Aussie big boar hunting

  • Media owner Shuggy
  • Date added
I shot this big boar off a wild brumby bait with my 25/06. He ran 30 metres and dropped, I walked over and gave him a kick and he was gone, I grabbed his foot and tail to drag him to a spot for a photo and he suddenly came back to life. I hung on tight to the tail and foot as he tried to turn on me and gore me with his tusks, my rifle was on my shoulder and unloaded and I had no chance of getting a shot off before he got to me. After dancing around for a very long couple of minutes he finally sunk to the ground for good and I had to try and force my heart back down my throat!. Tusks measured 8 inches when pulled and scored just on 30Douglas Points which is record class, my best and scariest boar!.
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