
Terry Irwin, Professional Hunter

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Terry Irwin with two of his three daughters and a beautiful leopard he killed in a snare while on control work. "I trust that you are not claiming that you 'hunted' that leopard," said Ionides when he met Irwin, who assured him that he didn't.
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This photo reminds of 1970,your truly was 6,went with my father for Destroying a Leopard who was a Cattlelifter,.dad Shot it over a Bait,we were coming back,i was in the Jeep (a Willys,a left over from US Army} with Spots and the Driver,sitting on the back seat with my Foot on the leopard,{trying to be the New Big Game Hunter in Town},suddenly the Jeep went over a Pothole and the Jeep lurched and the Leopard {dead of course} also Jumped up and faced me,boy did i scream,the Driver also Panicked,stopped the Jeep,we both Jumped out, my Dad and his friend had a good laugh.Good Times.

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