Search results

  1. bobdahunter84

    .458 Lott for Plains game?

    When I was in Africa this year, I brought a 458 Lott for buffalo with 500 gr TBBC. Brought a 300 Wby with 180 gr ttsx for everything else. My PH saw me shoot both and said, "you don't flinch with the 458, and you're shooting less than 1" groups at 100 yds. So leave the 300 Wby at camp." I didn't...
  2. bobdahunter84

    Recoil Reducer

    I know this topic is bound to stir up comments by folks questioning the merits of a recoil reducer. So I'll preface my question by stating I'm not really interested in the opinions that say recoil reducers are useless, the same thing can be accomplished by adding lead to the stock, etc. I...
  3. bobdahunter84

    Winchester Model 70... new or pre-64?

    Awesome! Looks like a dandy and in very good shape. Glad you got it. I'm sure your son will love it. That's capable of hunting 98% of anything he'll ever come across in the woods!
  4. bobdahunter84

    338 Win Mag Ammo

    That's a great price. Wish i needed some. These will go fast!
  5. bobdahunter84

    My Take on Dangerous Game Scopes

    Good video, although in some respects it seemed to blend a little common sense and a bit of inconsistent in terms of arguments. I watched this thinking it was specific to DG given the title, but quickly the discussion turned to include PG. The bottom line, your setup should fit your intentions...
  6. bobdahunter84

    Winchester Model 70... new or pre-64?

    Saw this listing today at Cabelas and reminded me of your post.
  7. bobdahunter84

    First Dangerous game capable rifle

    Not a better reply on this thread. This is 100% the best answer.
  8. bobdahunter84

    Model 70 Winchester .458 Win Mag

    I too would be skeptical of sending $$$ to a person that just joined 2 weeks ago. He should go sell on consignment if it is legit.
  9. bobdahunter84

    Winchester Model 70... new or pre-64?

    As most have said, you can't go wrong with either. Personally, I'm a sucker for the pre 64s. I have more pre 64s than most people have guns. From an investment standpoint, I think they'll hold their value better. You actually taught me something. I'm not super well versed on the new M70s, but I...
  10. bobdahunter84

    Barnes TSX Question

    My oldest son is quickly approaching the age that I hope to bring him white tail hunting soon. For nostalgia and recoil purposes, I'm leaning very heavily towards using his late grandpa's old 30-30 Marlin. I too started my hunting career with a 30-30, so it just seems fitting. In my own hunting...
  11. bobdahunter84

    Curious why cape buffalo have the same minimum caliber requirement as Rhino, Hippo and Elephant?

    When it comes to large DG, I personally believe you should shoot the largest caliber you can shoot accurately. Seems dumb to travel to the other side of the world, spends thousands of dollars only for the PH to kill your animal because you were under-gunned. Talk to enough old timers and...
  12. bobdahunter84

    10 days buffalo and plain games with 458Lott and 375HH - how many ammo of each?

    Also, don't take any solids. You're liable to be paying for 2 buffalos with a pass through. You're not hunting elephant. I feel like the idea you need solids is an antiquated thought process when premium bullet technology wasn't what it is today.
  13. bobdahunter84

    10 days buffalo and plain games with 458Lott and 375HH - how many ammo of each?

    Those are the two calibers I brought with for cape buffalo and plains game this year. I brought 40 rds of 500 gr trophy bonded bearclaw for the 458 Lott and 40 rds of the ttsx for the 375 h&h (don't remember the grains). It was plenty for the 7 animals I took. My PH liked the 458 Lott and my...
  14. bobdahunter84

    338 WinMag out of a 20inch barrel?

    Thanks. Part of my issue was that I was specific in what I wanted. 225 gr ttsx. That specifically has been hard to find. I emailed Barnes a few months ago and they said getting the brass has been the issue.
  15. bobdahunter84

    What is the future of the fine firearms market

    I walked around 2 local gun shows today, and the crowd was substantial at both. I was surprised at the diversity there. Variety of ages, races, sexes, even families. So while I think the overall gun market is strong, not sure about the continued demand for the older classics. I'm 39 years...
  16. bobdahunter84

    338 WinMag out of a 20inch barrel?

    If you're looking for a hot factory load, go with Buffalo Bore super charged with barnes. Good luck finding factory 338 win mag ammo. I've had to look and far wide to secure a few boxes for a trip to canada for moose next year.
  17. bobdahunter84

    6.5-300 Wby performance in Africa?

