
I didn't even know Luxemburg had an army let alone a member of NATO. They are landlocked with a slew of countries between them as a buffer from any potential threat from Russia. I guess it might have made sense in the days of USSR. They'd be better off financially if they just leave NATO.
Too bad Pancho Villa didn't have a judge Boebert to protect him from US involvement across the border into Mexico...he could have used legality to stall all military efforts to contain his activities. Seems it took more than legally processing banditos one by one by one to get the problem solved. Does any sane person think that every cartel member (especially non US citizens) deserves 1000% percent due process, paid for by us taxpayers? War footing demands a different approach, and like it or not, we are at war. The problem will NEVER get solved or battle won if obstructionist judges are able to derail the fight at will. It would have been the height of folly to give every German soldier captured in WWII the right to an attorney and a trial, or every AlQueda terrorist over in Iraq for that matter. Something about desperate times?....
The one constant good to come out of war post ww2 was the absence of it on North American soil. 9/11 while a great tragedy was a sucker punch of a terror attack and not a military action.
yeah, but due to Reparation$, we essentially invested shit tons of $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ in educating Japanese in the USA, helping to re-build their factories, and then allowing them to shift mfg and money over there. :( The 1% club are NOT your friends. "We use taxpayer money to make us even wealthier." -R. Perot 'Not a big fan of the process. At least they've scheduled war$ in jungle$ and cave$ in my lifetime. How civil! LMAO Like Pearl Harbor, I believe they allowed 9/11 to happen...
I didn't even know Luxemburg had an army let alone a member of NATO. They are landlocked with a slew of countries between them as a buffer from any potential threat from Russia. I guess it might have made sense in the days of USSR. They'd be better off financially if they just leave NATO.

I also think they are kinda half-a-country. Aren't Luxemburg and Lichtenstein affiliated with Switzerland for some Federal functions? Was it affiliation with Belgium? I don't know my Duchy and Principality civics.
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I believe everyone should pay their own bills and do what they can to provide security for themselves. Now, regarding the “no one is meeting their agreed obligations” mantra repeated a lot as of late. Below is a graph from NATO’s website showing each of the member states’ spending. According to the official data eight countries are not meeting their agreed spending targets. There are 32 members states.

View attachment 674844

this is true... however it is only recently true.. and only reflects what has been happening for the last 18 months..

in 2018 only 3x NATO members were meeting their 2% obligation (US, UK, Greece)..

in 2020 only 9x NATO members met their commitment..

That number dropped to 7x countries meeting their commitment in 2022..

Only in 2023, after Russia invaded Ukraine the prior February did most (not all) of NATO actually start doing what they have been committed to do for a very long time.. and even with an invasion some of the countries doing the most bitching about the US, still arent meeting their commitment..
Europe is now rearming...800 billion euros are on the table.

Sure..we need to do it..Hegseth is to reduce your military spending with 40%...8% pro anno from now..so perhaps you will have to pull out of Europe by necessity..
@Pondoro so you wait until YEARS after Putin invades Ukraine to start paying your military bills and you are stating this like a point of pride?

Better late than never I guess....... Glad to see that you are finally admitting that EU has failed to meet their obligations for years on end while FUNDING PUTIN.

I'm glad to see you EU countries finally opening their wallets after the USA stopped paying your defense bills for you! I mean it was probably just an oversight that lead to the entire EU not having enough arms to even defend itself and has nothing to do with the greed of relying on the USA to defend you for decades.

Now if we can just get you to do something with your military other than having them walk around EU cities with machineguns strapped to their chests to protect against the next Jihadi attack.

You really should THANK Trump! Without him the EU would just have continued to sit on their hands and do nothing, well nothing besides making snarky comments.

Again.... Trump has done more to get Europe's militaries ready for defense than all EU leaders combined for the last 20 years.

With the exception of Poland, they seem to have been pulling their weight.
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this is true... however it is only recently true.. and only reflects what has been happening for the last 18 months..

in 2018 only 3x NATO members were meeting their 2% obligation (US, UK, Greece)..

in 2020 only 9x NATO members met their commitment..

That number dropped to 7x countries meeting their commitment in 2022..

Only in 2023, after Russia invaded Ukraine the prior February did most (not all) of NATO actually start doing what they have been committed to do for a very long time.. and even with an invasion some of the countries doing the most bitching about the US, still arent meeting their commitment..

True, however at the 2014 Wales summit, following the soviet invasion of Ukraine, it was agreed that NATO member states were to be spending 2% of GDP on defence by 2024.
Kindly explain how VAT tax, a sales tax, applied to most goods on the market, regardless of the place of origin and including local and imported goods at the exact same rate is excluding American, or for that matter any other country’s product?

I have done it before but happy to do it one more time. You live in Poland so lets use America and Poland. (My figures are from a cursory glance at the internet) Lets say America has a $50k car they want to sell in Poland and Poland has a $50k car they want to sell in America. Poland has a 10% tariff on imported cars. America has a 2.5% tariff on imported cars. That makes the American car cost $55k in Poland and the Polish car cost $51,250 in America. Now you add on the 23% VAT that Poland charges and the American car now costs $67,650 in Poland vs the $51,150 the Polish car costs in America. (American States do have a registration tax/tag tax that varies by State that needs offset, but it is low compared to 23% VAT)

It doesn't matter that Poland charges 23% VAT on all imports from all countries or for internally made products.. If Poland wants to do that it is fine. Just don't expect other countries to be okay with it. In this case, America is jacking up the cost of the Polish car 7.5% (10%-2.5%) plus the 23% to get to a fair price of $67,650 which is their right, just as it is Poland's right to have a VAT. This has been going on for decades between America and Europe helping cause a massive trade imbalance favoring European countries. If Poland doesn't like it that is fine. Poland doesn't have to trade with America on equal terms if they don't want to. Just don't expect America to be happy getting the short end of the deal into perpetuity. If however Poland wants to trade with America going forward, expect reciprocity. If Poland wants to sell cars in America without tariffs it is easy. Just build the plants in America and there will be no tariffs!
True, however at the 2014 Wales summit, following the soviet invasion of Ukraine, it was agreed that NATO member states were to be spending 2% of GDP on defence by 2024.

We are in agreement....

That said, the remaining 8 countries (that's a full 25% of NATO.. that's not a small number at all).. are among those doing the most bitching and complaining about the US saying "if you don't meet your commitments, we don't have an obligation to meet ours"..

Canada for example is only contributing 1.38% and doesn't have a plan to get to 2% until sometime between 2032 and 2033..

Spain is currently at 1.28%... they say they will try to get to 2% by 2029.. but had no intention of honoring their 2024 commitment at all until pressure has been applied over the last few months..
When NAFTA was established, theoretically there was free trade throughout North America. Most products made in Canada, Mexico and America were made in those respective countries. Over the past 25 years things have changed dramatically. Canada and Mexico decided to stop manufacturing products made entirely in their countries, and start substituting products made in other countries, primarily China and the western Pacific Rim. In many cases now, products are only assembled in Mexico and Canada.

Lets use China as an example. America has not been able to get free trade with China because China sends their manufactured products to Canada and Mexico, assemble it, and get free trade into America through the NAFTA Treaty. China then puts a tariff on American made goods. Over the years this has led to a growing imbalance of trade. In 2017, America imported $507 billion from China and only exported $130 billion to China. This deficit is virtually all due to NAFTA.

Trump has tried to work things out with Canada and Mexico for over a year. Neither Canada or Mexico wanted to make things work. That led to the situation that exists today. The only way Trump can get around the House and the Senate is to declare steel and aluminum as vital to national defense. Trump isn't looking to take advantage of either Canada or Mexico. Just have free trade between each country individually. Canada's problem is that they don't make many products anymore. They buy things from other countries and assemble them, thus Canada is going to have a problem adjusting.

Regarding the EU. @Red Leg covered this pretty well. America allowed Europe and Japan to have an advantageous trade balance after the war to help them rebuild. There is no need now to allow this imbalance to continue. Currently America imports $434 billion from the EU and export $283 billion. This is due to the EU having higher overall tariffs on products coming from America than America has on products coming from the EU. Trump wants free trade. Zero tariffs going each way. There is nothing sinister about this. Trump is not trying to get an advantage. Tusk, Junker and the other bureaucrats in the EU acted like no changes would be accepted, at least until Junker went to Washington this week with a change of heart.

