The "ideal" AH Hunter - welcome note

Africa Son's do you have any good tips for us that already live in Africa seems to me I have only had a glimpse to opening the curtain into hunting Africa.

Africa's son reply (again just a parody:)):

Thank you it really means a lot that you ask for my opinion on matters such as these. This is actually the first point, ask when you do not know, there is no such a thing as a dumb question, just dumb answers....

The second thing I can tell you about Africa, is that you better be prepared. Apart from people who share newspaper clips and warn others about the crime and chase away tourists (while they still live in SA, go figure), is that you better be prepared for the wildlife! In RSA especially the cities, you will get the big five walking around wild!

The third thing no-one knew about Africa, is that every 2nd guy is a PH. And you only get 2 types of PH's, nothing in between. The 1st is what they call the city PH. They are situated in the cities, because there are so much DG in the cities as mentioned. They all drive their 4x4 bakkies in the cities, but more specifically the type with hunting racks on the back. These PH's have not done any training or have any experience in the field, but they know the most! People on this forum do not need to worry, they barely get to hunt with them, but SA hunters, these are the PH's you get to deal with a lot, specifically at braai's!

The 2nd type of PH, is the PH in the bush. @VertigoBE mentioned they always have rugby shorts, very true! They are normally red in the face, not from the sun, but to much alcohol with clients. They also have the same bakkie as the city PH's, which normally they buy from the city PH's. These PH's operate on 250 Hectares (600 acre) farms, which they stock to the brim. The farm has an interior "fence", normally a road. They will tell their clients, "the side to the East of the road, is the Kruger, you better keep your eyes peeled". You may ask, what about the fence once you enter? Well they always tell you, this is the KNP fence and you are now in wild Africa. Practically, the road is always 50m from each fence, and the client, none the wise, never realizes they are hunting on a 125HA area.

Frederik, if you want to be really successful in hunting Africa, I have some tips for you as well:
1. Wear you camo from the minute you step out of your house in the city until you are in the field.
2. Hunt with a 6.5 Creedmoor, it is a wonder cartridge for hunters in Africa. More importantly, you need a PRS type of chassis as this is what makes you a real Africa hunter!
3. Always try to extend your shooting distance, you have the creedmoor
4. Never hunt without a coolbox
5. The more in your hunting group, the better
6. The Long Farm has the cheapest rates on animals, but you have to hunt during nightime, preferable with a silencer
7. Always have a sandbag so you do not scratch your PH's bakkies' roof

Africa’s Son

Remember to look for an outfit with well trained buffalo that know how to pose for charge photos. This is important because it might require more than one take. Also, don’t shoot until after they are within the 4 yard mark, so it’s “self defense”. That way you can skip the trophy fee if you don’t like the pictures.

Remember: it’s your Safari, and the customer is always right. The PH is just pulling your leg about game laws anyway…
You are correct, always ensure you take a headshot, that way you can claim SD - Nice!

You still have a bit to learn.

All African PHs are living for the day that they can get rid of their pre war .500 double so they to can own a R8, just like their clients.
Thanks, I will take this piece of advice to heart. But I just want to mention, the R8 is the newest version to the older R4/R5's used by the SANDF. The latter is the best for hunting! Even the Isreali's copied it for their LM 5's. The newer R8's are great, just a pity you have to cycle the action yourself
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Pit helmet, rifle, short pants, and bakkie was already discussed.
Remaining thing is to advice about knee long socks, which ones to take for safari, wool, cotton or synthetic? Color flat dark earth? Khaki? Or pink for modern touch?

hunter explorer.jpg
From the situations you have mentioned, it would be interesting if you could add #ThatReallyHappened. Because I have the feeling some of your descriptions come from experience!
How could it have really have happened, I did not post a picture.

Valuable info there Saswart I seem to keep bumping into these CITY PH's at a place called Safari & Outdoor that is why I try and stay away form that place as much as possible.

