Bob Nelson 35Whelen

Range Shots

This is a 100 yard target with THE 265 FTX using a full length case. This can't be done in the marlin as the case must be one tenth of an inch shorter to allow it to feed.
Cases for the factory FTX load can't be reloaded using standard dies and require new dimension dies.
The 265 flat nose soft point can be loaded normally.
My load is over maximum for the marlin and should never be used in it.
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They are big holes Bob. What would you use that for?
How about posting some of your sons range work?
.308s are interesting too, gotta be everyone has one!
Looked pretty impressed with his trophies in Namibia.
I meant put up photos of his targets, grouping etc.
You put a bit of effort into development
@CBH Australia
Chris if you knew how much development I put into my load development you would be pissed off.
I start with a once fired or new case partially neck sized and partially insert a projectile.
Chamber it pushing the projectile into the case. This will usually leave land marks on the projectile.
I roughly measure the length of the marks and deduct 30 to 50 thou.
Make up another cartridge that length and chamber it. If there are no land marks that's my length.
I use this method for each projectile and caliber I use

Next I consult a few reloading books and sites to work out a powder.
I then consult Wayne blackells load from a disc and see w that pressure and velocity each give.
I usually pick the slowest powder that gives 50 to 52,000 cup and use that load.
Off to the range and check accuracy and velocity.
Usually I'm arsey and get it right first time.
When I loaded the accubonds for my son some one at the range how long it took to develop a load that accurate he was pissed off when I said 5 minutes.
When the range opens I will post a target or 2 from my son.
The load I've worked out for his 308 for long range is
Federal premium case
Remington LR primers
168grain Sierra MKHPBT
48 grains of cfe223 for a proposed MV of 2,800 fps @ 60,000 psi
Cartridge overall length 2.88 inches.
We will see how it goes and post results for you.

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Weapon & Ammunition
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Bob Nelson 35Whelen
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