M700 ADL Rifle

  • Media owner Ray B
  • Date added
M700 ADL. I got this when I was 14. It was a brand new on the market made in 1962. It is the original stock but my step-dad was shortsighted and cut the stock(over my strenuous objections) to fit me at the time- I was about 5'4". Several years later I worked on the stock to its present trim measurements. As I've noted elsewhere, I've used this rifle for the hunter education classes and it has been handled by about a thousand students. Prior to the state stopping the use of firing private firearms owned by instructors the students would fire 5 rounds through it. During the early years it was my primary hunting rifle and made trips from Alaska to California to South Carolina and several states in between. the only "malefunction" was when my cousin was emptying it and left a round in the chamber due to the extractor not completely snapping over the rim.
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