It looks like MRC is picking up where they left off. Good for them. It will be good to see another semi-custom CRF rifle that's DG ready out of the box for less than $4K...especially in this economy. My only criticism is the shape of the stock, particularly the comb. To each his own.
These remind me of the rifles Dakota was making before they turned into Parkwest.
My friend, yes Montana Rifle Company is carefully creating functional rifles with enough adornment that one's dog wound not be embarrassed to be seen near them.
I believe their $3295 TSAVO .375 H&H will fill market space previously enjoyed by the Kimber of Oregon Caprivi. They are definitely a BIG step up in quality control over modern Winchester Model 70 Classic (CRF). And that is from a I darn near love my Model 70's, Pre-64 or new!
Ian and the MRC engineers are fine tuning the manufacturing of the TSAVO by testing, test, and retesting the pre-production items.
@Altitude sickness and I have different rifle operating and shooting styles from each other and from the MRC test team. Kristen of MRC video-ed us and if there were any bugs that came out, trust me Ian will use his aerospace engineering brain to swat the crap out of any problems.
Here is something that most probably do not comprehend. Being in Michigan a half hour north of Detroit, there is no shortage of highly skilled mechanical and other disciplines of engineers, highly skilled machinists, and guys who do "frame off" restorations of cars for their hobby. It is also the home of Fred Bear, Ted Nugget, and other outdoorsmen. Highly qualified labor and management that actually hunt, is in no shortage here!
Grace Engineering bought the default Montana Rifle Company and moved it to Michigan. Grace is a small, 50-year old family owned, ISO 9001 Certified manufacturing firm
It produces high spec machine parts, G5 Archery products
Montana Rifle Company is producing high quality rifles, one version at a time. As I previously wrote in another post, what happened to Kimber of Oregon? Where is Dakota? How about the thousands of other small businesses that go bankrupt every year? Being excellent a building quality products does not keep the door open. Trying to produce too many products too quickly will drive a company into the red, deep red in a New York minute!
The above paragraph is for those who want rifles chambered in popular but seldom purchased cartridges such as .404 Jeffery, .500 Jeffery, .505 Gibbs. Businesses need to achieve Economies of Scale for peak efficiency. Peak efficiency provides for profits (hopefully) that can be invested into design, CAD development, and set up for new products! The old Montana Rifle Company produced a wide variety of rifle chambering’s in at least two action diameter sizes. They are here no longer. You can't please everyone so stick to the knitting (what you do best).
MRC's current plan is to bring to market a .458 Lott approximately Christmas time or before this year. They are thinking of adding a .416 Remington next. All of those cartridges fit in the same length magazine and action diameter. Once those cartridges are part of the MRC line up, one can only hope they will add small runs of those tried and true hunting cartridges like the .404, .500, .505, and the always popular .416 Rigby. These cartridges will require a larger diameter action so that will be a big step in design and production set up costs. How many units (rifles) will MRC need to sell to recoup that investment? One thing is for sure, those specialty rifles will probably cost more than the larger runs of .375 H&H !
The good news for many is that MRC plans to sell their actions for gunsmiths to build rifles on. Now, if you or your gunsmith can fit the larger diameter cartridges into the TSAVO action, more power to you! MRC must consider product liability and hogging out too much steel from an action could lead to problems no company needs in our litigious society.
I wish the Memphis Michigan based Montana Rifle Company the best! They are taking their time to only release high quality rifles that are at least Marine and Sailor (
@Altitude sickness ) proof!