Recent content by Blink Stefaans

  1. B

    My first bow hunt

    G'day Went to Crecy in Limpopo province for my first bow hunt yesterday. I was looking for a young waterbuck bul which I got a very decent price on. Got up at very exited at 4:30am took a shower with my no scent soap, my camos were sprayed the night before with no scent and left in a zip lock...
  2. B

    Waterbuck bowhunting setup

    Ok its done. Going to Kressie in Limpopo Saturday. Only have one day so I'll only take one waterbuck. Next one will be in August. This wont be a trophy hunt. It is young bulls that I will be hunting. Reason for the young bulls: Big bull is killing the younger bulls during the rut and my friend...
  3. B

    Waterbuck bowhunting setup

    Dankie Jaco Think I'll use the Nitrons, also thinking of adding a weight insert and getting my arrows over 450gr just for the extra momentum and added peace of mind. The mechs are going with for if an impala or pig should walk into shooting range Will look into the G5's heard tey aren't as...
  4. B

    New member

    Thanks for the warm welcome I was extremely proud of that impala. My dad spent countless hours with me on the range before that day. And I'm greatful for every slap that brushed my head when the buckfever crept on. He was in the military and SA champ for a number of years first with the .303...
  5. B

    Waterbuck bowhunting setup

    The NAP Nitron is a 3 blade fixed broadhead. All above mentioned broadheads hits with my field points to 40 yards
  6. B

    Waterbuck bowhunting setup

    I got offered a chance to hunt two waterbuck bulls on a friends game farm. I would realy like to shoot these animals wih a fletched projectile with something sharp at the bussiness end. Currently my setup is as follows: Mathews Z7 Magnum @ 72lbs 29" draw length 415 gr arrows flying at 294fps...
  7. B

    New member

    Hi all Have been blessed to grow up on a farm in South Africa with access to rifles and shotguns since walking age. Shot my first impala age 5 with a .22 hornet and hunting has been a way of life ever since. Recently started archery and will be going on my first bow hunt within the month. Will...