
One has to start to suspect, some civil disobedience with some administrative state employees.
I expect a small amount of malicious compliance at play, but overall some AI being used to auto remove a keyword database as well as a larger project that is doing a larger reorganization project.

Sec Hegseth has been very open to the press about other aspects and entries that were removed and why, and if in error, corrected. I don't think he's a man to distort or hide any American Heros actions and achievements.

I doubt anything malicious from anyone other than previous appointees or employees.
I expect a small amount of malicious compliance at play, but overall some AI being used to auto remove a keyword database as well as a larger project that is doing a larger reorganization project.

Sec Hegseth has been very open to the press about other aspects and entries that were removed and why, and if in error, corrected. I don't think he's a man to distort or hide any American Heros actions and achievements.

I doubt anything malicious from anyone other than previous appointees or employees.
I didn't trust the young major to have neither much of a clue nor the maturity to do the job particularly well to begin with. Lord knows, to date, he has met my every expectation.
View attachment 671941

I SPEAK ON BEHALF of a sizeable portion of South Africa [of all races] who would once and for all like to know exactly which whites stole which pieces of land and from which blacks.

The message that goes out from the presumptuous EFF and thus indirectly from the ANC is that all land was stolen from all blacks by all whites...

Not only does Juliass malema makes such false statements, but many others too who support him, so this is a serious issue which requires serious clarity. Let’s look at one small example.

In 1834 the king of the Pondos, King Faku, gave the land between the Mbashe and Mkomazi rivers to the Dutch settlers on the condition that they go and live there.

He wanted them as a buffer between him and Dingane who constantly stole his cattle and tried to chase him off his land.

Another agreement was in February 1838, when Dingane himself signed a treaty allowing Piet Retief and his group of approximately 100 Voortrekkers to occupy the land between the Tegula River and Port St. John's.. (a copy of this agreement can still be found today).

In 1825, when Shaka met the British for the first time, he allowed the British to take control of what was then called Port Natal, and, in return for this gesture, 2 British commanders, known as Fynn and Farewell, presented Shaka with beads, brass, blankets made of cloth, and other small inventions that could have very easily been brought over by ship.

These are just a few examples of some land that whites legally, or by mutual agreement, acquired from blacks. These stretches of land, and the farms on this land today, certainly cannot be defined as stolen...

Our history is littered with such barters and gifts, where land was traded for cattle or in many cases given as a reward for returning lost or stolen cattle from a neighbouring tribe to its original tribe. As for King Faku, the question is whether the land was Faku’s to give in the first place. He, or his predecessor, undoubtedly took it by force from another hapless black tribe...

Stealing, you may call it. Of course Dingaan also tried to get his hands on it. He, and particularly Shaka before him, “stole” massive pieces of land; in fact they chased the Matabele people off their land, all the way to Zimbabwe where they still live.

The Matabele may argue that a large part of South Africa rightfully belongs to them and that the current black inhabitants should depart. Needless to say that, even before the black tribes started “stealing” land from each other, the San people lived here.

They have the strongest claim of all.

To add a twist, by studying old documents and reading old diaries, you discover that vast areas of land were uninhabited when the Dutch arrived, basically no-man’s land. These areas got occupied and vacated almost at random, as a result of regional wars (or exterminations by other tribes) that took place from time to time.

The only difference between the Dutch who settled there and the previous occupants, who were gone, was that the Dutch were able to defend their positions and were not driven away.

I’m not sure how to bring this letter to the attention of juliass [race mad] malema and those who think like him. It is a very serious issue, since the disregard of treaties, no matter how old, tends to de-stabilize whole regions.

We need clarity about the grounds on which juju malema's own claims are based...
[...for the record....he is a Zimbabwean living here and spreading race hatred in south africa...]

If he is not interested in historic fact or the historic treaties that his forefathers entered into (not to mention those made by the ANC with the NP in 1994), and if he simply wants to seize land belonging to whites, then he is of course, planning to cause unrest, ,


....To My Critic's it's Not a White Thing, It's The Right Thing..

View attachment 671934

Here are certain crooked politicians that on purpose mislead the [deliberate unschooled?] jobless voting masses [and overseas liberals?] into a land/property war,....... that can become very-very ugly....!

View attachment 671950
So then, all Africans will enthusiastically remove themselves from all historically "white" lands like Europe without compensation and we will only visit the purified land of Africa after a racial reset in order to sing Kumbayaa. Wonder about the non white, yet not black African residents--I suppose they are just a bunch of cheaters/squatters who must leave without complaint or legal recourse.

