One Day...

Bit of geometry behind the best position on the sticks

2) Less commonly realized is the fact that to reduce the effect of the shooter's body swaying side to side on the movements of the barrel, the forearm should rest on the sticks as forward as possible. This is simple geometry, as illustrated here under.

With the rifle resting on the sticks at the end of the forearm, the barrel movements have considerably less amplitude than the shooter's movements:

Conversely, if the rifle is rested on the sticks around its midpoint, just ahead of the action, the barrel movements have considerably more amplitude than the shooter's movements:

So, for the best results, finding a comfortable position on the sticks is indeed critical, but placing the rifle on the sticks in the right position is even more important. The nice thing is that these are not mutually exclusive. It is easy to develop a comfortable position, with the rifle in the right place
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This is one of two drawing illustrating where on the forearms to rest the rifle when shooting from the sticks.
This one illustrates the incorrect rifle position: the rifle rests on the sticks around the stock midpoint, just ahead of the action, and the barrel movements have considerably more amplitude than the shooter's movements.

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