One Day...

Bit of geometry behind the best position on the sticks

4) Regarding feet positions, since the sticks limit your swaying front to back, it is important to spread your feet sideways to limit your swaying side to side.

Wrong feet position (the center of the sticks and the two feet are in line and provide no side to side stability):

Right feet position (the center of the sticks and the two feet form a triangle and provide both front to back, and side to side stability):
5) As to whether one should hold the rifle and the sticks together, this is debatable. I personally only hold the forearm, in the same place I do without the sticks. On high recoil rifles, grabbing the sticks with the rifle results in lifting the stick from the ground under recoil, and making a second quick shot very challenging
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This is one of two drawing illustrating feet positions when shooting from the sticks.
This one illustrates the correct feet position: the center of the sticks and the two feet form a triangle and provide both front to back, and side to side stability.

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