    I wouldn't show up to Africa myself with less than a 30 caliber. You seem to like weatherby. 300 WBY is probably the best all around weatherby cartridge for everything short of DG. Nothing wrong with the 340, 375, 378 WBY if you don't mind the bite of a little recoil. However, if it were me...
  18. bobdahunter84

    Wanted Leupold VX-3HD 6.5-20x40mm EFR CDS

    Looking for a Leupold VX-3HD 6.5-20x40mm EFR CDS-T (182502). I'd take a new one priced right, but more trying to find a used one to save a few bucks.
  19. bobdahunter84

    338 WM -> 375HH -> 458 WM - Where does one go from here?

    To others points on here, you certainly don't NEED anything else to go out and shoot any big game out there on any continent. Now if you're to fill "voids" for the sake of filling up the safe, that's always fun too. 35 whelen, 404, 416, all would be good. I do agree with the prior comment with...
  20. bobdahunter84

    One caliber away from contentment... who else?

    That's a piece of art. Just a beautiful gun. What's the going rate on something like that? I've never had the "pleasure" of shooting a 460 Wby. I imagine it's the equivalent of getting in the ring with tyson.
  21. bobdahunter84

    One caliber away from contentment... who else?

    Take out? Just adding to the list seems like a better idea!
  22. bobdahunter84

    One caliber away from contentment... who else?

    I feel like I'm pretty much covered in terms of rifle calibers at this point. I wrote down a list, and I don't think I'm missing anything I need. I might be missing a caliber or two in the safe that didn't make the list. I know I have a couple of the calibers in multiple guns. Still a couple...
  23. bobdahunter84

    For Sale Leupold VX6 3-18x50 FireDot Duplex

    That's a great price. I wish I was in the market for a scope, or I'd snatch it up for sure.
  24. bobdahunter84

    Advice on Hippo hunt

    Fat fingers in the morning. Obviously meant 416, not 419.
  25. bobdahunter84

    Alaska hunt...

    If I were to head to Alaska, it would be for something large like a brown bear. I'd probably be shouldering a 375 h&h, maybe a 416 or 458 if it was thick terrain with guaranteed short shots. In the event I was hunting for something smaller, maybe 300 weatherby or 338 win mag. I would probably...
  26. bobdahunter84

    Still worth buying a 338 WinMag if I own a 375?

    In regards to ammo, i agree with the poster that said if you can find 338 win with 225 gr ttsx, buy it immediately. I had been looking for some factory load boxes for MONTHS for an upcoming moose hunt in newfoundland. no one has it. Called barnes and they said they haven't been able to get the...
  27. bobdahunter84

    Advice on Hippo hunt

    Can't speak to availability of ammo outside of the US. But I have intentions of heading back to Africa in 2025 for hippo, crocodile, eland, and giraffe. I used 500 gr TBBC exclusively in my 458 Lott in June when I was there with great success. The tracker had it pretty easy all week... My...
  28. bobdahunter84

    Wanted Pre 64 Model 70 In 416 Rigby

    Here is an example of one that sold in the past:
  29. bobdahunter84

    Wanted Pre 64 Model 70 In 416 Rigby

    Looking for a custom pre 64 Model 70 in 416 Rigby. I'd consider a 416 Remington if the price is right, but really interested in the Rigby.
  30. bobdahunter84

    460 Weatherby opinions?

    I can't say anything about the tungsten inserts, because I haven't dealt with them before. But I'd recommend looking into these if you get that big bore. I've chatted with the owner a few times, and if you explain to him the gun, he'll tell you what to...
  31. bobdahunter84

    460 Weatherby opinions?

    In reading through this post, I don't believe anyone ever responded to your question on the Mark V being a push feed. It is a push feed, not CRF. I own 4 Mark V's, and probably 10 or 12 pre-64 Model 70s (I should count sometime soon). I'm actually a Weatherby guy, but I like the old Model...
  32. bobdahunter84

    Mercury recoil reducers, do they work?

    In the past 6 months I've installed Edwards recoil reducers on 2 P64 Model 70s. 375 h&h and 458 Lott. My comment is don't knock it until you try it. I'm sold. Both VERY manageable to shoot with no flinch whatsoever. I've heard people comment/concerned on mercury and plane travel. A recoil...
  33. bobdahunter84

    Scope Question

    I was sighting in a Weatherby Mark XXII yesterday with a Leupold Rimfire scope purchased. I have the exact same combo already, that's a tack driver. But the one I was sighting in yesterday was shooting beneath the paper with the scope adjusted all the way up. I couldn't adjust it any further...
  34. bobdahunter84

    Still worthwhile picking up a .416 if I own a 375 and 458?