All Trump is doing is keeping America from being taken advantage of. Since WWII by Europe and Japan, or since the mid 90's, by Canada and Mexico, due to NAFTA.

Canada has taken advantage of America since they started using foreign made products to export into America, changing NAFTA from it's original intent. This is all easily understandable with an hour or two of research. It is unfortunate that Freeland and Trudeau are inept. They are just making things much more difficult for the average Canadian. Hopefully Freeland and Trudeau will figure things out before things get to bad for our friends in the great white north.
It is so weird that Trump has been trying to work this out with Canada and Mexico for over a year, since he only has been in office since January.

Please help me understand just who he was communicating with in the Canadian government to work this out with?

It's also so weird that steel and aluminum are the targets of the larger tariffs, require no assembly at all and really are made in Canada. You are right Canada is not a manufacturing center, we tend to export natural resources, which require no assembly at all. If you take energy exports (oil and electricity) out the U.S. runs a trade surplus with Canada. And just to be clear, the oil and electricity are not imported from China and assembled in Canada.

And let us not forget, the current trade deal in place between the three North American countries was negotiated and put in place by Trump in his first term when he called it "the best trade deal ever."

What do you call someone who signs a deal and then refuses to stand by it?
You really should THANK Trump! Without him the EU would just have continued to sit on their hands and do nothing, well nothing besides making snarky comments.

When this said we have had many polticians over the years who have said we needed to step-up, but unfortunatly they weren`t in majority.

EU were asleep living in a purple heaven. They were more concerning about woke stuff. Learning to handle a rifle a wack russians was not a priority.
yeah, but due to Reparation$, we essentially invested shit tons of $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ in educating Japanese in the USA, helping to re-build their factories, and then allowing them to shift mfg and money over there. :( The 1% club are NOT your friends. "We use taxpayer money to make us even wealthier." -R. Perot 'Not a big fan of the process. At least they've scheduled war$ in jungle$ and cave$ in my lifetime. How civil! LMAO Like Pearl Harbor, I believe they allowed 9/11 to happen...

So from my attempt to decipher your response ( I think cave paintings would be clearer ) you believe the United States government allowed pearl harbour to happen in order to gain entry in ww2 and likewise allowed the terror attacks on 9/11 to happen in order to have a reason to invade Iraq?

I believe there is a major difference in the two historical events. One (although an embassy aid failed to report the declaration of war) was a military action undertaken using navel forces and predominantly against military targets by a foreign power. The other by contrast was a terror attack executed by a small number of extremists using hijacked civilian aircraft on predominantly civilian targets.

Do you by chance have any radical theory’s you wish to share with the class about the pyramids , ufos, under water super bases, Area 51, the jfk files or the safety of artificial sweeteners?
I have done it before but happy to do it one more time. You live in Poland so lets use America and Poland. (My figures are from a cursory glance at the internet) Lets say America has a $50k car they want to sell in Poland and Poland has a $50k car they want to sell in America. Poland has a 10% tariff on imported cars. America has a 2.5% tariff on imported cars. That makes the American car cost $55k in Poland and the Polish car cost $51,250 in America. Now you add on the 23% VAT that Poland charges and the American car now costs $67,650 in Poland vs the $51,150 the Polish car costs in America. (American States do have a registration tax/tag tax that varies by State that needs offset, but it is low compared to 23% VAT)

It doesn't matter that Poland charges 23% VAT on all imports from all countries or for internally made products.. If Poland wants to do that it is fine. Just don't expect other countries to be okay with it. In this case, America is jacking up the cost of the Polish car 7.5% (10%-2.5%) plus the 23% to get to a fair price of $67,650 which is their right, just as it is Poland's right to have a VAT. This has been going on for decades between America and Europe helping cause a massive trade imbalance favoring European countries. If Poland doesn't like it that is fine. Poland doesn't have to trade with America on equal terms if they don't want to. Just don't expect America to be happy getting the short end of the deal into perpetuity. If however Poland wants to trade with America going forward, expect reciprocity. If Poland wants to sell cars in America without tariffs it is easy. Just build the plants in America and there will be no tariffs!
That's clearly wrong.

