The last six months have been a challenge. My son and I were on our annual moose hunt in Newfoundland late September 2024. The first day (Monday 9/23) we hunted our way back to the spike camp we would be using for a night or two. We opened the camp, cut some wood and went off on foot for the evening hunt. We glassed for 2-3 hrs. spotting several different animals in a valley, I was looking for a meat bull. We made a couple moves to different vantage points and found a young bull with a cow. We made a quick stalk and my hunt was over, so I thought. Darkness was 1/2 hr away so we were moving quickly to get the guts out of my bull, traversing down through a bog bordered by tucks.
On the way down I stepped into a hole covered by bog grass slightly larger than my boot and almost up to my knee. When my left foot hit the bottom, I heard and felt a snap, crunch sound (my son heard it 8 feet behind me) NOT GOOD! With time working against us my son and our friend (guide) took care of my moose while I looked at my foot and felt sorry for myself. I tried to stand but no way was this going to happen, I knew some bones were broken.
Our friend went back to the spike camp to get the Argo while my son stayed with me. They loaded me up and off we went to the main camp 2 hrs away where I made myself a couch decoration until Friday afternoon. On the way out of camp we stopped at the butcher to pick up our 2 bulls (my son got a nice one Wednesday) and off to the ferry for an overnight sailing. We hit the mainland Saturday @ 7am drove straight through 20hrs home so I could get medical help. I went to a small local hospital and they referred me to our main hospital in Rochester (strong Hospital) where X rays were performed.
I was told I would need surgery, my heel was broken in several pieces, multiple bones in my foot were broken and I had broken the end of my fibula along with three blood clots in my lower leg. Surgery was performed October 7th where they put my foot back together with a plate and 9 screws.
I returned home the next day and was to be non-weight bearing for almost 3 months, December 20th I was cleared to start weight bearing which was to be gradual using crutches and a walking boot, February 14th was my last day with crutches. Since then, I have been getting around (slowly) relearning to walk, forcing myself to use the leg and not limp. It will be a challenge for a while, I found it necessary to cancel 3 trips planned for 2025 just to get better. 2026 will hopefully be back to normal, I already have a trip planned with KMG and another moose hunt planned in October.
On the way down I stepped into a hole covered by bog grass slightly larger than my boot and almost up to my knee. When my left foot hit the bottom, I heard and felt a snap, crunch sound (my son heard it 8 feet behind me) NOT GOOD! With time working against us my son and our friend (guide) took care of my moose while I looked at my foot and felt sorry for myself. I tried to stand but no way was this going to happen, I knew some bones were broken.
Our friend went back to the spike camp to get the Argo while my son stayed with me. They loaded me up and off we went to the main camp 2 hrs away where I made myself a couch decoration until Friday afternoon. On the way out of camp we stopped at the butcher to pick up our 2 bulls (my son got a nice one Wednesday) and off to the ferry for an overnight sailing. We hit the mainland Saturday @ 7am drove straight through 20hrs home so I could get medical help. I went to a small local hospital and they referred me to our main hospital in Rochester (strong Hospital) where X rays were performed.
I was told I would need surgery, my heel was broken in several pieces, multiple bones in my foot were broken and I had broken the end of my fibula along with three blood clots in my lower leg. Surgery was performed October 7th where they put my foot back together with a plate and 9 screws.
I returned home the next day and was to be non-weight bearing for almost 3 months, December 20th I was cleared to start weight bearing which was to be gradual using crutches and a walking boot, February 14th was my last day with crutches. Since then, I have been getting around (slowly) relearning to walk, forcing myself to use the leg and not limp. It will be a challenge for a while, I found it necessary to cancel 3 trips planned for 2025 just to get better. 2026 will hopefully be back to normal, I already have a trip planned with KMG and another moose hunt planned in October.
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