Recent content by Sideshow

  1. S

    What’s the One Piece of Hunting Gear You Can’t Live Without?

    Thought you would have said pith helmet or landrover with 40 gallons of oil strapped to the back :A Big Hello:
  2. S

    Browning Love?

    No No, folding hammer. Not sure what my gun maker did to fix the trigger. But it now breaks clean with no travel and at a good weight.
  3. S

    Zimbabwe Elephant Hunts “Management Bulls” -

    Where’s that story link again plz
  4. S

    What’s the One Piece of Hunting Gear You Can’t Live Without?

    Don’t disagree but finding the right ones can be a whole trial in itself! Still looking have broken it done to Summer and Winter boots. Yet to find ones that will do the whole shebang!
  5. S

    What’s the One Piece of Hunting Gear You Can’t Live Without?

    Now that is the correct answer (y) or your fishing for a favour out of her good book;)
  6. S

    Browning Love?

    Never knew why they have never tried to fix that issue. So pleased I had mine done. Totally changed the rifle.
  7. S

    Browning Love?

    Yeah from memory mines made in 73. Did a lot of research into finding out its history. Mine came with the two mags which are as rear as hens teeth. It’s a great little rifle. Have thought of re-barrelling it to .358win but I’d lose the barrel stamp markings. Shoots very well.
  8. S

    What’s the One Piece of Hunting Gear You Can’t Live Without?

    My knife. Brought the NZ made Svord knife when I was 15/16 been with me everywhere all my big hunts and when safari over landing. Added the bronze hilt to stop finger slip and hand a saddle maker add the steel pouch.
  9. S

    Browning Love?

    Not sure why the last pic didn’t come out. So here’s it again with an artiy shot on a hut step. Brought after a rugby injury to my shoulder hence the muzzle brake which is gone now has a can on it to help with the hearing .
  10. S

    Browning Love?

    Had this Belgium made BLR since 1991. Been all over with it great gun in the tight north island bush of NZ really good balance fast pointing. Only down side .243. But I’ve taken some good reds with it. Redid the stock myself when I brought it to the uk and had the trigger redone as it wasn’t...
  11. S

    Hunting Sticks

    Also most trees in Africa have ruddy great thorns sticking out of em if you like the pin cushion look and want to give your trackers PH and game scout a jolly good laugh lean away! :ROFLMAO:
  12. S

    90-year Veteran Of The Bush By Diggory Hadoke

    Good to see it’s staying in Africa after the repairs are taken care off. Man if it could talk bet it’s got some great stories.
  13. S

    A-Square .577 Tyrannosaur - Hannibal rifle package FOR SALE

    Yes the airlink connection to the island you will be ball turret gunner on a B17 for Pterodactyls protection :LOL:
  14. S

    Hunting Sticks

    Yep like I said “Hunting sticks are a very personal thing”. But I find it does pay to persist. I’m changing from trigger sticks to quads. Be a learning curve but I’m okay with that.
  15. S

    Hunting Sticks

    Not sure why it came up twice. :rolleyes: