Just won a 10 day trip Need Advice

You may need to talk to your tax guy also. The IRS might look at the listed value of the hunt. Might be an ugly surprise????
Fair point but ONLY if you get a 1099 and report. I’d be shocked if they 1099 but, to your point, one is supposed to declare fair market value. This would be a non listed transaction I believe.
Would be worth asking the NWTF about getting a 1099. I’d be pissed because he then has no place to offset it even if he didn’t go
And… 52 and under $3,950 which is double or more than any normal place…
ALL the trophy fees are SKY HIGH to get people in camp and make up for it with every trigger pull
You end up paying double what a good package would be with numerous reputable outfitters (virtually all)

Yeah, it was a joke.
Fair point but ONLY if you get a 1099 and report. I’d be shocked if they 1099 but, to your point, one is supposed to declare fair market value. This would be a non listed transaction I believe.
Would be worth asking the NWTF about getting a 1099. I’d be pissed because he then has no place to offset it even if he didn’t go

The question really comes into play on if this was a raffle since the NWTF is a 503c Non Profit you don't have to pay taxes on any prize if the value is under 300x the price of the ticket. So for example if you bought a ticket for 20 dollars, not taxes if it is less than a 6k value. 100, you are up to 30k.
As far as advice, don't feel the need to shoot a bunch of animals on your first trip. You are going to go again, don't put pressure on yourself that it is a once in a lifetime hunt. Enjoy it, do multiple stalks and be picky. Have fun!
Thanks to everyone for the advice. You guys really step up on these matters. I would never imagined getting this kind of response so quickly. I have learned a lot in the past 24hrs.

Now, after waking up from my dream state of winning an African Safari and realizing it was just a marketing ploy, I am now more bound and determined to go. I may still go with the current company or I may not but I wont be going in blind. I don't blame either of these companies for their strategy but it just isn't how I wanted it to start. I am neither a poor or rich man but at this point in my life I can afford to go on one of these hunts without all the drama. After all the suggestions and advice I will be doing my homework and setting up the hunt how I want it to be. Please continue to comment and give all the advice, suggestions and even recommendations on outfitters you would return to.

Thanks, Jim
If this was me, I would vet both companies very carefully, talk to references and pick one that you feel comfortable with. Save up as much money to hunt extra animals. Go and have an open mind and you will most likely have the hunt of your life.
If you can’t save money, most SA outfitters take credit cards. You could get a new credit card and hunt up to it’s limit and throw it away when you get home. Pay it off as soon as possible. This would be a last resort.
For some reason auction/raffle hunts bring out some very strong opinions on the forum to say the least. I’ve heard about great hunts taken with auctions and bad hunts. I’ve also heard the same about hunts where the client was paying full freight, some of these stories were worse than the auction hunt stories.
I went to a Whitetail banquet a couple years ago where a free safari was being raffled off with 3 animals on the list. By that time, I had already booked my Safari and knew that what was being given was not really a great deal. Just know this: Vet your outfitter. There are many outfitters in South Africa and most are great. The bad ones do not last long. It is the hardest thing to choose a good one first when you have no knowledge base to draw on. The AH forum here and maybe SCI are two resources that are unbiased. Also, with regards to African trophy fees, the prices are all somewhat negotiable. Compare and then talk to your outfitter about a package that you would like. For whatever reason, some African game is in higher demand and the prices reflect that. For example: Gemsbok is a great hunt but they are much less expensive than say Kudu or Sable. Impala are common and easy to hunt and are usually priced very low. Wildebeest are another that are cheap but is a very fun hunt.

I hunted Limpopo last year. While the prices go up with inflation and exchange rates I will share my numbers for comparison. Nyala (1/8" from being a record bull), Blue Wildebeest (World Record Book Bull), Bushbuck (another Record), Duiker, Gemsbok (a nice bull instead of a taller female), Impala which was not a record but a very nice ram. My hunt was 8 hunting days plus two travel days with all services included except for VAT tax, taxidermy and tips plus my airfare. My hunt was $6,500 by contract. I traded the Zebra on my list for the Wildebeest which was about the same price and added the Impala. We did not bag the Warthog ($500) or the Baboon which was free and with those adjustments and taxes I paid $7,250 plus tips. Travel was $2,500. I could have flown for $1,750 that trip but paid a bit more to avoid driving as far etc. My PH's price list is not the cheapest but he owns his own main reserve and has access to about 6 others to hunt on for variety. He also hunts Namibia, Botswana, Free State and E. Cape. He also has a number of color variant species of Wildebeest, Impala and maybe Blesbok. Those all bring a premium and for good reason. He has been more than willing to offer discounts or add-ons at fair prices. His lodge is 5-star and the food is as good as it gets. His facilities are well cared for and I was comfortable and safe at all times. Except for the day I was standing five feet from four sleeping lions that were sleeping off a zebra kill, lol. Cheap thrill.

