Recent content by ofbiro

  1. ofbiro

    First-timers hunting in Africa

    A humble suggestion from a hunter who was once in South Africa and once in Namibia: buy in Europe a small amount (equivalent to €50) of South African Rands. If hampered by someone uttering "coffee" give him or her a 10 rand note. It cheaper for you and better accepted by the receiver than...
  2. ofbiro

    New to the Forum: From India, based in Hungary

    Welcome to AH Bhraaz Kashyap! Is CIC the organisation also known as Conseil International de la Chasse? As far as I know they are mainly concentrated in measuring trophies with highly complicated methods Please try to convince me that it is useful to hunters.
  3. ofbiro

    Hunting France

    I warmly suggest to ask your french agent/organisation, as laws (specially related to firearms) are changing often. As far as insurance is concerned have a look to the BASC offer. Years ago it covered 3rd party liability, included damages due to driving under the influence. May they changed...
  4. ofbiro

    What have you eaten?

    Pardon my ignorance. What is a "two legged variety" of cougar?
  5. ofbiro

    30-06 Rifle for Plains Game - How Big?

    Humble comment by an African beginner. I am far from being an expert on Africa, as my experience is limited to two PG cull hunts, the first in SA with .30-06, the second in Namibia with 7mm Rem.Mag. I took in SA my CZ 550 Mannlicher style, with a Zeiss 2-8 x 42 Duralyt (without parallax...
  6. ofbiro

    Greetings from Switzerland

    Welcome,Alpine Huntsman. I don't agree about ibex hunt being not challenging. For a married foreigner the bill for a "Kapital Steinbock" is very challenging!"
  7. ofbiro

    Wanted Remington factory FS or Ks stock for a Model 7

    In the net there is a plenty of offers for Model 7 stocks, from Optics Planet to Numrich. Have a look.
  8. ofbiro

    Understanding The Barnes TSX Controversy

    Dr.Carl Gremse, Senior Researcher of the Brandenburg State Forest Service (Germany), developed a very useful method to evaluate the bullet wounding behaviour.
  9. ofbiro

    Well boys, what's your temperature like now?

    Here (1175 m above sea level) we have 15.4 °C = 59.7 °C. Light rain, a bit of mist at valley bottom and fog at higher altitude
  10. ofbiro

    Zam Buk ointment

    My late father, born in 1905 maintained that Zam Buk is great for fast healing of cuts and bruises.
  11. ofbiro

    Factory ammo prices in freefall?

    Good for the american colleagues, but in certain european areas Vihtavuori powders and CCI primers are not available.
  12. ofbiro

    Your 3 favorite hunting cartridges of all time

    7 mm Rem. Mag. .30-06
  13. ofbiro

    I Bought an unknown - I sure hope this is a 404 Jeffery

    I suggest to contact DEVA (German agency for proofing hunting and sporting arms). email address: Good luck
  14. ofbiro

    New to the forum

    Welcome! I think it is ripe time to take a couple of your rifles to Africa. What are shoting at with them in Indiana? Prairie dogs?
  15. ofbiro

    Mountain rifles

    I live and hunt at some elevation: my village is at 1175 m a.s.l. and chamois seldom come lower than 1500 m. However, while we haven't moose neither elk, bears are strictly protected, as well as wolves. It sound (and it is) absurd but the laws are clear and strict. Anyway, my "mountain gun"...