Forrest Halley

Ruger Rifles

I only have two of these fine rifles. I find them enjoyable. I have a 1979 .375 H&H and she is my best friend. I have a 2016 .458 Lott and she is all business. We have learned to be civil with one another. I put a Leupold scope on the lady and fixed express sights on the Businesswoman. I have since bothered to put Pacmayr XLT pads on each. I think a .30-06 may finish my collection.
@Kevin Peacocke to fairly describe it I am unsure I would use the term brutal. If it were brutal I do not think I would fire it. I find the recoil to be quite abrupt with a very fast acceleration. I have only ever fired 500 grain bullets at near maximum loadings. I am aware that abrupt is but a rearrangement of brutal with a single consonant substitution. It is truly awesome how effectively the charge accelerates both the the bullet and the rifle. When compared to the .375 loaded with vigorous charges the recoil profile is similar but still magnified. I do not think I would enjoy anything heavier out of a rifle of this weight at 9.5#. When you see the gentleman who fires the heavy No.1's he starts getting out of the way of the gun somewhere around the .450 3¼ and I agree with that. I would also very much like for legendary arms works to come out with a stainless steel version of their most excellent safety.
@CoElkHunter That's a fine idea. I will attempt to prove myself worthy in this pursuit secure in the knowledge that either way it's still a fun gun to look at. I do believe I am going to pursue the 400 grain Speers for a while and learn to master the rifle.
@Forrest Halley
I’ve loaded 350gr Speer Mag Tips in my WM. They shoot great with mild recoil. Haven’t loaded them in the Lott yet, but just fun to shoot with mild recoil. WE don’t have to shoot full power loads all the time to just have fun with our rifles. Just my 2 centavos!
@CoElkHunter I am just concerned about the point of impact holding up. I have fixed express sights and OCD. Changing loads not always easy.

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Forrest Halley
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