BRNO zkk602

PAC Elephant Hunt

After the lion about 3 days later we were out camping in the side of the road between the boundary of the forestry area and the communal lands and we had a report that elephants had crossed over the road to the communal lands heading for the Mealie fields so we rushed to where they had crossed over and say them heading in the bush to he fields so we crept up behind them and managed to get this elephant just before he got to the crops and I hit him with a heart Lung with my .375 and he ran about 50 to 75 yards and we found him on the floor and once I had shot and my friend backed me up the amount of blood sprayed in the trees was unreal. We got this eke at about half 6 in the evening and came back the next morning to do the recovery and one villages got to him first and took a good chunk of meat off the back leg !! At re end of the recovery I managed to find my bullet lying on top all the stomach content !! This was my first PAC ele
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Hunting Africa
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BRNO zkk602
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