Search results

  1. Triathlete3

    CZ550 MAGNUM, 458WM Situation

    I had to call CZ on mine to make sure it was factory done because as you can see from the picture the 458 Lott stamp is more crude and aftermarket than the 458wm. But, they assured me it left the factory that way. Is it possible this is one that slipped by QC? Yes. I would get CZ the serial...
  2. Triathlete3

    Best calibre for Giraffe

    I also shot a very old bull with a 470NE from 50-75 yards and it swallowed two shots with ease. 375h&h + is highly recommended.
  3. Triathlete3

    The .257 Roberts thread

    If it wasn't for the target blocks it would be almost mint. The Remington 30 is my favorite stamping on any reciever. I have a few different varieties.
  4. Triathlete3

    The .257 Roberts thread

    I picked up a Ruger 77 Ultralight in 257 Roberts a few years ago, such a sweet shooter. Classic cartridge, but hard to come by. Also have one in a Remington 30s Deluxe. I've taken many deer and hogs with the Ruger.
  5. Triathlete3

    For Sale CZ 550 American Stock

    I am interested. Will send a PM.
  6. Triathlete3

    7mm/08 for Plains Game? Good or Bad?

    My son shot zebra, 2 wildebeest, red hartebeest, impala, blesbok, axis, many deer, black buck, and more with one shot 7mm-08. In Africa he shoots Barnes ttsx 120gr and in the US 140gr Nosler BT. It's a beautiful cartridge.
  7. Triathlete3

    East Texas Mountain Lion

    We have seen a lion on our lease South of Uvalde this fall.
  8. Triathlete3

    Flat skins

    It took 6 months for my giraffe back skin to lose its creases. May just need to wait it out, which is the simplest and safest route.
  9. Triathlete3

    Do you use a 7mm STW in Africa?

    I have not, but a good friend who has hunted Africa 30 times always takes his 7mm STW and swears by it. I have killed N.A. big game with mine, but never took it to Africa.
  10. Triathlete3

    Remington 30 Express 30-06 - Curious to find out more info

    Great find! My favorite Remington. I have one identical to yours and one in 257 Robert's with a Unertl...beautiful guns. At $299 you got a bargain.
  11. Triathlete3

    Planning my 2nd trip back to South Africa

    We ended up just sending some money to our PH and had him buy us a few suppressors to keep in SA. For the few hundred dollars each it was worth it for piece of mind. As mentioned before, it only takes one stupid TSA agent to mess up your trip. Now when we go back they are just in our box along...
  12. Triathlete3

    Flat skins

    I have found that by just laying them out, and maybe putting some weight on them, the creases and folds come out.
  13. Triathlete3

    Your email was redacted so I can't see it unless you DM me.

    Your email was redacted so I can't see it unless you DM me.
  14. Triathlete3

    Where are you located? The owner, Spyker, is actually in the US right now.

    Where are you located? The owner, Spyker, is actually in the US right now.
  15. Triathlete3

    Suggestions for zebra 'trophies' other than the hide

    Mine is currently being turned into a "chess piece" pedestal.
  16. Triathlete3

    SOUTH AFRICA: Has Anyone Hunted With Joubert Pro Hunt S.A. (JPH)? Reputation? Thanks!

    Yes, I have hunted with them twice. You can DM me if you want to talk about it. They are fantastic.
  17. Triathlete3

    Ammo for sale 308/7mm rem/338 fed/7mm-08

    Can you please post prices. Thanks.
  18. Triathlete3

    Waned XP-100

    I may have something in the gun room. I'll get back to you tomorrow.
  19. Triathlete3

    Wanted Blaser R8 Bolt Assembly & Bolt

    All, I am in need of a RH Blaser R8 bolt assembly and magnum Bolt. Let me know if you have one to sell. Thanks!
  20. Triathlete3

    Any reason not to use a 300 PRC for Plains Game??

    If you're confident in the rifle...take it. If you choose the right bullet and place it where it needs to be then it doesn't take a lot to bring down plains game. There is also the possibility of losing your ammo, so just take a backup common caliber; 300win, 30-06, 270, etc. My wife killed...
  21. Triathlete3

    Procedure for claiming rifle in Johannesburg

    Good morning. It is quite simple, especially if you are using a permitting service. Grab your luggage and then head right to the SAPS office to claim your rifle. Double check with your PH to see if they are using an actual permitting service or if he is just submitting it personally. I highly...
  22. Triathlete3

    Lets see some Kudu!

