Recent content by Sika98k

  1. Sika98k

    Clothing? + gaiter recommendations

    A Quick Look at Google says average daytime temperatures are 24C and 19C at night. I’d pass on the thick stuff, maybe pack a set of merino base layers to save on the packing. There is a SafariLand close to Oliver Tambo where you could pick up gaiters. Maybe there’s one in Durban also. Buy a...
  2. Sika98k

    Where to move to?

    Possibly not corruptible enough
  3. Sika98k

    7x57 factory ammo

    You’ll never go wrong using Norma ammunition. The Oryx bullet performs brilliantly. Nosler Partition are also a good bet. The Sellier&Belliot 173gr SPCE bullet is in my opinion too soft to be using on African game. I recovered one bullet this week from a deer I shot. The jacket, what was left...
  4. Sika98k

    Would you like a Cigar?

    So that’s what the band is for !
  5. Sika98k

    So dumb question about a pelican

    The pelicans beak can hold more than its belly can. Fact !
  6. Sika98k

    SOUTH AFRICA: Two Brothers And Two Double Rifles

    Yes, great people but not being allowed into the humidor/ cigar area from April 1st ? That’s a great date to implement something like that :rolleyes:Fabulous selection there. We are going to Amsterdam this Saturday to visit Cigaragua and Hajenius.
  7. Sika98k

    Would you like a Cigar?

    I enjoyed this today. A Paradiso papagoyo
  8. Sika98k

    Help me join the 21st century regarding scopes

    Nothing wrong with something like a Zeiss Duralyt 1,2-5x36, or 2-8x42. Both have illuminated reticles. Discontinued but they turn up.
  9. Sika98k

    SOUTH AFRICA: Two Brothers And Two Double Rifles

    Good to hear you were drinking whiskey with an E. I can guess where the cigars came from. Cig-Art ? Fabulous shop, we were back there in January.
  10. Sika98k

    Nepal - Blue Sheep Hunt - Fall 2026

    Fantastic ! I visited Nepal 25 years ago. I had been on my Jim Corbett pilgrimage. Visited Kaladhungi and Nani Tal where Jim lived. Met an old man who remembered him. We travelled in a crazy bus journey from Mahendranegar to Kathmandu, heart in mouth more than occasionally. Visit Durbar Square...
  11. Sika98k

    SOUTH AFRICA: Eastern Cape Plains Game With Doornrivier Safaris

    A very enjoyable write up. Looks like a great trip.
  12. Sika98k

    Lyman T-Mag Turret Reloading Press

    That is seriously good value !
  13. Sika98k

    T T Proctor

    I like the rounded bottom of the Silvers Pad so it won’t snag on clothing coming up in a hurry. What does it weigh ?
  14. Sika98k

    Ethiopian Airlines declaration form??

    This might be easier if you are as technologically challenged as I am :LOL: