Recent content by bobdahunter84

  1. bobdahunter84

    Leupold Base/Rings Pre64 WIN

    How big are rings? 1" or 30mm?
  2. bobdahunter84

    For Sale Leupold VX-II 4-12x40 Duplex Matte

    I was literally on eBay looking for this scope today! Darn!
  3. bobdahunter84

    Wanted Pre 64 Model 70 In 416 Rigby

    That's an absolute beauty. Looks very much like the Biesen 458 Lott I bought from a member on this site. If you ever need to thin the herd or need extra room in your safe, shoot me a message!
  4. bobdahunter84

    Show your Custom Pre-64 and CRF Model 70’s

    I almost forgot about this post. Here's a few from my safe. There are probably 3 or 4 more custom 70s in an, but these were easiest to dig out. Love 'em all. #1- nothing looks too special about this one optically. Jeweled bolt, but was rechambered back in the 60's at the Weatherby factory to...
  5. bobdahunter84

    Show your Custom Pre-64 and CRF Model 70’s

    Excellent post Mark! Custom pre64 70s is my guiltiness of pleasures! Out of town for work, but I'll add a few guns to the chain when I'm back home. You'll know one of the guns!
  6. bobdahunter84

    Leupold Scopes

    VX-3 received today. Thanks!
  7. bobdahunter84

    Pre 64 Model 70

    Nice gun that's certainly been used. Bluing looks pretty rough and the pad is certainly not original to the gun. Almost looked like first 2 numbers engraved on that bolt don't match serial number on gun, but could be wrong. I suspect you may have to move price to commensurate a sale, because at...
  8. bobdahunter84

    Dakota 76 vs pre 64 custom

    I'm personally a sucker for a well done custom pre 64 model 70 with a chunk of nice wood.
  9. bobdahunter84

    Mountain rifles

    I have what I consider a premier mountain rifle listed for sale right now. You're not going to find a flatter shooting rifle than 26 nosler. Pair that with the McMillan stock on the Browning Hells Canyon--and you have a tack driver ready to reach out and touch something...
  10. bobdahunter84

    My .300 Win Mag finally arrived!

    Nice looking vanguard. I've never seen a vanguard with a nice chunk of wood. Usually they're plastic, and the good wood is reserved for the mark v. Not to be a hater, but if I'm buying a weatherby rifle, it will be chambered in a weatherby cartridge. Love the 300 wby. I'll be bringing one to...
  11. bobdahunter84

    How many people have a 35 whelen?

    I've been on the lookout for a pre 64 model 70 in 35 whelen for some time with a nice chunk of wood. To this point, I only found 1 that fit the bill, and I kick myself for getting hung up on a few bucks and not pulling the trigger...
  12. bobdahunter84

    Preferred calibers for Rhino and Hippo?

    Hippo and crocodile are top on my shortlist for my next African trip. I purchased a custom pre 64 model 70 416 Remington, and am intending on 350 gr tsx for my poison.
  13. bobdahunter84

    Leupold Scopes

    Matte VX3 spoken for! Looking forward to mounting it on my 30-06!
  14. bobdahunter84

    Winchester Alaskan .375 H&H, Talley Rings, & Leupold Firedot $2,875

    Wish I had a need for a 2nd model 70 in 375. Mine is a pre 64, one of my favorites. Great price.
  15. bobdahunter84

    Semi-Autos and Public Ranges

    I've had similar issues in the past. My solution is always 2 steps. I always go to range with 6 to 8 rifles, because i like to let barrels cool off. I request furtherest left bench available. If there is anyone still left of me, I always make sure I have my 300wby with a brake or my 416 rem...