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About You
mountain hunter adict
I am a
  1. Hunter
  2. Hunting consultant
  3. Travel agent
Member of
ex SCI
Number of times I have hunted in Africa
My favorite African country
the ones I've never been in before
intense hunt in all Russia, all main mountain ranges from Europe to central Asia and middle east, some Indochina too, in Africa only Egypt, Sudan, Tunis, Morocco, Kenia and Guinea Bissau
Species I have hunted in Africa
Doves Sand Grouses Mallards... feather and only a Bushbuck
My best African Trophy
Tragelaphus Scriptus at mangroves Cacheu river
My favorite African trophies
spiral horned antelopes
My preferred weapon(s)
side by side express rifles and shotguns
What weapon(s) do you hunt with?
  1. Rifle
  2. Shotgun
My preferred optic(s)
Zeiss 20 x60 stab bino and a light pocket Zeiss 3x12 mono for observation and compact 3-9 x 36 scope on single barrel rifles
Gear I cannot live without
all kind knive, lighters, barometer-altimeter, compas, maps and adecuate optics, caps-hats,etc... over my head plus sun glases !
My best hunting tip
Tibet Argali hunt on bactrian camel fly camps
My other interests
mediterranean sailing summer time