Recent content by Dylancadby23

  1. D

    First time safari for one year anniversary

    I was quoted at $11,950 for my wife and I. Trophies are a sliding scale, but said he’d wave the trophy fee on kudu. Sable he said would be 40+”. Said we will hunt on 30k acres where we stay, that they do inteoduce some animals on, but also have free range farms close by we can hunt that would be...
  2. D

    First time safari for one year anniversary

    Hey guys, looking to do my first Africa trip, very soon, August-September this year! I know we’re last minute, but my wife knows it’s been my dream and just suggested it. We are newly weds and just bought a house so budget is a factor, but I do have specific things I’m looking for and it may not...
  3. D

    New member researching their first safari

    Hey guys, I’m from Louisiana and met a couple safaris at the Louisiana outdoor expo! One was Limcroma and the other Mount Carmel. I have been super overwhelmed doing research. There’s tons of great reviews for Limcroma, but they are more expensive and with one less animal then the quote I...