How refreshing it would be to see any post colonial government in Africa that IS NOT a total screwup.
If this is true, it is sickening and beyond stupid.

Like the Enola Gay photo (can't make it up), I have to wonder if it wasn't done deliberately as a way of making a point about the blanket nature of the guidance.
I have trouble believing that this could be anything other than malicious compliance by those opposed to the administration’s policies.
Imagine South Africa calling another person or Country "racist".....nearly laughable. President Trump has many times said all people should be judged on merit and not on skin color. That is certainly NOT the case in RSA over the last few years. Insulting any Country's president can get you thrown out...or worse...anywhere. Good riddance..........FWB
How well did North Americans assimilate with the natives of the time?
You mean the "natives", many of whom came across the Bering land bridge from Asia? They were literally still living in the Stone Age in NA due to the vast resources at their disposal and lost the war to a better armed, more technologically advanced people. It was much like many other conflicts throughout the world.
So then, all Africans will enthusiastically remove themselves from all historically "white" lands like Europe without compensation and we will only visit the purified land of Africa after a racial reset in order to sing Kumbayaa. Wonder about the non white, yet not black African residents--I suppose they are just a bunch of cheaters/squatters who must leave without complaint or legal recourse.

How refreshing it would be to see any post colonial government in Africa that IS NOT a total screwup.

Am I in the wrong here, or is Namibia not the answer to that?
I thought they were reasonable?
I didn't trust the young major to have neither much of a clue nor the maturity to do the job particularly well to begin with. Lord knows, to date, he has met my every expectation.
One thing I am puzzled about. If the intend is to cut defense budget by 8% each year then why did the recently passed CR increased it by $6B?

Seems to be a disconnect somewhere.
The history of the world is one civilization concurring others.

We are in a brief period of apologies and appeasement.

I suspect we will resume our historical nature soon...

(No telling how it plays out...)

But, I will would bet against the wimps.

Gold, Bitcoin, IDK...
One thing I am puzzled about. If the intend is to cut defense budget by 8% each year then why did the recently passed CR increased it by $6B?

Seems to be a disconnect somewhere.
Something that has been completely lost in the discussion of a defense cut is the reality of government accounting. Any reduction in the anticipated increase is considered a cut. So if there was an anticipated increase of 7%, but only a 3% increase gets approved, in government speak, they had a 4% cut. Asinine, I know, but they do not refer to the actual 3% increase, just that the dept had a 4% cut. For those of you who have spent time dealing with government budgeting, I figured someone would have pointed this out before. It has truly been eons since the actual dollars were reduced in any government agency budget. That is a large part of why we are now facing the deficit we have. That, and the equally asinine policy of "use it or lose it". Any "cut" in the budget is simply a reduction in the rate of increase.
What the anticipated increase in defense spending was supposed to be, I do not know. Whether the 8% "cut" is reflected in the actual approved increase would be interesting to find out. Was the expected increase 8% above the $6B approved? Don't know.
When Van Riebeeck landed 370 years ago the only indigenous people south of the Orange River (pretty sure this was the river without looking it up) were Hottentots and San. People that are virtually gone today. The great Bantu migration had not made it that far south. Of the races now in South Africa, the whites were the first ones in that area.

By the time of the Great Trek, the Bantu had certainly moved south of the Limpopo in significant numbers. I think this is what @Altitude sickness is talking about and it is certainly good to "educate yourself on the subject."
I'm very well educated on the subject, thank you.
We are talking about the current land grab argument here not the history.
More than %90+ of the land and %90+ of the wealth still owned by the whites in RSA.
I didn't trust the young major to have neither much of a clue nor the maturity to do the job particularly well to begin with. Lord knows, to date, he has met my every expectation.
If you go back couple weeks, I expressed my dissatisfaction with him because he's nowhere qualified for the job and just an errand boy.
I got flak for it but I stand behind my statement.
What a shame!

Good points. The majority of American's in 2025 will agree with you that America's wars, which so many other countries helped participate in, had no strategic goals in mind prior to the invasion. The post WWII people that designed those policies are gone and it seems American's have changed their minds.

The Holy Roman Empire was the epicenter of Germanic life for 600 years until an intrepid Priest nailed his Thesis to the church doors in Wittenberg. Gradually his actions reshaped the Germanic peoples and Western Civilization. The people had changed their minds.

I would say that since the Iraq invasion of 2003 under false/misled pretenses, the American people have been changing their minds regarding foreign wars and Trump is the tool they have selected to change the paradigm. Regarding internal issues such as trade and the debt, the Tea Party movement of 2007 was the initial shot across the bow. It took ten years for America's politicians to understand this with the election of Trump and 18 years to get where we are now.