In your example, the 7.5% delta is valid, but vat clearly and evidently has no impact.

The US company isn't paying vat, the Polish consumer is. They have to do so no matter if they buy an American car, or a Polish car, or a German car, so it's not barrier to US trade as it does not represent a competitive disadvantage to the US supplier over the Polish one. It simply means that Polish consumers pay more for ANY car.

Any more than a 5% us sales tax is somehow driving US consumers into an American car over a Polish one. That's clearly not going to be the case.

I'd also note that if your argument is that vat nominally results in a skewed balance of trade because the US car nominally becomes a more expensive export vs the Polish import coming into the US, then you should be aware that vat is not accounted for in trade deficit as it is charged at the point of sale, not at the point of disembarkation, so again, your argument is flawed.

Tariffs and duties on imports you have an argument. Sales taxes, be they vat or us sales tax, you do not.
Just build the plants in America and there will be no tariffs!
This is actually an interesting issue if you think about it for a couple of minutes. America is the consuming nation where all the money is. It kind of begs the question:

Why don't foreign companies build their plants there in the first place? Why did Honda and Toyota build plants in Ontario and not just over the border in say...Michigan?

Here are some of the reasons.

1) A better educated more productive workforce. One of the reasons the Mercedes-Chrysler merger fell apart was due to the inefficiency of American workers who were unable or unwilling to meet the German standards. For instance, the German Union contracts required their workers to move almost three times as many parts as the Chrysler workers CBA's required them to move. American workers have the potential to be as productive as anyone else but are not.

2) Health care costs. If you are building a big plant in the U.S. and have to buy health care insurance for your many thousands of employees, it can get very expensive. Base health care in Canada is provided by the government and thus not a cost. American health care is very expensive.

3) Cheaper energy costs. Which is the main reason the U.S. can't build aluminum that cheaply. Energy cost is a huge part of aluminum production.

4) Lower corporate taxes.

So how about this for an idea. American governments work to create an environment that makes it attractive and desirable to produce products there. Rather than simply trying to bully people into doing it, make it the best choice.
What do you call someone who signs a deal and then refuses to stand by it?

A fair number of NATO allies.
This is actually an interesting issue if you think about it for a couple of minutes. America is the consuming nation where all the money is. It kind of begs the question:

Why don't foreign companies build their plants there in the first place? Why did Honda and Toyota build plants in Ontario and not just over the border in say...Michigan?

Here are some of the reasons.

1) A better educated more productive workforce. One of the reasons the Mercedes-Chrysler merger fell apart was due to the inefficiency of American workers who were unable or unwilling to meet the German standards. For instance, the German Union contracts required their workers to move almost three times as many parts as the Chrysler workers CBA's required them to move. American workers have the potential to be as productive as anyone else but are not.

2) Health care costs. If you are building a big plant in the U.S. and have to buy health care insurance for your many thousands of employees, it can get very expensive. Base health care in Canada is provided by the government and thus not a cost. American health care is very expensive.

3) Cheaper energy costs. Which is the main reason the U.S. can't build aluminum that cheaply. Energy cost is a huge part of aluminum production.

4) Lower corporate taxes.

So how about this for an idea. American governments work to create an environment that makes it attractive and desirable to produce products there. Rather than simply trying to bully people into doing it, make it the best choice.

Honda, Toyota and at least BMW have factories in the USA. Likely more, but I know those do off the top of my head.
I have done it before but happy to do it one more time. You live in Poland so lets use America and Poland. (My figures are from a cursory glance at the internet) Lets say America has a $50k car they want to sell in Poland and Poland has a $50k car they want to sell in America. Poland has a 10% tariff on imported cars. America has a 2.5% tariff on imported cars. That makes the American car cost $55k in Poland and the Polish car cost $51,250 in America. Now you add on the 23% VAT that Poland charges and the American car now costs $67,650 in Poland vs the $51,150 the Polish car costs in America. (American States do have a registration tax/tag tax that varies by State that needs offset, but it is low compared to 23% VAT)

