
Bison in the Henry Mountains of Utah

  • Media owner JimP
  • Date added
Here is a picture of a bison that I took at around 10 yards. This is a wild one in the Henry Mountains of Utah which has a free roaming herd. My brother in law had drawn the tag for a November hunt and we were down scouting them in September. This guy had been kicked out of the herd and if you look you will see that his right horn has been broken in a fight. Their mating time is usually in late July/August.

We spotted him from a mile away so I grabbed a camera and headed towards him. When I got within 50 yards I worked from tree to tree and when I finally popped out from around a tree at that 10 yards he just looked at me for the picture. Just after the picture he turned and headed into some thicker stuff. I was thinking that if he even twitched I was going up the tree that I was standing next to. It was a rush getting as close to him as I did.

He was shot the opening weekend of the hunt the first of November just above where he stands for the picture. They are magnificent creatures and you can see the power in their bodies. When we were there hunting my nieces son watched two bulls come off of a hill. His only comments were Da** they just ran over a tree, they didn't go around it but right over it without even slowing down.
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Wow, that is awesome! Bison on the Henry Mountains is one epic adventure. Most people don’t realize just how difficult and demanding that hunt can be. I keep putting in every year, but will probably be too old to do the hunt by the time I draw the tag. Did your brother in law get his Bison?
I’ve helped hunt bison on that unit before and it’s much tougher than it sounds-strong work with the camera, love the photo

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