    I didn't realize you were the same poster on the 338 BAR, and also considering the R1. You're on the right track! I like your style!
  35. bobdahunter84

    Still worthwhile picking up a .416 if I own a 375 and 458?

    Enjoyed reading this post and responses. I too have a spread between a 375 h&h and 458 Lott and have also mulled the idea of a 416. This thread was helpful in realizing it's the solution to a problem that doesn't really exist. Still doesn't mean i won't buy one at some point, but certainly not a...
  36. bobdahunter84

    Wanted Pre 64 Model 70--308

    Yeah that's tough given it wasn't created until 1963. I've seen them but not many.
  37. bobdahunter84

    Wanted Pre 64 Model 70--308

    Thanks for the info. That info generally aligns with my robert rules book. Quite the collection of guns! What are you thinking on price and do you have any pics?
  38. bobdahunter84

    Thoughts on the new production Browning BARs, specifically in Magnum chamberings?

    Those are the only two manufacturers I'm aware of for a semi auto 338. In terms of recoil, the intertia driven system really kills the recoil in the benelli. My 30-06 bolt kicks considerably harder in my opinion than the 338.
  39. bobdahunter84

    Thoughts on the new production Browning BARs, specifically in Magnum chamberings?

    I was going to buy a 338 win mag a few years back. Probably 4. I shot the browning and benelli. I opted for the benelli r1 and have zero regrets. I dont dislike brownings but the benelli fit better and grouped better.
  40. bobdahunter84

    Wanted Pre 64 Model 70--308

    Appreciate the response. I'm trying to fill a void in the model 70 collection. Ive got 6 other calibers, including a 30-06. Need a 308 though. Although on my bucket list is a 30-06 super grade if someone wants to part with one of those for the right price...
  41. bobdahunter84

    Wanted Pre 64 Model 70--308

    I'm interested in a pre 64 model 70 chambered in 308. I'd prefer a featherweight but would consider a standard weight. Not interested in anything reblued or refinished. Looking for something original and not beat to hell.
  42. bobdahunter84

    Rifle for Plains game

    In scrolling through the responses, don't see much love for the noslers you mentioned. I have a browning hells canyon in 26 nosler. Sweet gun and ballistics are impressive. Wish I'd have bought the 28 nosler instead though. And ammo is impossible to find and expensive. I'd be nervous to bring to...
  43. bobdahunter84

    Rifle for my daughter

    I had a friend that had this decision last year for his daughter. She was small framed and he opted for 300 blackout. It's pretty uninspiring ballistic-ly. But if she isnt shooting past 100 yds and nothing bigger than deer, it's a pretty good option if your biggest concern is not scaring her off...
  44. bobdahunter84

    Elementary question on Camo Semiautomatic

    Contrary to the prior post, I have a Super Eagle 2 turkey gun with the camo pistol grip stock. I just used it for turkey a week ago in light rain/snow. I've always thrown a light coat of rem oil on before putting back in the safe and never had any issues
  45. bobdahunter84

    Report Scam in AH Classifieds

    I received a PM for a Wanted post I listed yesterday. Seemed weird the way he said to reach out to someone else via email. I Googled the email address and saw others reporting the emailer as a Scam. The price is obviously a little too good to be true.
  46. bobdahunter84

    Wanted CZ 550 Chambered In 416 Rigby

    I am looking for a CZ 550 (American Safari with the straight comb) chambered in 416 Rigby, ideally with the "Fancy Walnut Stock". As of the 2020 CZ Catalog, the product number on that gun was 04312.
  47. bobdahunter84

    .458 Win or .448 Lot

    Seems to be too close to call to have buyer's remorse. I don't think anything you're shooting at is going to notice the difference in 200 fps. If you hadn't bought it yet, would the lott offer a little more variety in what you could shoot? Sure. But I personally wouldn't stress it.
  48. bobdahunter84

    458 Lott for Cape Buffalo

    Thanks all for the feedback. I did end up going with the TBBC.
  49. bobdahunter84

    458 Lott for Cape Buffalo

    For starters, I don't reload. I'm heading to SA at end of June for Cape Buffalo. I've narrowed my choice of bullet to Federal 500gr Trophy Bonded Bear Claw or Barnes 500 gr TSX. Both are factory loads and the price difference is nominal between the two. I have shot TSX in other rifles and they...
  50. bobdahunter84

    Long Range Precision Hunting - Recoil/Caliber vs. Terminal Ballistics

    I'm not going to be the guy that gives an ethics response on taking long shots at game. I like to assume any hunter in the field knows their own capabilities and the rifle's capabilities and will make a wise decision based on the situation at hand. To answer the question regarding the best...