In my opinion, America is moving away from constant foreign conflicts and to strengthening itself financially/internally. Trump whether your opinion is good or bad is the manifestation of the majority of American's present position both internally and externally. This change of focus can certainly make it difficult for our friends, however the signs have been building for 20 years and foreign leaders should have been able to see this demographic shift coming. Many have. It seems that Europe and Five Eyes have been the slowest to react.
"It took ten years for America's politicians to understand this with the election of Trump and 18 years to get where we are now".

Sorry for my late reply.
I can only agree with the way you look at the development.
But in this world without the cooperation of democratic peoples as partners, you will not stand up to China and others.
The gaps that you (the USA) leave behind will be gladly and immediately filled by other powers (the China and Russia wolves are already eating chalk; a metaphor from Grimm's fairy tale, if you want to do something particularly nice for others).
In Germany it is now the case that the Left and the Greens have been voted out; nevertheless, they are still very vehemently involved in decision-making and I wonder what else we have to vote for to finally stop this left-wing fascism.
This will also go on in Germany for another 10-18 years until the direction is finally changed.
I envy the Swiss for their democratic referendums on important issues.
The outlook here is bleak
Take care
You mean the "natives", many of whom came across the Bering land bridge from Asia? They were literally still living in the Stone Age in NA due to the vast resources at their disposal and lost the war to a better armed, more technologically advanced people. It was much like many other conflicts throughout the world.
It was meant to be hyperbole. What does assimilation look like? Speaking English? Being Christian? You guys can’t even agree on a single denomination. Eating American food? Corn dogs and deep fried Oreos for all, no pizza, French fries, hamburgers, and sorry Chicago, no more polish sausage.

And since you’re all not Puritans, it’s safe to say that assimilation hasn’t been the name of the game since the 16th century.

America has always been a melting pot since the beginning
If you go back couple weeks, I expressed my dissatisfaction with him because he's nowhere qualified for the job and just an errand boy.
I got flak for it but I stand behind my statement.
What a shame!
I think a number of us expressed concerns with his lack of professional experience and preparation for such a job. At the time, I compared his focus on DEI as dealing with a hangnail on his little finger compared to the vast responsibilities of a SECDEF. Sadly, it appears the hangnail is causing him trouble as well.
Am I in the wrong here, or is Namibia not the answer to that?
I thought they were reasonable?
Right you are....I am officially refreshed

Africa will still be there after all the winds of change, and the world (including hunters) will just have to roll with what is left...as it has done countless times. Still frustrating to see the majority of the movement head in the direction of greed, graft, corruption and blood-soaked power grabs, which occur even when "white" is nowhere in the equation. More of concern to this forum is the potential loss of hunting land/viable hunting stock which is potentially at risk with future incompetent leadership. The risk gets higher as the population gets larger. I hope things don't finally get "unfixable." Also maddening to see raunchy reverse racist injustice to white farmers who have been in Africa as long as any European has been in America.

Just finished re-reading Meredith's "The State of Africa," a truly depressing read.
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It was meant to be hyperbole. What does assimilation look like? Speaking English? Being Christian? You guys can’t even agree on a single denomination. Eating American food? Corn dogs and deep fried Oreos for all, no pizza, French fries, hamburgers, and sorry Chicago, no more polish sausage.

And since you’re all not Puritans, it’s safe to say that assimilation hasn’t been the name of the game since the 16th century.

America has always been a melting pot since the beginning
Melting pot, at least in the context of American culture, is a metaphor for assimilation. Sadly, some cultures are extremely resistant to melting. Islam is one, and having driven around much of greater Vancouver, so are Indians from the northern part of the Sub-continent.

If immigrants cannot be assimilated, the result is Balkanization. We can clearly see that process at work in places Dearborn, and yes, perhaps even Vancouver.
Melting pot, at least in the context of American culture, is a metaphor for assimilation. Sadly, some cultures are extremely resistant to melting. Islam is one, and having driven around much of greater Vancouver, so are Indians from the northern part of the Sub-continent.

If immigrants cannot be assimilated, the result is Balkanization. We can clearly see that process at work in places Dearborn, and yes, perhaps even Vancouver.
And to me assimilation means the adoption of a new culture and leaving yours behind, while a melting pot is where everyone keeps their culture and beliefs, but they all mange to live together.

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schwerpunkt88 wrote on Robmill70's profile.
Morning Rob, Any feeling for how the 300 H&H shoots? How's the barrel condition?