It doesn't matter that Poland charges 23% VAT on all imports from all countries or for internally made products.. If Poland wants to do that it is fine. Just don't expect other countries to be okay with it. In this case, America is jacking up the cost of the Polish car 7.5% (10%-2.5%) plus the 23% to get to a fair price of $67,650 which is their right, just as it is Poland's right to have a VAT. This has been going on for decades between America and Europe helping cause a massive trade imbalance favoring European countries. If Poland doesn't like it that is fine. Poland doesn't have to trade with America on equal terms if they don't want to. Just don't expect America to be happy getting the short end of the deal into perpetuity. If however Poland wants to trade with America going forward, expect reciprocity. If Poland wants to sell cars in America without tariffs it is easy. Just build the plants in America and there will be no tariffs!
That's clearly wrong.

In your example, the 7.5% delta is valid, but vat clearly and evidently has no impact.

The US company isn't paying vat, the Polish consumer is. They have to do so no matter if they buy an American car, or a Polish car, or a German car, so it's not barrier to US trade as it does not represent a competitive disadvantage to the US supplier over the Polish one. It simply means that Polish consumers pay more for ANY car.

Any more than a 5% us sales tax is somehow driving US consumers into an American car over a Polish one. That's clearly not going to be the case.

I'd also note that if your argument is that vat nominally results in a skewed balance of trade because the US car nominally becomes a more expensive export vs the Polish import coming into the US, then you should be aware that vat is not accounted for in trade deficit as it is charged at the point of sale, not at the point of disembarkation, so again, your argument is flawed.

Tariffs and duties on imports you have an argument. Sales taxes, be they vat or us sales tax, you do not.
That is not exactly correct. As @Alistair notes, VAT is a consumption and not a production cost. It has no affect on the exported cost of the vehicle. The Polish citizen does not have the option to purchase the vehicle in the States. Thus, any vehicle with a $50K production cost will have the same VAT applied regardless of location of production. The tariff or duty differential would affect relative costs.

For example, take a $100 US-made gadget:
  • Shipping and insurance: $20.
  • Import duty (say 3%): $3 on the $100 value.
  • Total taxable value: $123.
  • VAT at 20% (e.g., UK rate): $24.60.
  • Final cost to the European buyer: $147.60.

And a $100 EU-made item (pre-VAT):
  • In Europe, with 20% VAT, it would cost $120 domestically.
  • Shipping and insurance $20
  • When exported to the US, VAT is removed, so the base price to the US buyer is $120.
  • Import duty in the US (say 2% on the $100 value): $2.
  • Cost before sales tax: $122.
  • US state sales tax at 8% (e.g., a typical rate in states like California): $9.76
  • Final cost to the US buyer: $131.76.
Yes, an equal production cost EU product may be cheaper in the US than it is in the EU, but that is a function of relative consumer costs. Again, as @Alistair VAT plays only a marginal role in determining the trade deficit.

The real drivers of trade deficits are larger forces: exchange rates, production costs, consumer demand, and trade policies. For instance, the US runs a persistent trade deficit (e.g., $947 billion in 2022) not because of VAT but due to high domestic consumption and reliance on cheaper foreign goods (e.g., from China, where VAT is 13% but labor costs are low). Government subsidies (the Airbus debate) is a different issue entirely.
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It is so weird that Trump has been trying to work this out with Canada and Mexico for over a year, since he only has been in office since January.

Please help me understand just who he was communicating with in the Canadian government to work this out with?

It's also so weird that steel and aluminum are the targets of the larger tariffs, require no assembly at all and really are made in Canada. You are right Canada is not a manufacturing center, we tend to export natural resources, which require no assembly at all. If you take energy exports (oil and electricity) out the U.S. runs a trade surplus with Canada. And just to be clear, the oil and electricity are not imported from China and assembled in Canada.

And let us not forget, the current trade deal in place between the three North American countries was negotiated and put in place by Trump in his first term when he called it "the best trade deal ever."

What do you call someone who signs a deal and then refuses to stand by it?

I was confused initially at your post then realized you are quoting my post from 6+ years ago. Trump had been in office for 2.5 years and the negotiations had been ongoing between Navarro/Lighthizer and Freeland.

Regarding your last sentence, "What do you call someone who signs a deal and then refuses to stand by it". There are more deals than just USMCA which I presume you are speaking to. Why don't you ask your government?

America has asked Canada to:

1. Stop the flow of illegals and drugs from entering America.

2. Stop the flow of Chinese goods which violate USMCA.

3. Open Canada to American banks.

4. Live up to NATO spending agreements.

So far Canada hasn't done any of these things other than to pay lip service. On the other hand Mexico seems to be working hard to remedy the issues that affect them. Things seem to be going much better for Mexico than Canada.
This is actually an interesting issue if you think about it for a couple of minutes. America is the consuming nation where all the money is. It kind of begs the question:

Why don't foreign companies build their plants there in the first place? Why did Honda and Toyota build plants in Ontario and not just over the border in say...Michigan?

Here are some of the reasons.

1) A better educated more productive workforce. One of the reasons the Mercedes-Chrysler merger fell apart was due to the inefficiency of American workers who were unable or unwilling to meet the German standards. For instance, the German Union contracts required their workers to move almost three times as many parts as the Chrysler workers CBA's required them to move. American workers have the potential to be as productive as anyone else but are not.

2) Health care costs. If you are building a big plant in the U.S. and have to buy health care insurance for your many thousands of employees, it can get very expensive. Base health care in Canada is provided by the government and thus not a cost. American health care is very expensive.

3) Cheaper energy costs. Which is the main reason the U.S. can't build aluminum that cheaply. Energy cost is a huge part of aluminum production.

4) Lower corporate taxes.

So how about this for an idea. American governments work to create an environment that makes it attractive and desirable to produce products there. Rather than simply trying to bully people into doing it, make it the best choice.

You need to do some more research... you clearly know nothing at all about the automotive industry or how it works..

MANY foreign companies build their plants in the US...

You used Honda and Toyota as examples...

Well.. lets see... 100% of Toyota Tundras sold in the US are built in the US.. in fact there are 11 Toyota manufacturing plants in the US.. they are located in Kentucky, Indiana, Tennessee and Texas, among others

Honda has 12 automotive manufacturing plants in the US.. they are located across the country but are in Ohio, Alabama, and Indiana primarily..

You claim American workers are unwilling to meet German standards... really? Then why is one of Volkswagens largest manufacturing facilities in the world located in Chattanooga Tennessee? BMW and Mercedes also have manufacturing facilities in the US..

Hell, Volvo, Nissan, Mercedes, Kia, Hyundai, and just about every other major manufacturer of vehicles in the world manufacturers in the US...

And all of the major US manufacturers build cars at multiple locations overseas as well.. Ford has a huge plant in South Africa where they make Ranger trucks for the South African market (among many other places)... GM makes vehicles in 8 different countries around the world.. Chrysler has plants in China, South America, and in Europe..

The reason plants were built in Ontario vs Michigan has exactly zero to do with any of your 4 points..

The primary reason Michigan has died as an auto manufacturing hub has to do with unionized labor and liberal politicians..

The US auto industry moved out of Michigan decades ago.. no auto manufacturing plants have been built in Michigan in over 30 years.. US companies started moving to more corporate friendly states like Tennessee, Texas, Ohio, Alabama, etc and out of Michigan.. and the Japanese and European companies followed the US car companies lead..

Mack (Mack Trucks) opened an engine plant in Detroit in 2021.. it was literally the first new plant in more than 3 decades in that state.. they are testing the waters to see if Michigan has learned its lesson I suppose.. time will tell...
It’s refreshing to watch our VP able speak off the cuff for at least :30 straight. Forming cohesive and coherent sentences. IE: With the US Marines and today at the US and NATO Greenland Missile and Space defense base.

The US is no longer asleep at the wheel and is finally sounding the alarm that China and Russia have been building infrastructure at the Panama Canal and the sea lanes near and on Greenland.

We can not allow Greenland to become so entangled and indebted to China that they control that region.

Sleepy Joe was truly asleep at the wheel.


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