Search results

  1. wesheltonj

    Best Trail Cam Non Cellular?

    Reconyx, but not cheap.
  2. wesheltonj


    Some of us in Texas might say Roger the Dodger was the best.
  3. wesheltonj


    That is correct. However, the real problem is the two billing entries with meeting with White House counsel.
  4. wesheltonj

    Auction Hunt in Africa?

    I won a drawing hunt with Wintershoek Safaris, that I was unable to take due to a miscommunication problem. I gave them some dates and they never confirmed the dates, so I paid another outfitter for a hunt. And when that outfitter picks me up he tells me he’s supposed to take me to Wintershoek’s...
  5. wesheltonj

    2024 SHOT Show

    If Leica has their new thermal, check it out and how easy it would attach to a scope, namely the Leica ER scopes. Thank you.
  6. wesheltonj

    Wanted Sako Rear Ring

    You might check eBay too
  7. wesheltonj

    DSC 2025 in Atlanta....are you going?

    What will be interesting to see if now that SCI is based in San Antonio, if SCI holds a convention in San Antonio competing with both DSC & HSC.
  8. wesheltonj


    For 2020 not a chance. It’s no secret, that in order for Texas to turn blue the D’s need Williamson, Travis, Hays, Comal, Bexar and keep what they have. They have all but Comal and they are working hard on getting Comal blue.
  9. wesheltonj

    What could you just not resist at DSC?

    Depending on size, those are exceptional prices, for the one chamois.
  10. wesheltonj

    DSC 2025 in Atlanta....are you going?

    I think the new owners are the same as the old owners, the City of Dallas. DSC brings in too much revenue for "we don't want your kind" even through the current and future Dallas City Council might not be the most hunter friendly. I was told that San Antonio was only available for 1 year of...
  11. wesheltonj

    DSC 2025 in Atlanta....are you going?

    I will not be attending. I suspect, if I go to a show it might be SCI in Nashville (great after hours entertainment) and for sure SCI in NOLA.
  12. wesheltonj

    TANZANIA: Has Anyone Hunted With East African Adventures & Lupo Santasilia?

    Anyone hunt with East African Adventures and Lupo Santasilia in their Maasailand concession?
  13. wesheltonj

    What could you just not resist at DSC?

    Define not spending money. I did not spend it there, but will later.
  14. wesheltonj

    HSC 2024

    Anyone headed your to The Woodlands for Houston Safari Club?
  15. wesheltonj

    4 Stable Sticks Ultimate Carbon Shooting Sticks

    Put me in line if sale is not completed. Thanks.
  16. wesheltonj

    What could you just not resist at DSC?

    (1) Went to the Leica Booth, they did not have to toy I was interested in at the show. (2) Wife wanted to buy me a Phone Skope, but too concerned the case would not fit my next iPhone so passed on that. (The one that attached to a rifle scope was interesting, but will not handle the force from...
  17. wesheltonj

    Dip and ship or mount in Africa

    My answer is Dip & Ship and even more so with the outrageous shipping rates of late.
  18. wesheltonj

    TANZANIA: Has Anyone Hunted With African Buffalo Safari Trackers / ABUSAT?

    Anyone hunt with African Buffalo Safari Tracker, ABUSAT and Gamshad Gamshad in their Masaailand concession?
  19. wesheltonj

    Travel Through London Heathrow with my Holland & Holland Paperweight - Airport Security Fiasco

    I suspect your item is sitting nicely in one of the security persons home of their desk.
  20. wesheltonj

    Thinking of Flying BA?

    Another I hate BA from an UK paper. There long haul is better than any USA airline. They all have problems, the nature of the business.
  21. wesheltonj

    ZPGA email/apology

    I did not get the email, but I don't the take that other outfitters are not ethical because they did not pay for an ad in Lone Star Outdoor News Convention Issue.
  22. wesheltonj


    You are correct, Trump would not win against Newsome, but neither will any of the other R choices. I still say that it's Newsome as the D candidiate. While the African American community would want Kamala, they will still support who ever the D's pick. And Kamala selling candles is not going...
  23. wesheltonj

    Uganda Outfitter?

