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I hunt Africa 2-3months, come back usally end of Aug. go to Mt. 3 months then Pike Co.-Ga.- Alabama
I am a
  1. Hunter
  2. Fisherman
  3. Hunting consultant
Member of
Life member of SCI & NAHC, Bowtech pro-staff
Have you hunted in Africa?
Number of times I have hunted in Africa
8 years in a row since 2002
My favorite African country
S. Africa, more people speak English there, then in Miami. The last 4 years I spent most of May, June, July there to get away from the heat in Florida.
S. Africa, Zimbabwe, Artic. Australia, New Zealand, Costa Rica, Argentina, Mexico,
Species I have hunted in Africa
In the past 7 years I have taken over 70 animals and over 50 with a bow in Africa.
My best African Trophy
My 67 lb. elephant inside the bounderies of the Kruger on private land - one of the last trophy Elephants taken there. My Copper Springbok was suppose to be the largest ever taken with gun or bow to that date in 2005.
My favorite African trophies
My Elephant, my 5 lions and the rest of the dangerous game. My 60" Kudu, ------- can't get enough big Kudu or Warthogs.
My preferred weapon(s)
My Bowtech Bow, then my 500 S&W revolver, then myThompson Pro Hunter Muzzle loader and all the different rifles I can create with that.
What weapon(s) do you hunt with?
  1. Rifle
  2. Bow
  3. Shotgun
  4. Handgun
  5. Muzzleloader
My preferred optic(s)
Leica binoc's with built in rangefinder, Nikon, Leopold
Gear I cannot live without
Bowtech bow, and Leica binoculars with built in rangefinder. Modoc broadheads.
My best hunting tip
Watch the animal go down in your peep or in your scope. DON'T LOOK UP!
My other interests

