Word of caution (first hand) about hunting Mexico now

In preface... I am not looking for a beef, or issues, or debates, with Mexican Outfitters or hunters. I am merely making this post as a heads-up cautionary tale for those considering Mexico as a hunting/fishing destination...from a guy who's been there and done that.

In full disclosure, I have hunted and fished widely throughout Mexico and Baja since about 1975.
All the usual spots...and then some. Gauymas, Culiacan, Guanauato, Loreto, La Paz, Rancho Leonaro, Cabo, Mazatlan, Puerto Vallarta, Tulum, Playa del Carmen, and on and on.
For 35 plus years I never had a single experience that left me feeling threatened or endangered...not...one.
Things are (sadly...and factually) a whole lot different now.
A five day '22 Duck hunt with 5 amigos in San Fernando had me seriously wondering if I would survive the adventure.
For 5 days, the 1 1/2 hr drive to and from our "hunting lodge"...ie. heavily fortified compound (see Scarface)... to the hunting ponds our driver never drove (not once) less than 100 mph, on 2 lane roads, passing anything in the way.
My best bud, after telling the driver to slow down 3 or 4 times finally came undone and screamed at the driver to
To which the driver responded:
"We drive this fast because the boss told us to. It makes it harder for the Cartels to pull us over, kidnap you, get a ransom, and then burn you in a ditch"
Moral of the story:
There is not a fish to be caught... or an animal to be hunted...that can't be pursued elsewhere with 0 risk to your life and personal safety. Do NOT believe the Outfitters when they pooh pooh the actual dangers...they've still gotta try to make a living.

PS... After swearing on 1000 bibles I'd never go back, I'm headed to Sonora in 3 weeks for a Couse Deer hunt...BUT..I've done my due diligence. My guy is connected... and I have a name to drop if intercepted enroute to the ranch from the airport.
Safety first.
Hunting repost to follow...God willing.
@BGGMKLR - regarding Duck Hunts in Mexico, it use to be “the place to go” if you wanted to shoot 100-200 ducks a Day…1990s to early 2000s….unbelievable number of ducks and No limits enforced, No laws, No rules —- everything was illegal but hunting laws never enforced. From the time you reached your lodge you realized there are “No Rules”.
Steel Shot is required by Law BUT you can’t even get “steel shot” at the lodge…#4 & #6 LEAD was all they had. Once you reached your blind and the sun came up the ducks poured in — wave after wave—-redheads & pintails, and WHY NOT as shallow water was BAITED with CORN. Hunters I knew returned with photos that looked like the days of Market Hunting in the US back in the 1890s, one pair shot 125 redheads in the morning and 78 more in the afternoon. I was invited to go on this hunt but declined because of the “safety concerns”. One other detail, they don’t use dogs to retrieve your ducks - “Bird Boys” make every retrieve even if they need to wade deep water or swim —- during this trip hunters accidentally “shot” two Bird Boys, minor injuries as each took 1-2 pellets, guide suggested “tip them $20”….. It seemed like everything in the Mexico was done illegally and a few $$ covers all sins.. While the hunting was spectacular and what duck hunter wouldn’t like “One Day” where he could shoot 100-200 ducks? It just was Not for me and the safety concerns were a big part —- but Not the only part of my decision Not to go.
15 years later - I did go, was semi convinced safety was “better” even though the lodge that those hunters went to years earlier had Closed due to high crime and cartel activity. We had a decent hunt (Gulf side, 200 miles South of Texas border) but few birds were down that Winter and the large numbers of ducks were not there. Still, we took daily limits of 15 or so ducks each during morning hunts and dove hunted afternoons with 15 or so doves & pigeons taken on each. One morning quail hunt flushed 4 covies (without use of dogs), fun for a change-up. Also that week - two bird boys were “shot” while dove hunting - on two different days by other hunters. One kid took a pellet in the arm the other took 12-14 pellets into his forehead & body, none penetrated deeply and both were ok…No action was taken, No reports filed, and both bird boys were very matter-of-fact about it “happens all the time, no big deal etc..”. The bird boys seemed more concerned that they would Not be hired back if they complained - I assumed it was an important source of income for them. The next day we gave some bird boys Safety Glasses for them to keep, also had an argument with one of the Hunters that shot one of these boys because of his “so what” attitude and the $5. Tip he gave the kid (we gave same kid another $50 that day and was all the cash we had on us in the field.
Finally, after the hunt ended and On the drive back to the airport we were in two trucks: the Owner drove us in a Van followed by a Pick up truck with Guide driving 3 other hunters. As we got within 10 miles of Texas border and stopped at a red light - the pickup truck was Car Jacked,,,pinned in by two cars and having an AK47 pointed at driver window, ALL were ordered to “Get Out” and truck stolen - No one was hurt. Police there within minutes, truck later recovered because owner called “On Star” and they shut off engine. Still reminded me of “why” I never hunted Mexico before and WHY I will Not hunt there again. I will say the lodge & Owner were great, the accommodations and service great, food great, people very nice (except the hunter that shot bird boy). I enjoyed everything about the Country except the safety issues and obvious corruption. We hunted the largest marshland I’d ever seen and no other hunters or Lodges nearby - had it All to ourselves, a very UNDER Hunted area.
@BGGMKLR - regarding Duck Hunts in Mexico, it use to be “the place to go” if you wanted to shoot 100-200 ducks a Day…1990s to early 2000s….unbelievable number of ducks and No limits enforced, No laws, No rules —- everything was illegal but hunting laws never enforced. From the time you reached your lodge you realized there are “No Rules”.
Steel Shot is required by Law BUT you can’t even get “steel shot” at the lodge…#4 & #6 LEAD was all they had. Once you reached your blind and the sun came up the ducks poured in — wave after wave—-redheads & pintails, and WHY NOT as shallow water was BAITED with CORN. Hunters I knew returned with photos that looked like the days of Market Hunting in the US back in the 1890s, one pair shot 125 redheads in the morning and 78 more in the afternoon. I was invited to go on this hunt but declined because of the “safety concerns”. One other detail, they don’t use dogs to retrieve your ducks - “Bird Boys” make every retrieve even if they need to wade deep water or swim —- during this trip hunters accidentally “shot” two Bird Boys, minor injuries as each took 1-2 pellets, guide suggested “tip them $20”….. It seemed like everything in the Mexico was done illegally and a few $$ covers all sins.. While the hunting was spectacular and what duck hunter wouldn’t like “One Day” where he could shoot 100-200 ducks? It just was Not for me and the safety concerns were a big part —- but Not the only part of my decision Not to go.
15 years later - I did go, was semi convinced safety was “better” even though the lodge that those hunters went to years earlier had Closed due to high crime and cartel activity. We had a decent hunt (Gulf side, 200 miles South of Texas border) but few birds were down that Winter and the large numbers of ducks were not there. Still, we took daily limits of 15 or so ducks each during morning hunts and dove hunted afternoons with 15 or so doves & pigeons taken on each. One morning quail hunt flushed 4 covies (without use of dogs), fun for a change-up. Also that week - two bird boys were “shot” while dove hunting - on two different days by other hunters. One kid took a pellet in the arm the other took 12-14 pellets into his forehead & body, none penetrated deeply and both were ok…No action was taken, No reports filed, and both bird boys were very matter-of-fact about it “happens all the time, no big deal etc..”. The bird boys seemed more concerned that they would Not be hired back if they complained - I assumed it was an important source of income for them. The next day we gave some bird boys Safety Glasses for them to keep, also had an argument with one of the Hunters that shot one of these boys because of his “so what” attitude and the $5. Tip he gave the kid (we gave same kid another $50 that day and was all the cash we had on us in the field.
Finally, after the hunt ended and On the drive back to the airport we were in two trucks: the Owner drove us in a Van followed by a Pick up truck with Guide driving 3 other hunters. As we got within 10 miles of Texas border and stopped at a red light - the pickup truck was Car Jacked,,,pinned in by two cars and having an AK47 pointed at driver window, ALL were ordered to “Get Out” and truck stolen - No one was hurt. Police there within minutes, truck later recovered because owner called “On Star” and they shut off engine. Still reminded me of “why” I never hunted Mexico before and WHY I will Not hunt there again. I will say the lodge & Owner were great, the accommodations and service great, food great, people very nice (except the hunter that shot bird boy). I enjoyed everything about the Country except the safety issues and obvious corruption. We hunted the largest marshland I’d ever seen and no other hunters or Lodges nearby - had it All to ourselves, a very UNDER Hunted area.
I'm assuming the booze flowed freely. How could any sober person shoot a bird boy in the face accidentally when dove hunting? Maybe quail hunting (a la Dick "Trigger" Cheney). But dove hunting? That's pass shooting stuff. Was the bird boy flying overhead? That asshole MUST have been drunk. "Okay, you guys can have the truck ... if you take HIM with you." :D
I'm assuming the booze flowed freely. How could any sober person shoot a bird boy in the face accidentally when dove hunting? Maybe quail hunting (a la Dick "Trigger" Cheney). But dove hunting? That's pass shooting stuff. Was the bird boy flying overhead? That asshole MUST have been drunk. "Okay, you guys can have the truck ... if you take HIM with you." :D
@Ontario Hunter - there was NO Booze involved - the Hunter actually shot MY Bird boy when the young man ran out into a field to retrieve a Dove that I shot, as he was running back with the bird I saw he was holding his face and as he got closer blood trickled from his temple. I knew I hadn’t shot since he ran into the field and asked “what happened”? He pointed at another hunter 75 yrds South down the line, the older guy had no idea he shot the kid. As I was attending to the kid another hunter from North of me walked down to investigate and I told him what happened. He then walked down the line and told that Hunter that he had shot this kid. I thought “wow, that old guy’s gonna be really upset”….he never even walked up to see if the kid was ok and just kept “shooting” as we attended to the kid. I could feel the “pellet” just under the skin but was unable to “pop it out” - eventually in worked out. Then the kid lifted his Tee shirt and had another 8-10 pellet “marks” on his chest & belly — none penetrated. I guessed the range was 65-75 yrds from where the old guy stood when he shot the kid (20 ga 7 1/2s) likely shooting at a low crossing bird and failed to see the kid in the field. It was careless, the grass in the field was only ankle high but it was an accident. The old guy’s reaction was what set me off. And I said to him “you need to give that kid some money” and his response “I don’t have any” and I replied “You better find or borrow some fast”….he Dug in his pocket and handed the kid something (I later found out it was $5). By Luck or revenge - HE was one of the Hunters in the Highjacked truck 3 days later, he was also one of the hunters that gut stuck in deep mud duck hunting the next day and took two boats and 3 guides to rescue him (pull him out) he was in bad shape and close to passing out from exhaustion.. He was a real prick.
@Ontario Hunter - there was NO Booze involved - the Hunter actually shot MY Bird boy when the young man ran out into a field to retrieve a Dove that I shot, as he was running back with the bird I saw he was holding his face and as he got closer blood trickled from his temple. I knew I hadn’t shot since he ran into the field and asked “what happened”? He pointed at another hunter 75 yrds South down the line, the older guy had no idea he shot the kid. As I was attending to the kid another hunter from North of me walked down to investigate and I told him what happened. He then walked down the line and told that Hunter that he had shot this kid. I thought “wow, that old guy’s gonna be really upset”….he never even walked up to see if the kid was ok and just kept “shooting” as we attended to the kid. I could feel the “pellet” just under the skin but was unable to “pop it out” - eventually in worked out. Then the kid lifted his Tee shirt and had another 8-10 pellet “marks” on his chest & belly — none penetrated. I guessed the range was 65-75 yrds from where the old guy stood when he shot the kid (20 ga 7 1/2s) likely shooting at a low crossing bird and failed to see the kid in the field. It was careless, the grass in the field was only ankle high but it was an accident. The old guy’s reaction was what set me off. And I said to him “you need to give that kid some money” and his response “I don’t have any” and I replied “You better find or borrow some fast”….he Dug in his pocket and handed the kid something (I later found out it was $5). By Luck or revenge - HE was one of the Hunters in the Highjacked truck 3 days later, he was also one of the hunters that gut stuck in deep mud duck hunting the next day and took two boats and 3 guides to rescue him (pull him out) he was in bad shape and close to passing out from exhaustion.. He was a real prick.