Seems like they love to cater to theses city PH"s
Africa Son's return to AH (remember this is Satirical/Parody)

So I have been away from AH for a few months. I ventured into the Dark Continent for a 4 months Safari! What an experience and now I want to share my wisdom and life altering advice with y'all! I even got to watch the latest season of Yellowstone while in Cape Town. I always thought RSA and Africa, the lions walk around wild in the streets, hence the name Lion's Head.

So I visited CPT and Limpopo Province during my 4 month Africa safari. I had a great hunt and hunted a Giraffe the correct way, with a 6mm off course! I got to tell you that 6mm is a whopper! It put that Giraffe on its ass with its knockdown power! Will never use anything else again! It is all the gun you need!

A very large portion of my Safari was at Koringkoppie, what a great place!!!! They are doing my taxidermy, there were 7 other hunters there while I visited and we caught up on the stuff in the states. Some of them are celebrities that fled after the 2024 USA elections, but let us not talk about politics... This is a hunting forum...

So more on my hunt, I took a 6mm and a 458 Lott to Africa. I do not believe anything smaller than a Lott will suffice! Go big or go home as they say. I know I built a 416 Rigby on a pushfeed - which I still believe is a great gun, but boy, a Lott has opened my eyes!! I used it on my Giraffe and wow, the performance!!!

On a side note, I placed a order for a new Faguar and a Rolex once I get back to Canada!

Now my question, I have a few trophies, should I build a trophy room?

Your truly,
Clive - Africa's Son
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Thanks for this update Africa's Son ! Looks like you had a great trip indeed.
How was the shooting on the Giraffe? Did you get on top of the vehicle, to be able to look it in the eye when you shot?

Also, I must admit I followed your advice from February: "Wear you camo from the minute you step out of your house in the city until you are in the field." I left my home in Brussels in my hunting clothes, shorts and boots, until arriving in camp. That was a great tip. I saved a lot of time that way.

Be interested to hear more of your adventures, especially this DG hunting in the cities? What kind of weapons would you advise for this?

You cannot believe the shocked and almost teary eyed reaction from my PH as I “tipped” him my brand new Chinese made boots that I got on Amazon right before the hunt. Cash is great but he really appreciated my personal gift instead.
I left that PH speechless…

These are all perfection at its finest but the chinese boot tip made me spit my coffee funny!!!!!
Africa´s Son, what type of pith helmet do you recommend ?

Beat me to it as I was catching up.

Curious about which is better culling belt, open or covered with how many extra ammo cartridge holders?

Shouldn't a safari jacket with a frilly neckerchief be included for that Stuart Granger look? Or perhaps go with the John Wayne look wearing a vest and cowboy neckerchief?

Does it really matter if an animal is shot in front of a group on a photo safari in the adjacent park?
Africa's Son, when Diesel stalking with the Land Cruiser is the windows open and the aircon on or the windows closed when aircon is on???

I'm asking for a friend and what do you recommend to fill the cooler box with?
Africa's Son, May not be appropriate for Canadians but for this American on an African safari, I'm all in wearing blue jeans, short sleeve tee shirts with some sort of advertising logo, black "tactical" boots, a backwards facing baseball cap, mirrored sunglasses and last but not least, assuming animals can't see colors, instead of camo, I went full sleeves. All this works when the temperature is at or near freezing with a 20 mph wind. Higher OR lower temperatures, brown khaki shorts and porkpie hat is more appropriate. Got my bandolier with a hundred rounds, multiple "clips" and in the event I have to get off the truck, my Amazon canvas sling. Now where's the driver and his special pickup with the padded roof rifle rest?
As a newbie planning my first African hunt, I want to thank "Africa's Son" for imparting such great wisdom. And everyone else who contributed their vast knowledge to this thread- thanks to you as well, for I am not sure I could manage this without all of the excellent guidance found herein. I am already planning to sell my 300 H&H at an upcoming rummage sale being organized by my ex wife, so I can invest in a more proper PG rifle. Hopefully, I can find something affordable and already equipped with a red dot and pre sighted in. I already have some new boots that I bought at my local Sam's club, but I am trying not to wear them until I get to the bush , as I don't want to wear them out before the hunt.
I have decided to tip the camp staff, trackers and skinners with some Bic lighters, as I am sure they have never seen such magical items in the wilds of Africa. Not sure about the PH yet .But I am leaning toward giving him a $100 gift certificate at Ruth's Chris so when he comes back to US for the hunting shows, he will remember me when he is eating his fine steak dinner.
I am going to keep following this thread, so keep the good ideas, and excellent guidance coming.
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Thanks for this update Africa's Son ! Looks like you had a great trip indeed.
How was the shooting on the Giraffe? Did you get on top of the vehicle, to be able to look it in the eye when you shot?