I did pay about twice the recommended rate for tips simply because I had such a magnificent time that I felt that any less would not be fair. About 10% was recommended. By day six, I had this wonderful Zen feeling that came over me and it lasted for weeks after I returned home and was simply priceless. I honestly think about Africa EVERY DAY. I am going back this year with the same PH for a more ambitious hunt that will include Kudu, Cape Buffalo, Zebra, Warthog, Blesbok, Baboon, Black Wildebeest and either Springbok or one other animal to be named later. Could be Waterbuck or Lechwe, or something else. That hunt is priced higher by about 2x but if you price Kudu and Buff alone they would add up to nearly the same total.


Four Sleeping Lions - they filled up on Zebra last night
We were too close and knew it but it was a chance encounter
The big Lioness did wake up, opened one eye, bared one very large fang and flopped back down
I could have pulled the tail of the one in the middle
Moral: Let Sleeping Lions Lie​
Congratulations on your winning of this package. I've skimmed through the other posts, and many have weighed in with great advice.

I will add one note that is the unpopular decision among most here: unless you have an emotional attachment to taking your own rifle(s), I am one who prefers to rent one from the outfitter. As long as you feel comfortable in you ability to shoot "any" rifle, they want clients to be successful and have quality equipment on hand. ... I do not necessarily think it is overly difficult to travel with guns or go through the process, thousands of people do it all the time; but to me it's just one less thing to have to deal with.

I've been on a couple of auction packages hunts and they absolutely can be amazing deals and very worthwhile. Both of mine have been. You've made the right first step to gather info and aren't going in blind, so I'm confident you can make it a fantastic trip!

Good luck!
Sounds to me like you’re a step ahead of the game already. Have fun over there. I think about going back to Africa every day.

I went to a few P&Y conventions a few years ago. And I bought one of the silent auction hunts for a heck of a deal. The thing was though, I knew what I was getting, and I knew the price list for trophy fees. I’d even talked to the outfitter already at that convention, so I kinda knew what I was in for.

The hunt got delayed a couple times, once because of me, and once because of Covid. Then I went and shot the heck out of stuff. The only things I wanted was a nyala, and my wife wanted a giraffe rug. I got my nyala, and my wife got her rug, and I shot 6 other animals, a couple of which were bigger ticket plains game species.

At other conventions my wife has almost begged me to buy a couple live auction items. One of which was a Spanish ibex hunt that went super cheap. But I was really bothered by what was included in the hunt, and I thought there were going to be a lot of hidden fees, so I passed. No regrets.

I think some of these auctions and raffles can be awesome, but you gotta do your research.
I won a hunt like this years back.
Since it is probably how the company gets customers. You sign up to win a hunt and there might be ten winners depending on how many hunts they sold at the show?
Ask for someone local that won in a previous year and talk to them. I met a local that hunted with them and was a winner for the company. He took 11 or 12 animals. He was totally happy with them.
I took the two free animals and then only took two more a Nyala and Red Hartebeest. The trophies cost about $3500? I had a great time mine was a 7 day hunt 5 and that filled it up I did some Photography to fill time when we saw things that were not on the list.
Enjoy your time and go back later with a package that might have the animals that you would like but were to much.
Use it as a learning experience.
2. 2 animals are included. What is a good number of animals to add to make for a good trip and make the outfitter happy? (money wise)
Without reading previous comments: I would plan for 1.5 day per animal. In 10 days you can collect up to 6 to 7 animals, total.
Next you need to check with outfitter availability and price list per each species. And then complete your wish list. Discuss this with outfitter. Make sure all is agreed to your satisfaction.

On the ground:
Be flexible for targets of opportunity. (bring extra money)

Also be flexible with species you want to hunt. Your wish list, is not carved in stone, I mean, when you go first time you want all and you want it now. But in 10 days, if you dont get impala, maybe you will get springbok instead. So dont complain on that. Impala you will get next time. Safari is not super-market shopping, and opportunities are fluid.
South Africa has success rate 99% in plains game safari. But still, there is that 1% of non planned situations. Take this in good spirit, if it happens, and dont complain.
I did a similar trip this past summer. Feel free to pm me and I’ll answer any question you have as best I can. There’s a tremendous amount of information and resources on this website. Almost to the point of being overwhelming. Happy to help if you wanna ask specific questions off-line.
Fair point but ONLY if you get a 1099 and report. I’d be shocked if they 1099 but, to your point, one is supposed to declare fair market value. This would be a non listed transaction I believe.
Would be worth asking the NWTF about getting a 1099. I’d be pissed because he then has no place to offset it even if he didn’t go
Correct, but most outfitters do declare the right off on their end for tax purposes, if the donated hunt generated in the USA.
Greetings jb1069,

Khomas Highland Hunting and Fishing Safaris of Namibia, welcomes you to the greatest forum on earth.

