Recent content by Surgeon1

  1. S

    Clothing? + gaiter recommendations

    Tag Safari gaiters are great, I prefer the cloth ones! Their Safari shirts are top notch. Boots should have soft soles and are quiet! No water proof liner period , they make the boot too hot anddo t breathe well Make sure lots are well broke in! I usually take 2 pair and alternate Sun screen...
  2. S

    DSC Update from the CEO

    Emails by a polished CEO in the middle of a collapsing business are only words til proven otherwise. What ATL did to exhibitors and members will take a near miracle to overcome! Makes me very sad!
  3. S

    New York “Big 5” Trophy Ban Sails Through Committee with Complete Disregard for African Conservation Efforts and Self-Determination

    I will never live in NY and have for years made every effort to avoid ever going there! This is where crazies and lunatics migrate and those who are "normal" don't seam to be sane enough to leave and soon will be out numbered!
  4. S

    Proper Gin and Tonic

    Gin makes my joints hurt like it takes all the lube out! and so I'm a Bourbon drinker. In Africa usually means bring my own or drink what ever scotch or Irish they have! Some of the local beers cold work too and most of the pre-covid dry red wines from Africa are frankly very good, so a single...
  5. S

    Best calibre for Giraffe

    There are a lot of factors involved in shooting a giraffe. The first one I shot was a large mature Bull, who had an attitude and it already hurt a couple of locals on a bicycle the day before and was pretty much beating up every female in the herd and it chased off the only other bulls in the...
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    My western Kansas farm ground will raise wheat and milo and some dry land corn when the water is gone or more likely taken from us! My land just across the border, The State of Colorado has already started the process of stealing our irrigation water so the liberal communists who have invaded...
  7. S

    I WAS LUCKY! Always wear your shooting glasses!

    Give us an update on what Hornady has to say!
  8. S

    Fausti Iside

    20" barrels??? Looks more like 30"
  9. S

    DSC Board Elections

    As much of a shit show and board member reactions to the exhibitors I think I'm moving on also. Sorry to see what such a great organization it was and the potential it had be taken down so easily!
  10. S

    Chinese mine causes environmental disaster in zambia on the kafue river

    OMG.......... pH 1.5 That sludge pit even for copper slag before the tailing pit shows they had no intent to manage it! Yet they had powdered lime to just dump in the river! Where are all the greenies that worry about us shooting lead containing bullets.
  11. S

    Chinese mine causes environmental disaster in zambia on the kafue river

    A pH of 4 that far down river, OMG this river will likely not recover in the life time of the youngest person to read this post! The world needs to burn China back to the Stone Age! The USA should have started 40yrs ago regretting the day Richard Nixon and his communist secretary of state...
  12. S


    Whats been your experience in Uganda???
  13. S

    A thorough conversation with Swarovski - Conclusion: Rookhawk knows nothing and is wrong about everything

    "Grey Market" that is BS I purchased binoculars and a big spotting scope in Austria at the factory store almost 40yrs ago. My binoculars have hunted the world, after years of use I sent them to Swarovski and in about 2mo they sent them back just like new with a very nice letter. They never...