    Uganda Wildlife Safaris (Christian Weth) gets lots of TV time.
  24. wesheltonj


    Now if only Ronna McDaniel would listen.
  25. wesheltonj


    On the R side, It's Trump, period, unless he dies no one else is close. Some can dream about Haley, but its just a dream she cannot beat Trump. On the D side, that uncertain but either Biden or Newson. You will not know until the convention but I still say its Newson.
  26. wesheltonj


    I agree that DOD money is just bookkeeping transactions. I think the biggest complaint and mine is State Department money that does not have the same control as DOD money and who know where that goes. Based on history usually Switzerland, etc. Unfortunately, Ukraine did not have the materials...
  27. wesheltonj

    Wayne LaPierre resigns from the NRA

    Brewer is one the best lawyers in the USA. If your Fortune 500 company has a BIG problem that’s who you hire and his rate reflects his skill. I suspect however, that Brewer gave Wayne real bad news and that is why Wayne is out just before trial.
  28. wesheltonj

    Next African lion problem

    Desert Lion news november 2023 Wednesday 29 November 2023 Trophy hunting of Xpl-107 The shooting of Xpl-107 was a miscalculated tragedy. DLC has written directly to the Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Tourism to enquire about the declaration of Xpl-107 as a problem animal and the...
  29. wesheltonj

    Next African lion problem

    MEFT response below: REPUBLIC OF NAMIBIA MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT, FORESTRY AND TOURISM Press Release (For Immediate Release) 18 October 2023 Editors and Journalists MALE LION DESTROYED AS PROBLEM CAUSING ANIMAL The Ministry is concerned to note that there are individuals and groups that...
  30. wesheltonj

    Next African lion problem

    Wildveld's response below: Urgent Announcement Date: 01 January 2024 Subject: Closure of WildVeld Safaris Pty Ltd Distribution: WildVeld Partner Conservancies As most of you are aware by now, WildVeld Safaris and Mark Misner have been falsely implicated in a MEFT cull hunt that took place...
  31. wesheltonj

    Next African lion problem

    The Allegation below: I, Izak Schalk Willem Smit am a white male 65 years of age and a permanent resident of Namibia through marriage, South African ID Number 5801135012082 residing at 1 Kunenestreet, Kramersdorf, Swakopmund, cellular phone number 0816094460. I am the chairperson of a...
  32. wesheltonj

    Next African lion problem

    So the GPS data is wrong, BS.
  33. wesheltonj

    DSC shuttles

    From DFW your choices are (1) DART train, (2) Trinity Express train [more hassle then DART train] (3) Super Shuttle, (4) Uber/Lyft, (5) Taxi. For a "red eye" use Ride Share or Taxi option to hotel.
  34. wesheltonj


    Harvard had problems before her. Don’t worry they will select another just like her, but maybe this time run their dissertation thru the software.
  35. wesheltonj

    Our Hunting Travel Specialist on AH

    Great suggestion for those with out Global Entry. And for those that do have Global Entry and your airport supports it, is the Global Entry App. You bypass the kiosk and head straight to the counter.
  36. wesheltonj

    Safari Season 2024 Has Started - Where We Going?

    Early fall Europe
  37. wesheltonj


    Actually unhappy new year.
  38. wesheltonj


    Happy New Year from NOLA
  39. wesheltonj

    Zambia Hunt At Takeri Private Reserve Zambia 2024 & 2025

    You will never get close enough to the Lechwe for a bow, but you can try.
  40. wesheltonj

    Advice to only hunt for a couple of meals in Tanzania?

    Generally 10d, 1 person, room, board, license around $25k. Also, most cooks want the game to age a couple of days before you eat it.
  41. wesheltonj

    Free Booze and Food! January 11th 2024

    Beautiful knife. Someone going to be a happy winner.
  42. wesheltonj

    AR-10 Caliber Question

    SIG 716 is your answer.
  43. wesheltonj

    Zambia Hunt At Takeri Private Reserve Zambia 2024 & 2025

    Excellent offer. And use Lusaka and not Ndola. Below is my review:
  44. wesheltonj


    Concerning the USA I respectfully disagree. We have lots of University graduates who suck up what ever crap comes out on Twitter or TikTok. Critical thinking has been lost and replaced with 30 seconds on social media.
  45. wesheltonj

    Moon’s Impact on African Game?

    I’ve been using solunar tables for years. My experience is they are fairly accurate for natural feeding.
  46. wesheltonj

    AUSTRIA: Alpine Ibex With St. Hubertus Hunting Tours

    Congratulations on your hunt. That’s a hunt on my list too. Austria is a great country to visit. I’ve been all over but never hunting there. What was the closest town?
  47. wesheltonj

    Lion hunting SA

    (1) The minimum natural range of a Cape is 31,135 acres. IMO 4K acres is a pen and that's not for me, high, low or no fence. (2) How SCI and Rowland Ward, IMO classify as Estate hunt is incorrect, but I don't make the rules. Calling a river the same as a high fence IMO is not the same, but a...