Ed Lally

RMR Dot on Double Rifle

  • Media owner Ed Lally
  • Date added
DrBob, I agree. I also believe that a red dot at the breach of a double works best and that it should be mounted as low as possible to keep its optical center close to the line of site of the original open sights, thus preserving the original stock hold and cheek weld that existed when using the open sights. In the photo below you can see that my RMR dot is only a fraction of an inch above the original line of sight and the front sight. The dot is on high power in this photo. On a bolt gun, I like either a sight similar to an Aimpoint a 1-5, 1-6 or even a 1-8 scope as many, but certainly not all, stocks are set up for line of sight a bit more above the bore.
Great post! I agree that a RMR Red Dot should be mounted directly onto the center rib to be as low as possible and to give the same sight picture as the iron sights. I put one on my Chapuis 375 H&H double and it works great.

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