Also, I must admit I followed your advice from February: "Wear you camo from the minute you step out of your house in the city until you are in the field." I left my home in Brussels in my hunting clothes, shorts and boots, until arriving in camp. That was a great tip. I saved a lot of time that way. Pleasure - glad it helped you!

Be interested to hear more of your adventures, especially this DG hunting in the cities? What kind of weapons would you advise for this? Will do a separate answer to this one

Yes indeed I did enjoy it, and yes I did the vehicle hunting, it is called "bakkie jag". Apparently their is a club in RSA, called SABJAV (South African Bakkie (Jag)Hunting (vereeniging) Association). I will soon start my own international version - SCI, Safari Cab-hunt Invitational - we will just hunt from the backseats of the double cab vehicles, as to not expose us to the dangerous elements of Africa.

My PH showed me video's of Giraffe's fighting and I decided it would be safer for my PH if we did not hunt on foot. It was a eye opening experience for me indeed!

I have now decided, I must wear glasses on all hunts! Open eyes in wild Africa is a serious risk you have to consider, Imagine a Tsetse fly stings or bite (I do not know which), you in your eye. Even though I only hunt in Limpopo, where there are zero to none Tsetse fly's, those little "muggies" are just as dangerous!

Beat me to it as I was catching up.

Curious about which is better culling belt, open or covered with how many extra ammo cartridge holders?

Shouldn't a safari jacket with a frilly neckerchief be included for that Stuart Granger look? Or perhaps go with the John Wayne look wearing a vest and cowboy neckerchief?

Does it really matter if an animal is shot in front of a group on a photo safari in the adjacent park?
Wow you have a lot of question. Must be a beginner hunter by the sound of things - my ideal person I like to talk to....

Question 1 - open culling belts are a risk, your hunting companions will see the cheap brass you use, unless you are rich and only use Norma, then use an open belt. Another reason to use a closed belt, when you drive over bumpy terrain your brass won't fall out.

Question 2 - I prefer John, Stewart was an English old chap, and like the South African Boere, I do not have a fond affinity to the English.

Question 3 - No I normally try to shoot the animal at the back of the Group, the group of animals I mean. Shooting in front of greenies, I do not believe to be wise decision, you may be tempted...

I would also not recommend hunting at at places adjacent to parks, first of all, how will you know where border is? Your PH, as much as I revere PH's, is trained at hunting, not navigating. You will always see a tracker in the front of the PH, his sole purpose is not to allow the PH to get lost...
Africa's Son, when Diesel stalking with the Land Cruiser is the windows open and the aircon on or the windows closed when aircon is on???

I'm asking for a friend and what do you recommend to fill the cooler box with?
Frederik, I know you love beer and whiskey. As an proud American, I believe Bourbon is far superior to Whiskey. But if I get to hunt with you, I will sponsor a bottle of Whiskey... We can then use the coolerbox as a shooting prop from the Cruiser. As mentioned above, I prefer inside the cab, windows closed for those Tsetse's
Africa's Son, May not be appropriate for Canadians but for this American on an African safari, I'm all in wearing blue jeans, short sleeve tee shirts with some sort of advertising logo, black "tactical" boots, a backwards facing baseball cap, mirrored sunglasses and last but not least, assuming animals can't see colors, instead of camo, I went full sleeves. All this works when the temperature is at or near freezing with a 20 mph wind. Higher OR lower temperatures, brown khaki shorts and porkpie hat is more appropriate. Got my bandolier with a hundred rounds, multiple "clips" and in the event I have to get off the truck, my Amazon canvas sling. Now where's the driver and his special pickup with the padded roof rifle rest?
Hogpatrol, I like your style... 1 thing I do different, is the sleeves. I tend to get a tattoo of each animal I hunted, so I prefer sleeveless. Then I can show show my PH I am not noob in the hunting field - it also backs as shot placement indicator, if my PH forgot his little book.