Sometimes you gotta love (bad) Karma.
Man, I used to go to Mexico all the time with little angst. Now I have guys that do some work for me around the house and ranch that won’t go back for funerals! Obviously there are different levels of risk in different regions, but I haven’t been back in a decade plus.

20+ years ago I had a friend who loved bass fishing . . . and happened to own a Gulfstream V. He would decide to go fishing on a whim. No planning, no worries, nothing except great bass fishing and rough re-entry at work on Monday. Oooooof. We didn’t worry about pinche Zetas, crooked Federales etc. This was before kids and real responsibility, but seriously never worried about anything. Well, except that one time we realized while grabbing our luggage that there was a HK-91 on board in a very obvious full size case. That did cause a pucker!
Yep, things have changed for the worse. Even this side of the border between Freer and Laredo with all the LEO activity, will make you pay attention to what is around you, and they are not looking for folks speeding. On the lease we all lock our trucks and don’t leave the keys in the ranch ride at night anymore. I used to enjoy the walk to the blind in the early am dark but I do have thoughts of who I watching me sometimes. Had to put locks on some of the blinds to keep others out.
Well apparently now we have reports of IEDs’ being planted by the Cartels at different ambush points.

Apparently these are not your average pressure plate bombs; rather they are linked to drones- so the cartels can have a recon drone observing and the transmitter is mounted on the drone.

Once the drone operator confirms the target/vehicle is within range they can detonated the bomb.
Well apparently now we have reports of IEDs’ being planted by the Cartels at different ambush points.

Apparently these are not your average pressure plate bombs; rather they are linked to drones- so the cartels can have a recon drone observing and the transmitter is mounted on the drone.

Once the drone operator confirms the target/vehicle is within range they can detonated the bomb.
Wonderful. So now, simply being in a vehicle of the same type and color of a cartel enemy can get you killed...accidently.
Mistaken identity....sorry.
As stated, I'll stick to Argentina.
The only problems I've ever had (and continue to have) is:

Settling up my shell biil at the hunt conclusion (due entirely to my lack of self-control in such a target-rich environment)...
overindulging in world-class Argentinian beef and Malbec.

Ok @dchum here is a direct report from a friend of mine who outfits sheep and deer hunts in Mexico just across the border. He has hunted in Colorado with me several times and we talk often.

The media doesn’t discuss this because it involves Native Americans (fear of accusations of racism and not politically correct to criticize Native Americans) and the reservation on the Arizona border with Mexico. My friend leases ranches in Mexico across from the reservation. He said the cartels fight each other for this territory because the Native Americans are paid off by the cartels to allow smuggling of people and drugs. The tribe will not allow the US Government to build the wall on the reservation border so it is an open border.

When the cartels start fighting each other, the guides and hunters have to leave quickly. Last year, everyone had to leave and this disrupted several hunts. When the guides and hunters returned, they found bombed out vehicles, bodies, body armor and black rifles laying around. The cartels are now using drones to bomb each other, much like the war in Ukraine. My friend was also road blocked and told to walk, leave his truck behind or be killed.

For some crazy reason, he is operating down there again as we speak. He said it has been more safe this season with much less fighting between the cartels so far but he said this can change at any time.

No thanks, I will pass. I’ve been shot at before.
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Ok @dchum here is a direct report from a friend of mine who outfits sheep and deer hunts in Mexico just across the border. He has hunted in Colorado with me several times and we talk often.

The media doesn’t discuss this because it involves Native Americans (fear of accusations of racism and not politically correct to criticize Native Americans) and the reservation on the Arizona border with Mexico. My friend leases ranches in Mexico across from the reservation. He said the cartels fight each other for this territory because the Native Americans are paid off by the cartels to allow smuggling of people and drugs. The tribe will not allow the US Government to build the wall on the reservation border so it is an open border.

When the cartels start fighting each other, the guides and hunters have to leave quickly. Last year, everyone had to leave and this disrupted several hunts. When the guides and hunters returned, they found bombed out vehicles, bodies, body armor and black rifles laying around. The cartels are now using drones to bomb each other, much like the war in Ukraine. My friend was also road blocked and told to walk, leave his truck behind or be killed.

