Maneating Leopard India

  • Media owner PSRaghav
  • Date added
Was part of a three member team which shot a maneating leopard outside my town three months back.
I know that a number of big game hunters will talk about "Shot Placement" here after seeing the snap.
But when you have a maneating leopard charging at you at 70 kms an hour from a distance of 30 yards. It all goes haywire.
We got her. Before she got us.
We shot her on a moonless night on foot in thick Saal jungle soon after she had killed a 9 year old girl.
The fact that it's been 3 months now and NO attacks have been reported thereafter confirms that we shot the right animal.
We were looking for her for almost a week and had seen two other leopards.
But as a member of the Registered Hunting Squad , our job was to get the maneater. Not any leopard we came across.
That made the job tougher than it would look.
How do you identify a maneater from a normal leopard? They all look the same.
Shall talk about it in detail later.
She measured 6 feet 7 inches over the curves.
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