not be able to hide in his basement this time.
Not really related, just kinda sorta.
Newsome has not been flying around the USA for nothing. And let’s not forget his Aunt is Nancy Pelosi, the most powerful D house member. And the D’s strategy of getting Trump indicted, tried and convicted as a felon is falling apart. This time around Uncle Joe will not be able to hide in his basement this time.
I hope Pelosi runs, and wins
I hope Pelosi runs, and wins
She is running and likely will win, but not sure thats a good thing? You are joking right, I mean right??
She is running and likely will win, but not sure thats a good thing? You are joking right, I mean right??
I only want her as president as long as Biden is VP, I mean it's basically the dream team. The adults are back in the room.
I hope Pelosi runs, and wins
Instead of tearing up the State of the Union transcript she would probably spit out her teeth in the middle of it.
This country needs some serious help! And this dottering fool Biden is our president with people just as bad in the wing’s waiting to pounce.
What Pelosi/Biden should do is just double the national debt, I mean if the US has been able to accomplish this much in our 248 year history with only a 34 trillion dollar tab, imagine what we could do with 34 MORE Trillion in the next 10 months? They would have 2024 in the bag.
On the doomsday theme. It seems there is confusion between hard wired power grid or antenna shorted voltage spike damage and EMP based free elections invading and frying electronics. They are two different things. You can buy surge protectors that serve to protect from voltage spikes for any household outlet or circuit connected to sensitive electronics like computers or any modern appliance with chips/circuit boards. Usually the higher the joule rating the better when looking at these units. The more expensive, heavy duty surge protectors rated for the average 100-200 amp home power system are designed to shunt/divert or buffer high voltage surges before they enter the home at the utility supply connection. Investing in some protection, with either system, is a good idea no matter the source of the voltage surge.

A big EMP event is something else even though there may be some common symptoms. Lightning does not produce a large enough gamma ray initiated EMP to be much of a concern. At most you will notice a pulse of static noise as picked up on a radio or TV.... that is the EMP produced by a lightning strike. But a lightning strike can be a major concern for producing a damaging voltage spike within an existing power system or even through an external antenna. If a nuke is detonated above ground the gamma rays ionize any matter surrounding the detonation including the air molecules. There are magnitudes of difference between the total gamma ray production and EMP potential between a lightning strike and a nuke detonation. The free electrons generated by an aerial burst nuke are produced in a zone surrounding the detonation and are captured, spun up and directed by the earth's magnetic field lines. This electromagnetic pulse (EMP) follows the field lines down to the surface in a crescent shape (more heavily distributed in a southerly direction). That is the zone on the surface that is most affected by the pulse. Early air burst nuke tests by the US over the Pacific demonstrated this effect even though until then the effect was only theoretical. IIRC, Fermi was one of the first to theorize the effect. This is not the same as a voltage spike as seen in the power grid even though a strong EMP can cause failure of a utility's grid regulation creating a voyage spike. An EMP is a high intensity subjective/inductive phenomenon that is measured as units of voltage potential for any given volume of space. Damage protection from this effect can be via something like a Faraday cage or shield that captures, grounds or diverts the subjective/inductive EMP away from the sensitive electronics contained within. The trick here is.... how do you test it? :):)
If thinking survival for a prolonged natural or man made disaster, you need to forget your current way of life and current diet. 100s upon hundreds of pounds of rice, different dry beans, dried fruit, hard red wheat, cooking oil and shortening (which needs to be rotated), gallons of bleach, many pounds of baking soda and baking powder, a high quality hand grain grinder, pounds of salt, a large quantity and variety of spices, cases of jam in different flavors and organic peanut only peanut butter. Caned and dry milk. A ton of instant coffee, gallons of vodka, cases of wine, and lots of sugar, honey and hard candy. Some way to get and store water. A propane generator inside a vented 6 sided plywood box covered with two layers of 1/4 inch hardware cloth on all 6 sides with a layer of metal screen between each layer with the hardware cloth grounded and with an enormous muffler. Do not connect the propane line or the electrical cables to the generator except when used and do not ground the generator except when using. Protects from EMP. If you want, add freeze dried meat, soups, ice cream, etc. A solar charger, rechargeable batteries and flashlights plus low wattage led lights are also necessary. As are arms, ammo, and a high end first aid kit and as many antibiotics as you can accumulate. Get a wood burning cast iron insert for your fireplace or install a wood stove and have a shitload of dry wood. Then you have just begun to prepare for a minor SHTF event.
I forgot pasta and lots of it and pasta sauce in glass jars. The acid in the tomatoes keeps the pasta good for years. There are many types of pasta and many flavors of pasta sauce to add some variety. Regarding testing a Faraday cage, you could but it is not necessary. Just make sure that there are no gaps or spaces in the hardware cloth, that the generator is protected top, bottom, and all 4 sides, the generator does not touch the cases cloth (that is the job of the plywood box) the hardware cloth is well grounded and there are no penetrations to the “cage” which is why you do not connect the external fuel line, electrical wires or ground to the generator except when you are using it. The box and hardware cloth can have a lid as long as there is an overlap at the edges like a shoe box and there is conductivity between the lid and the remainder of the box and the ground.
Or just get a 20 foot storage container or a metal storage trailer and add a metal floor or layers of hardware cloth/screen to the floor and cover with a second plywood floor and put your generator, refridge, freezer and tv inside. Ground it well and do not penetrate the metal shield and you are good to go. All will be protected from EMP!!
Joe Biden just bolted from a hastily thrown together presser that was a disaster, he didnt do himself any favors.
He threw all his staff under the bus, swore during his replies, got just hammered by the usually friendly WH press corps and lost his train of thought as usual, denied he is a dottering old man with bad memory, despite that being right in the report.
Then lied about what was in the report.
We may be witnessing the dissolving of this presidency, we can only hope.
I don’t know if this is good or not. I think Trump has a chance of beating Biden. I’m not sure Trump can beat Newsome or Michelle. I kind of hope the Democrats double down and keep Biden in the race, not because I like ANYTHING the Biden crime family does but only because I think he is vulnerable.
So.....the DOJ says that Biden is just an elderly old man that is too incompetent to stand trial, but is competent enough to be the leader of this nation?