For some crazy reason, he is operating down there again as we speak. He said it has been more safe this season with much less fighting between the cartels so far but he said this can change at any time.

No thanks, I will pass. I’ve been shot at before.

The reservation would be an easy soft target for the cartels to exploit. We have seen it up here with drugs on the Wind River reservation.

Nothing will change until the tribal council is willing to shut down the money train and let it dry up, the likelihood of that happening is slim.
Are there any Mexican states that are safe to hunt? I know the ocean-side resorts are different, but Mexico is a big country.
Are there any Mexican states that are safe to hunt? I know the ocean-side resorts are different, but Mexico is a big country.
I am in the advanced stages for booking a jungle hunt in Yucatan in 2027. Safest state according to multiple people I have spoken.
Fly in to SeaTac, rent car, drive to Port Angeles, take the Coho ferry to Victoria. You can leave the cars at Port Angeles. Everything easily within walking distance in Vicoria and weather is typically beautiful. Lots of bed and breakfasts and wonderful people. Everyone will be 100% safe. Don't need to be packing guns. You'll see when you get there. Without doubt the most relaxing tourist destination I've ever experienced. And my career with US Park Service took me to a LOT of tourist destinations. Oh, and don't forget the exchange rate massively favors your US dollars. But that may change after Trump starts his tariff war. Book now.
and get a bus for the whole company to Tofino.
@BGGMKLR - regarding Duck Hunts in Mexico, it use to be “the place to go” if you wanted to shoot 100-200 ducks a Day…1990s to early 2000s….unbelievable number of ducks and No limits enforced, No laws, No rules —- everything was illegal but hunting laws never enforced. From the time you reached your lodge you realized there are “No Rules”.
Steel Shot is required by Law BUT you can’t even get “steel shot” at the lodge…#4 & #6 LEAD was all they had. Once you reached your blind and the sun came up the ducks poured in — wave after wave—-redheads & pintails, and WHY NOT as shallow water was BAITED with CORN. Hunters I knew returned with photos that looked like the days of Market Hunting in the US back in the 1890s, one pair shot 125 redheads in the morning and 78 more in the afternoon. I was invited to go on this hunt but declined because of the “safety concerns”. One other detail, they don’t use dogs to retrieve your ducks - “Bird Boys” make every retrieve even if they need to wade deep water or swim —- during this trip hunters accidentally “shot” two Bird Boys, minor injuries as each took 1-2 pellets, guide suggested “tip them $20”….. It seemed like everything in the Mexico was done illegally and a few $$ covers all sins.. While the hunting was spectacular and what duck hunter wouldn’t like “One Day” where he could shoot 100-200 ducks? It just was Not for me and the safety concerns were a big part —- but Not the only part of my decision Not to go.
15 years later - I did go, was semi convinced safety was “better” even though the lodge that those hunters went to years earlier had Closed due to high crime and cartel activity. We had a decent hunt (Gulf side, 200 miles South of Texas border) but few birds were down that Winter and the large numbers of ducks were not there. Still, we took daily limits of 15 or so ducks each during morning hunts and dove hunted afternoons with 15 or so doves & pigeons taken on each. One morning quail hunt flushed 4 covies (without use of dogs), fun for a change-up. Also that week - two bird boys were “shot” while dove hunting - on two different days by other hunters. One kid took a pellet in the arm the other took 12-14 pellets into his forehead & body, none penetrated deeply and both were ok…No action was taken, No reports filed, and both bird boys were very matter-of-fact about it “happens all the time, no big deal etc..”. The bird boys seemed more concerned that they would Not be hired back if they complained - I assumed it was an important source of income for them. The next day we gave some bird boys Safety Glasses for them to keep, also had an argument with one of the Hunters that shot one of these boys because of his “so what” attitude and the $5. Tip he gave the kid (we gave same kid another $50 that day and was all the cash we had on us in the field.
Finally, after the hunt ended and On the drive back to the airport we were in two trucks: the Owner drove us in a Van followed by a Pick up truck with Guide driving 3 other hunters. As we got within 10 miles of Texas border and stopped at a red light - the pickup truck was Car Jacked,,,pinned in by two cars and having an AK47 pointed at driver window, ALL were ordered to “Get Out” and truck stolen - No one was hurt. Police there within minutes, truck later recovered because owner called “On Star” and they shut off engine. Still reminded me of “why” I never hunted Mexico before and WHY I will Not hunt there again. I will say the lodge & Owner were great, the accommodations and service great, food great, people very nice (except the hunter that shot bird boy). I enjoyed everything about the Country except the safety issues and obvious corruption. We hunted the largest marshland I’d ever seen and no other hunters or Lodges nearby - had it All to ourselves, a very UNDER Hunted area.
Those epic hunts are still fairly common...in Argentina.


