Recent content by Bullthrower338

  1. Bullthrower338

    Who is the best shipping company to use from Limpopo to Houston these days?

    Used coppersmith multiple times, always done me right!
  2. Bullthrower338

    For Sale Rigby 275 Highland Stalker With Extras

    You beat me to this one, I need to be on AH more than I have been! Great buy!
  3. Bullthrower338

    I WAS LUCKY! Always wear your shooting glasses!

    Glad you are ok Toby!
  4. Bullthrower338

    New Lipseys Hawkeye African in .270 Winchester?

    @Glenn Slaven graciously offered this 100th anniversary 270 Lipsey’s run rifle up to me and I had to take him up on it. I am not a 270 fan boy but the rifle being limited to 270 rifles and with special serial numbers made me want it for my safe. Unfortunately I was in the gun store picking up...
  5. Bullthrower338

    MEXICO: Sonora Mexico - Mule Deer

    Big 3x3 mule deer and big 5 x 5 bulls get me every time, fine buck, well done. Makes me miss Sonora!
  6. Bullthrower338

    Real world opinions on 454 Ruger SRH?

    I’ve got a SRH 454, it is a great revolver! I love my Redhawks, BlackhawksOM and NMs, GP100s, Sp101s and single six’s! The beauty of SBH though is if you lose your jack handle, no problem, use your SBH! Rope broke on your boat anchor, no problemo, tie that SBH on and keep fishin! Cylinder run...
  7. Bullthrower338

    USA: Rifle Elk Hunt With Rising Son Outfitters In Montana November 2024

    Always good to see you Dave and had a great time. Congratulations to you guys on a successful hunt!
  8. Bullthrower338

    375 H&H Blaser R8 barrel for sale

    I’d buy one If it had sights, I can justify a lighter caliber without sights but not a 375, wonder what blaser would charge to make it proper? Thanks for the reply gents!
  9. Bullthrower338

    375 H&H Blaser R8 barrel for sale

    for us Blaser luddites, how do you tell what barrel profile that is?
  10. Bullthrower338

    The leopard

    Fine work Buddy! Love it!
  11. Bullthrower338

    Back country carry gun

    I believe the 475 linebaugh is the perfect round to stop anything with teeth, manageable recoil for a guy that shoots enough and stopping power for days. My advice is buy a handgun that you can handle, the biggest gun in the world won’t stop a bear if you are overwhelmed with recoil and can’t...
  12. Bullthrower338

    Back country carry gun

    I picked a couple new guns this weekend, well the Ruger is a 1976 200th year of liberty gun but new to me. The 45 Colt/45 acp loaded with HSM bear loads is sure to give Smokey a headache and the S&W 10mm 610 is just a sexy piece of Stainless that turns out to be super accurate. Barrel on the...
  13. Bullthrower338

    Reintroduce Grizzlies!

    Brent, You might call bullshit on this but I was hunting on the edge of the blue 20 years ago with Wayne Carlton and he took a picture of a griz track down in a canyon. I’ve seen plenty of griz and their track and it was definitely a griz track. Ben Lilly country!
  14. Bullthrower338

    Winchester Model 42 26" barrel .410

    Looking for a 28” ribbed for my enjoyment, but nice gun! Love the 42!