Recent content by curtism1234

  1. C

    375 Raptor cartridge

    That's what I was afraid of. I assume you were pushing to max?
  2. C

    375 Raptor cartridge

    I have a spare Savage action and a bull barrel synthetic stock laying around. If I go with the Raptor I would probably buy a carbon fiber barrel and call it a day. It should be 7 1/2 pounds scoped and with the load I originally stated should only recoil 30 pounds (which is the very most it could...
  3. C

    375 Raptor cartridge

    Thanks all Regarding significant recoil, 5 years ago I would have said it wasn't a problem; today a shooting session can cause a cervical headache that could last a couple days up to a couple months of varying intensity.
  4. C

    375 Raptor cartridge

    Greetings all, I haven't posted in a while. Reason for this post, I own two 375HH and still trying to work through some life-impacting upper body injuries - carrying a heavy rifle does not appear to be in the cards for me. 375 Raptor ---This sort of 375-08 cartridge has intrigued me and I do...
  5. C

    Father's Day Special: Huge Sale On Norma Ammo & Brass - Free Shipping On Multiple Products - Our Biggest Sale Yet

    Question on the primed brass. A competing store offering the exact same product advertises to anticipate damaged necks due to shipping. Do you find these these are ready for powder and bullets?
  6. C

    Americans Not Taking Paid Vacations

    We don't get 40 hours of work done anyway. We sit in the office for 8 hours mindlessly playing on our phone or shopping on Amazon on work computers for half of it...or at least just staring at the screen daydreaming. Management believes in 40 hours because that's just what is engrained in the...
  7. C

    Americans Not Taking Paid Vacations

    Slowly and surely we were slipping backwards 100 years for worker rights and along came covid. It came at a critical time and it will have lasting effects, some good some bad; mostly good. The time for the 32 hour week is now. Research backs it up. The time for mandatory vacation is long...
  8. C

    Beginner left hand hunter

    A lever action 243 will work but imo you aren't going to get 300 yards out of it on a coyote size target due to a heavier trigger and forarm pressure on the barrel. But I think 150 yards is certainly very doable and 200 not out of the question depending on the shooter. I think the only ones...
  9. C

    Scope help?

    Imo it all came down to - it is cheaper to produce the matte scope. Likewise, the same with the rifle barrel. Matte blue barrel, matte scope is what you want. Brightly blued barrel, I want to seek out a gloss scope to match. My Browning BLR would look horriffic with a matte. As to spooking big...
  10. C

    Caught a bobcat this morning

    Like you I have mine mounted laying on a log. I had a cat specialty taxidermist i wanted to use and didn't want to spend $1200 for a side view sneak pose. In retrospect, I wish I had done so. I vote
  11. C

    Savage 110 info

    If I'm not mistaken, the spacing on that J series is 4.522 inches
  12. C

    Savage 110 info

    On the long actions (or the old SA cartridge on the LA gun), I do think a 1 piece weaver style multi-slot mount is nessissary as the savage LA is longer than its competitors. I have tried to use a 2 piece extention before and it wasn't even close - one of my rings are mounted in the center of...
  13. C

    Savage 110 info

    Pic? Is the magazine release button on the side of the stock?
  14. C

    Annual Festivus airing of Grievances

    3x3 overtime hockey and no fighting. Serouisly, the NHL is almost completely unwatchable
  15. C

    Fluting existing barrel

    What action do you have? Buying a brand new barrel and dumping the old on ebay may just be the best thing.