Romania Hunt Wild Boar

  • Media owner geod
  • Date added
Hi George, Just in case you have forgotten, I am still waiting for my mounts. I do not know how to get through to you, but I have been very patient. Out of kindness, I sent 200 USD to help you out two years ago. You still did not send me my mounts. I have offered to pay for all of the shipping (which was supposed to be covered for at least two of the mounts as part of this promotion). I asked for instructions to pay via credit card or how to wire money. You never answered.

I also know that you have sent others their mounts who hunted after me. I am left to think that you are not telling the truth about my mounts and they no longer exist.

Blocking me in your emails and What's App will not stop me from trying to recover my mounts. If you just don't have them and are not going to send me anything, just tell me now and I will not ask you again. If that is the case, however, do not expect me to be happy about it. I have hunting friends all over the world, some who have websites that auction off or promote hunts like yours. I will not hesitate to tell them about how this experience ended- good or bad.

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