    2022 birthday kudu. 57"
  23. Triathlete3

    Giraffe question from newbie

    Just shy of 8 feet with the base.
  24. Triathlete3

    Giraffe question from newbie

    Having just had my giraffe neck mount, remaining rug, leg lamp, leg ashtray, bones, and skull shipped back, via boat, I was pleasantly surprised that the added cost was only about an extra $1100 in shipping. It was a very old bull, an uneventful hunt, but one that was important for conservation...
  25. Triathlete3

    Age of first African hunting trip

    I turned 34 on my first safari. The next year, last year, my wife took her first trip at 33 and my son was 7 who shot 6 great animals.
  26. Triathlete3

    Wanted Remington 700 LA BDL Synthetic Stock

    I am having a 25-06 built right now on a Remington 700 LA with BDL bottom metal. I am looking for a quality synthetic stock, i.e. Manners, McMillan, HS Precision, etc. I figured I would spread some money here before I look elsewhere.
  27. Triathlete3

    Bullseye taxidermy received from 2021 hunt

    Here is a picture showing the face.
  28. Triathlete3

    Bullseye taxidermy received from 2021 hunt

    I am extremely happy with how it turned out. It is 7'7" total with the base included. Make sure you send them a picture of what you envision.
  29. Triathlete3

    Trophy Room Question

    Not a comment on size, but in materials. I am in the process of designing my house and trophy room and will be putting 3/4" plywood on all the walls of the trophy room. This will allow you to place a mount anywhere, not just a stud.
  30. Triathlete3

    Anyone recently travel with scope in carry-on

    I have not had any issues with scopes and binos in my carryon.
  31. Triathlete3

    Dismantle your rifles while putting them in travel case or keep them as one

    Get a good case and keep it all together. The risk of losing or have a bolt, scope, stock, etc goes way up if it is not a complete gun.
  32. Triathlete3

    Jet lag- how do you handle if?

    Black label beer, cigars, and a sleep aid...
  33. Triathlete3

    Leupoldt 1,5-5x20 For Sale

    I will take it if 62Flint decides not to.
  34. Triathlete3

    458 Win Mag Ammo For Sale

    Where in Illinois are you located?
  35. Triathlete3

    Something Small I picked up for "tipping"

    I read it exactly as you meant it. Clearly you're looking to give this in Addition to CASH.
  36. Triathlete3

    Would you like a Cigar?

  37. Triathlete3

    Winter Safari Yard Sale: Part 2

    Interested in a pair of Courtney Boots for my wife. Either 7 or 7.5 US. Also, interested in the Costas. PM inbound.
  38. Triathlete3

    Winter Safari Yard Sale: Part 1

    I will take the womens TAG clothing. PM incoming.
  39. Triathlete3

    Eland Cartridges for recoil sensitive shooter?

    7mm-08 with a suppressor purchased in Africa and left there for future safaris. My 7 year old shot several larger plains game with 120gr Barnes and it hit hard. Shot placement and ethical distance are the key ingredients. Have him shoot off a Bog death grip tripod. Another suggestion, albeit...
  40. Triathlete3

    Travelers stranded at O. R. Tambo Airport due to luggage issues

    As mentioned, I always carry on my binoculars, personal essentials, and one complete hunting outfit including boots. The rest can be hired/rented. If my rifle shows up, but not my check bag with ammo, then I can find 300wm or 375h&h on the ground.
  41. Triathlete3

    Bull's Eye Taxidermy in Vaalwater SA

    I just received my first of 3 safari shipments from them and was very happy with their work and communication. Trust them with confidence.
  42. Triathlete3

    Suppressors in Africa

    We sent money to our PH so he could go buy several suppressors in SA and then just left them there for our future planned safaris; he sealed them up in a box along with the ammo we left there for next time as well.. I think we paid about $300 each and they worked great. For the cost its a cheap...
  43. Triathlete3

    Remington 30S Express Action & All Parts

    I keep going back and forth on whether I keep this action to build a big 500 of some sort. The 30s is such a beautiful and clean action.
  44. Triathlete3

    Remington 30S Express Action & All Parts

    Good question. When I get back to the action I will see if I can figure that out.
  45. Triathlete3

    Remington 30S Express Action & All Parts

    I am selling a Remington 30S Express action and all the lower parts necessary. This action is in beautiful condition and has been modified to cock on open, bolt face opened to magnum bolt face, drilled and tapped for one piece base, and a custom straightened bolt handle. I bought this to...
  46. Triathlete3

    Thoughts on the Leupold VX-5HD 3-15x44 Scope?

    I own several of this exact same scope and believe it to be the all-around best hunting scope for the money. You will be very happy with the purchase.
  47. Triathlete3

    Ruger No.1 458 Win

  48. Triathlete3

    Ruger No.1 458 Win

    LOP is 13 5/8. Weight, according to my bathroom scale, is 9.0 pounds.
  49. Triathlete3

    Ruger No.1 458 Win

    I have what appears to be an unfired Ruger No.1 in 458 Win. There is one wear spot on the side of the stock where it looks like some finish was scraped off; it is otherwise quite minty. 23" barrel and a beautiful stock. $1550 shipped. I am in SC Wisconsin. I have only bought one here, never...