One Day...


What I find interesting.... some answers, is the blurring between categories. Most would think of the traditional 3 rifles African battery as a light, a medium and a heavy. The typical historical example being .30 / .375 / .470.

Of course, each of these can be replaced by something sensibly similar: for example, replace .375 with .404 or .416; or replace .470 with .500 or .458; or replace .30 with .280 or .300, .316, .338; etc. There are a number of such batteries in the thread. I understand them.

I find it interesting to see batteries such as .300 / .375 / .416, or .280 / .366 / .404, etc. or on the other end of the spectrum .300 / .458 / . 500 where there are essentially two mediums or two heavies. I do not understand those as well.

My own three rifles battery in open bush would be:
.300 Wby
.375 H&H
.470 NE

and, in dense bush:
.300 Wby
.416 Rigby
.470 NE

As to bringing more than one rifle, whether the Pelican 1750 contains two assembled rifles, or the Pelican 1700 contains two disassembled rifles, does not cost a dollar more or one additional sheet of paperwork, and weight is not really an issue because there are wheels on the cases... so I find it no issue whatsoever to always bring two rifles.

I personally take the center layer of foam out of the Pelican 1750 and carry the rifles in thick Boyt padded cotton gun cases. The protect the rifles just as well as cut-out foam during the flights and are very useful to protect the rifles in the hunting truck...

Truth be told, if the 50 lbs weight limit, and two checked luggage limit, did not exist, I would likely take three rifles for a dream full bag month long safari...

As to experience, if memory of Bob Ruark's writings serves, Harry Selby used a .256 Mannlicher, a .416 Rigby and a .450 #2 double...
@One Day... Thank you sir, that is one ingenious way to pack two rifle. I like it a lot, and may try that next time I go back to Africa. (y)(y)

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