Recent content by NTX

  1. NTX

    Cardboard Crate

    I also had a cardboard box from Namibia in 22
  2. NTX

    Wanted - 2x 416 Taylor reloading die sets

    This is correct, they share the same part number with the 6.5-300 Wby. Its safe to assume that any advertised new 416 Taylor dies from Lee are actually 6.5-300 Wby
  3. NTX

    Remington 30 Express 30-06 - Curious to find out more info

    What a great find. I frequent that store and would not have passed that up! I really like the stock lines.
  4. NTX

    How well seasoned are you?

    I’m 37 and have been 3 times now. While finances and family life are certainly factors, I have many coworkers who can take the time off to go, as well as easily bring in extra side money to pay for it. I’ve only convinced one of them to go (he’s been twice now). I think many hunters in my age...
  5. NTX

    Recoil Pad recommendation

    Another NECG vote. I much prefer the color and finish over Pachmayr
  6. NTX

    Recommended shipper from Windhoek

    Yellow Shark!
  7. NTX

    375 ruger with 250 gr ttsx

    I guess the link didn’t work
  8. NTX

    375 ruger with 250 gr ttsx

    Hodgdon has a few loads you can use as starting points. My guess is that you’ll hit compression before max pressure with the TTSX.
  9. NTX

    1979 Model 70 458wm supergrade parts wanted-rear sight with base and front sight blade

    I’ve lived in the area for 17 years and never knew they existed. Thanks for sharing
  10. NTX

    Namibia will cull 83 elephants and 30 hippos to distribute meat to people hit by drought

    My PH in Nam offered me one of the elephant at a scary low price. I can’t make it work timing wise but they are definitely allowing PH’s opportunity within their blocks
  11. NTX

    Norma .338 Oryx Bullet Question

    230 gr Oryx out of a .338 will work splendidly on your target animals, or any other plains game for that matter.
  12. NTX

    VX-5HD 1-5x24 edge distortion, is this normal?

    My apologies if you tried this already, but adjusting the diopter to your eye is really important for image clarity on 1x. Sometimes they come out of the box with it turned all the way in. If you can’t get it adjusted perfectly to your eye at 5-10 yds, send it back.
  13. NTX

    Commercial Mauser 98 Barreled Action .243 Win

    Still available
  14. NTX

    For Sale Interarms Whitworth Magnum-face Commercial Mauser Action-$400

    Ah you’re killing me. Wish I’d had this opportunity about 2 months ago