I cannot add any advice beyond what the other members have already submitted.
And just like several others here, I am not familiar with “Hercules Safaris” either.

Best Regards,
Velo Dog.
I second @TRAVEL EXPRESS for travel. But looking at their website his prices are substantially higher than AH sponsors pricelist. i agree I wouldn't hunt just 2 animals on a 10 day hunt but do some research and make a list of what you would hunt there add up those fees and price a hunt with a sponsor here my guess is you can cancel that hunt and book one with 6-7 animals cheaper than what's offered as free. If money is no object than proceed away as there are also expenses on the back end you must consider, taxidermy, shipping, gratuities. Good Luck either way you will definitely have fun.
Just this past weekend I won a 10 day 2 animal safari with Hercules Safaris. I am beyond excited. This was something I was planning on doing in the next 5 years but it looks likes my plans are moving forward faster than I expected. This is my first post on here but I have been reading for quite sometime. Now that the dream is starting to become reality I have so many questions and so much to learn quickly. I am still waiting on the information they are sending regarding dates and arrangements. I am hoping to get some feedback from you guys/gals on some of my first questions. Thank you for any help or suggestions.

1. Flight arrangements. Is it beneficial using a travel agent? If so who do you recommend?
2. 2 animals are included. What is a good number of animals to add to make for a good trip and make the outfitter happy? (money wise)
3. Reviews on Hercules Safaris. Even though I have won this trip I would like to know what to expect with this company from actual clients.

These are just a few questions that have popped into my head. I am sure I will have plenty more. Please bare with me. If there is anything anyone would care to add or suggest please do. I am a dry sponge at this point!

Thank you, Jim
I am sorry to tell you that you have won basically nothing. You need to take a step back and compare to many other safari operators before you commit to this donation hunt. Get your wish list and make a spreadsheet and compare the full Safari cost of some of our sponsors like @KMG Hunting Safaris, @JKO HUNTING SAFARIS , etc. Our SCI Chapter is about to have our banquet and we do not even consider these type of hunts for our auction. Then when you are fully informed you can peruse AH in he safari planning section to have all of your questions answered.
I know you are excited and I am sorry to pour cold water on the situation. I just want you to have the best first safari you possibly can.
JImP_Thank you for the advice and help. I will definitely check with Travel Express. As far as guns I was thinking of using theirs to save on the hassle of traveling with guns. What is your thoughts on this?

IvW_I didnt pay anything. It was a drawing at the NWTF show this past weekend.
What hassle? You are going hunting and need your gun! Use a TA and all will be well.
Excellent example however I visited with them at SCI in 2024 and their prices were on the higher side but not :out of line". So again. An excellent example of what you should be able to find easily. With a bit more looking you can likely do better.
Actually if you were to make a spreadsheet and compare the package to others you might be surprised.
My opinion is skip the travel agent. Find your flight using Google flights. Go ahead and buy travel insurance but buy it directly from the company, not as an add on to your flight (it will cover more that way). If you buy the insurance within a day or two, you ought to be able to also insure any $ you spent on the hunt (if it was an auction). If you change your mind about taking a gun, then pay someone to facilitate that. To be honest, I've only been once. But I've bought plane tickets twice. The first time we didn't get to fly out due to a mistake on the part of the travel agent. And then instead of making things right, they (the travel agency) left us high and dry. Know you'll likely talk yourself into spending more than you planned after you get there. Good luck and post a review when you get back.
Sure. This way you can fly on several different airlines some of which may not carry guns! Very bad advice for someone on their first safari.

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Available Game 2025!

White Wildebeest.
CAustin wrote on ZANA BOTES SAFARI's profile.
Zana it was very good to see you at SCI National. Best wishes to you for a great season.
Hi gents we have very little openings left for 2025 if anyone is interested in a last minute hunt!

here are the dates,

17-25 June
25-31 July
1-28 Sept
7-31 October

Shoot me a message ASAP to book your spot 2026 is also filling up fast! will start posting 2026 dates soon!
Hello! I’m new… from Texas!