From the largest Cape Buffalo, with ears the size of frying pans, and noses the size of softballs to this small Large Spotted Genet I do all the mounts in the studio. The Genet, Weighing in at 3 lbs and a body length of 18". A nose not nearly half the size of a pencil eraser and eyes not nearly 1/4 of an inch and ears the size of a penny. The Meticulous time is takes to pull off a good mount off a african skin on these takes DAYS.
Tho the cost of material is not near a cape buffalo, almost 1/2 the charged price, This Genet takes as long to mount, and detail and put together as a good quality mount, as a cape buffalo shoulder mount. 2 days and another to finish and build Habitat and scene. Close ups of course, the work here is and can be shown this close.....Sandrats Completed Large Spotted Genet