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From my understanding only for hunting not carrying for self defen ce

I was actually asked if my handgun/revolver was for hunting and/or self defense carry due to the minimal legal length hunting barrel.

I stated for hunting purposes only.

As for RSA: Marius of Henry Rifle Premits had everything sorted as I had pre-approved firearms permits.

As for Zimbabwe: It also seemed it could have been just as simple to get a carry permit as it was to get a handgun hunting permit or a combination. Just by using the SAPS520 and filling out the Zimbabwe CBP firearms permit.

As confusing as RSA and Zimbabwean laws are, I wouldn’t advice getting a carry permit unless fully knowledgeable on when, where, how, and all the other hubbub just to carry. Then being placed in a seemingly no brainer self defense situation having pulled the trigger. The legal ramifications would be harrowing in itself.
To speak from somewhat recent experience, I was in San Fernando this past December on a duck hunt. I've been down there 5 times in the past 3 years. The duck and quail hunting is still world class. We've seen the cartel at some point on every trip and had a couple roadblock type interactions with them but as soon as they saw our outfitter's logo on the door of the truck everything was good to go.

I've traveled extensively throughout the Caribbean and Central America during past employment and those cartel encounters don't even rank in the top 5 of sketchy experiences I've had at other "resort" destinations.

I think as long as you go with a reputable outfitter you're in no more danger than you would be in any major city here in the states. The only times I've ever seen people find trouble in other countries is when they went looking for it. I'm definitely keeping my eyes on the current cartel situation but as of now, I'm booked again for this December in San Fernando.
To speak from somewhat recent experience, I was in San Fernando this past December on a duck hunt. I've been down there 5 times in the past 3 years. The duck and quail hunting is still world class. We've seen the cartel at some point on every trip and had a couple roadblock type interactions with them but as soon as they saw our outfitter's logo on the door of the truck everything was good to go.

I've traveled extensively throughout the Caribbean and Central America during past employment and those cartel encounters don't even rank in the top 5 of sketchy experiences I've had at other "resort" destinations.

I think as long as you go with a reputable outfitter you're in no more danger than you would be in any major city here in the states. The only times I've ever seen people find trouble in other countries is when they went looking for it. I'm definitely keeping my eyes on the current cartel situation but as of now, I'm booked again for this December in San Fernando.

The reputable outfitter in the question. How to identify one and separate the truth from fiction.

A Mexico mule deer hunt has been high on my dream list for a long time. But I’ve never gotten comfortable with knowing who to book with—starting with safety and then the experience and quality of hunt.
The reputable outfitter in the question. How to identify one and separate the truth from fiction.

A Mexico mule deer hunt has been high on my dream list for a long time. But I’ve never gotten comfortable with knowing who to book with—starting with safety and then the experience and quality of hunt.
I think you're spot on. I was introduced to our outfitter through a personal friend that has been hunting with him for 15 years now. Without that assurance I wouldn't have ever tried it.

That's what makes a place like this forum so great. You can get real world information from people that have actually been there without wondering about what they gained from an outfitter or ph sending you to them for a referral.

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Available Game 2025!

White Wildebeest.
CAustin wrote on ZANA BOTES SAFARI's profile.
Zana it was very good to see you at SCI National. Best wishes to you for a great season.
Hi gents we have very little openings left for 2025 if anyone is interested in a last minute hunt!

here are the dates,

17-25 June
25-31 July
1-28 Sept
7-31 October

Shoot me a message ASAP to book your spot 2026 is also filling up fast! will start posting 2026 dates soon!
Hello! I’m new… from Texas!