How far we've fallen as a nation
He's been incompetent and a habitual liar his entire career.
Special Council Robert K. Hur's report has just been released on Biden's handling of classified documents. As expected, He won't be charged when he leaves the presidency, but the findings and reasoning of the Special Council will resonate through the election.

This is the Washington Post article, hardly an unsympathetic source to the administration. Regrettably, I suspect it is likely behind a paywall. I have cut and pasted below some of the more striking comments that are certain to have traction through the election.

Special counsel Robert K. Hur found evidence President Biden “willfully retained and disclosed classified materials after his vice presidency when he was a private citizen” but that evidence “does not establish Mr. Biden’s guilt beyond a reasonable doubt.”

Ultimately, the report said a jury would find Biden to be a sympathetic figure and “a well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory.”
Hur said it would be "difficult to convince a jury that they should convict him -- by then a former president well into his eighties -- of a serious felony that requires a mental state of willfulness,” the report said.

The report portrayed Biden as a well-intentioned, but sometimes hapless and forgetful, a man who had access to classified materials throughout his government career.

Some of the classified documents were classified “top secret/sensitive compartmented information,” a category reserved for particularly sensitive material.

But officials said in the report that it would be hard to convince a jury that Biden retained the information willfully — a necessary basis for conviction. That’s because, according to officials, his “memory was significantly limited” and that it wouldn’t have been all that notable for Biden to discover classified information in his home less than a month after he left office.
“Mr. Biden’s memory was significantly limited, both during his recorded interviews with the ghostwriter in 2017, and in his interview with our office in 2023,”

I have yet to read the actual report (300+ pages), but the Post reporting, intended or not, does not portray a man competent to stand trial, much less run the country.
The picture this sends to the rest of the world is alarming, especially to adversaries, but to the rest too. The USA is meant to be a powerful righting force, imagine Biden at the helm during the Cuban missile crisis? I see someone in Congress is advocating the 25th, I wonder if the Democrats will support it or go down with the ship?
Joe Biden just bolted from a hastily thrown together presser that was a disaster, he didnt do himself any favors.
He threw all his staff under the bus, swore during his replies, got just hammered by the usually friendly WH press corps and lost his train of thought as usual, denied he is a dottering old man with bad memory, despite that being right in the report.
Then lied about what was in the report.
We may be witnessing the dissolving of this presidency, we can only hope.
It only amazes me that the Dems have been sitting on this powder keg this long. Of course he is ‘mentally challenged’ and it is inevitable that it will get worse at an accelerating pace. And it has. Now they only have bad choices for his ousting (good) and I agree with @Red Leg that the best option would be to bring it forward and put in the alternate asap. Then the damage control. I wonder if the joint house would be bold enough to use this mess to propose and enact an age cap?
It only amazes me that the Dems have been sitting on this powder keg this long. Of course he is ‘mentally challenged’ and it is inevitable that it will get worse at an accelerating pace. And it has. Now they only have bad choices for his ousting (good) and I agree with @Red Leg that the best option would be to bring it forward and put in the alternate asap. Then the damage control. I wonder if the joint house would be bold enough to use this mess to propose and enact an age cap?
Would love to see an age cap on POTUS, as well as the House and Senate

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