I believe the colour matter to be a big hoax and conspiracy theory, advocated by the clothing manufacturers to sell camo... Why would there be colourful birds and other animals, and according to "scientists", animal only have grey scale vision - why then khaki clothes.... Makes one think

As a newbie planning my first African hunt, I want to thank "Africa's Son" for imparting such great wisdom Pleasure. And everyone else who contributed their vast knowledge to this thread- thanks to you as well, for I am not sure I could manage this without all of the excellent guidance found herein. I am already planning to sell my 300 H&H at an upcoming rummage sale being organized by my ex wife , so I can invest in a more proper PG rifle. Hopefully, I can find something affordable and already equipped with a red dot and pre sighted in. I already have some new boots that I bought at my local Sam's club, but I am trying not to wear them until I get to the bush , as I don't want to wear them out before the hunt.
I have decided to tip the camp staff, trackers and skinners with some Bic lighters, as I am sure they have never seen such magical items in the wilds of Africa. Not sure about the PH yet .But I am leaning toward giving him a $100 gift certificate at Ruth's Chris so when he comes back to US for the hunting shows, he will remember me when he is eating his fine steak dinner.
I am going to keep following this thread, so keep the good ideas, and excellent guidance coming.
I hope you had that 300H&H excluded in your pre-nuptial, or your ex wife is going to use the cash for a second hand jacuzi.

Good decision on the Bic lighters, your trackers can then use it to determine wind direction as well. How will you know the direction? just check to which side they turn the bodies trying to light a zol, that is the wind direction (another piece of free advise that not even a PH has picked up on yet). That reminds me now, if you really want to stand out a tipping customer, no jokes, bring a newspaper, ask your PH to stop at a local store and buy a few Boxer tobacco fills, then they can roll there own zol...
Be interested to hear more of your adventures, especially this DG hunting in the cities? What kind of weapons would you advise for this?

VertigoBE, interesting that you bring this up.

I met an upstanding PH at a fill station on my way up North from JHB Airport. I was accosted in the bathroom by this guy, for a hunt next year. Seems he gets more clients at the Garages than at shows in the USA.

He says he has a hunting concessions awarded to him by City Municipalities to cull/hunt the municipal parks. He will set me up for Rietvlei in Pretoria and Nairobi National Park, both Big 5 parks. I did some DD on this matter and the PH, and came to the conclusion a 7mm PRC will be ideal. The guesthouse in Pretoria overlooks the park, and shots seems possible from the porch, although a bit far.

This approaching PH, also told me about getting PAC permits for animals in city boundaries. For these I am thinking a suppressed 375H&H (remember I only do legal hunts and 375H&H is the minimum caliber you are allowed to hunt with in many cities across the African continent). I am thinking of Buff, Ele in the City and maybe a Lion.

An esteemed Belgian like yourself, what would you recommend? Please don't tell me a FN... Us Americans and our Colts and Winchesters, Belgians and FN's, Germans and their Heyms, Scandenavians and their Sako's, French and .. what do they have that is good? We need to expand our affinity for local made goods for some other wouldn't you say?

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Hello! I’m new… from Texas!
schwerpunkt88 wrote on Robmill70's profile.
Morning Rob, Any feeling for how the 300 H&H shoots? How's the barrel condition?
mrpoindexter wrote on Charlm's profile.
Hello. I see you hunted with Sampie recently. If you don't mind me asking, where did you hunt with him? Zim or SA? And was it with a bow? What did you hunt?

I am possibly going to book with him soon.