.450 3 1/4" Nitro Express and 12 3/4" (70mm) shotgun barrels

  • Media owner HWL
  • Date added
The gun is back from blueing the barrels..... the action will keep ist original color case hardening.

The gunsmith who did the blueing told me, the color case hardening is still close to the condition it left the factory.
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My next trip to RSA is a black powder only hunt....

I will load the .450 as an .450 Black Powder Express with lead bullets and the shotgun with 12 ga black powder loads.

...also some BP slugs.

The gun also can handle full loads of .450 Nitro Express 3 1/4 " and nitro shot shells.

As you can see, the gun has no rear sights.... it seem to be a close combat only number...

Before i do any hunting, I want to figure out how to hit anything without a rear sight.



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