Search results

  1. J

    Modern Day Classics?

    For me as an American that would be a pre64 M70 Winchester. Restock it if you wish but its as good or better than any standard production rifle ever built.
  2. J

    .30-06, 180gr Bullets, favorite powder?

    My go to powder in the '06 with 180gr bullets has been IMR4831 ever since I bought my first chronograph.
  3. J

    375 H&H help

    I am assuming that you plan to crimp the bullet in the case. If you use the Lee FCD you con crimp it right where it is or you can seat the bullet deep enough to crimp it in the groove. Have you tried chamber ing the cartridge as its pictured in your rifle? In my Swift manual the 3.600 length is...
  4. J

    Reloading neck sizing vs crimping

    That is exactly what happened with the 338WM ammo that I took to SA several years ago. They were very carefully loaded with 250gr Partitions but not crimped and some moved in, some moved out but none could be trusted. I switched to my old reliable '06 to finish the trip. I now crimp with the Lee...
  5. J

    Reloading neck sizing vs crimping

    Why go to all that when the Lee FCD does such A splendid job for so little effort and cost.
  6. J

    Products you love (not firearm related)

    Have you tried the eurolight hunters? I also need a boot that's wide in the forefront with a roomy toebox and that model meets those requirements foe me.
  7. J

    Products you love (not firearm related)

    Every pair of Meindl boots that I've ever worn. Nikon film cameras and lenses.
  8. J

    What's the most damage I could do in South Africa for $20,000 Canadian?

    That's very good advice! First timers tend to under estimate, I know that I v certainly did.
  9. J

    .45-120 SILE Sharps

    Should be fun!
  10. J

    Opinion on this .270

    I have an old Speer hand loading manual that lists the twist rates of most factory rifles. They show a 1 in 10" rate for FN which is the same as Winchester and almost every other manufacturer.
  11. J

    Opinion on this .270

    That one isn't near as nice. Either restocked or very badly refinished including removing that lovely checkering that FN did. No open sights and the barrel shortened, reblued and again not very well done.
  12. J

    Opinion on this .270

    Those FNs are extremely high quality rifles. To match that in a currently made rifle would cost several thousand dollars. Looks like a great buy to me.
  13. J

    Dangerous Game Hunters - Top Book Recommends?

    As far as the actual hunting of dangerous game Col. Corbetts books are superb and very detailed. What could be more dangerous to hunt than man eating great cats in a dense cover environment. J.A. Hunters books are also wonderful.
  14. J

    375 H&H with 300 grain Nosler partition for Black Bear

    You could probably stand 4 of them side by side and still get complete penetration and 4 dead black bears. I used my old reliable 30'06 and a 180 grain partition when I shot a 400 pound plus bear and it took out both shoulders and kept on going. The bear simply collapsed and never moved. They...
  15. J

    Accuracy expectations from a Ruger M77?

    I have owned several and all would shoot dependable 3 shot groups of an inch or so at 100 yards when fed something that they like. They are good well made reliable rifles.
  16. J

    Well boys, what's your temperature like now?

    It' -25F in Michigan's UP this morning with about a 15mph wind. I don't know exactly what the wind chill is but my 3 English setters don't much like it. Short trips outside today!
  17. J

    No-Man's Land - Fact or Fiction?

    All of this is why those who advocate neck shots to minimize meat damage are over time going to shoot more animals that are never recovered. Its a pretty small target.
  18. J

    ATF Director Resigns

    Just like the jobs numbers and the denial of the rampant inflation this governments happy numbers are not to be trusted.
  19. J

    Need some advice/help picking a "good" scope

    If it were me I would go with a Leupold vx freedom 2x7 or 3x9 or vx3HD 2x7 or 3x9. To me they are perfect. I refuse to pay more for an aiming device than I paid for the rifle and those scopes are as close to bulletproof as they come.
  20. J

    Recommendation for a good performing 9.3X62?

    Look for a Ruger African, the sites like GB or guns international should work. Mine is an early version with the slightly heavier 23" barrel and it shoots everything I feed it into into nice little cloverleafs. Nicely stocked, very nice trigger, good open sights, accurate and powerful. I love it...
  21. J

    Ruger M77 7x57, is this a mistake?

    I have a #1A 7x57 that gave me fits for a while but after I installed a screw to provide a bit of up pressure on the barrel it settled into a nicely accurate short well balanced rifle. I did that mod before the hicks accurizer was available. That rifle is still my favorite deer rifle.
  22. J

    Winchester Alaskan .375 question

    They are also a great source for parts.
  23. J

    Winchester Alaskan .375 question

    Right now there are a few listed on gun broker both new and used.
  24. J

    Which scope is ideal for Winchester 70 Pre-64 30-06

    I have 6 of them currently and they all wear Leupolds.
  25. J

    Ammo issue or rifle issue?

    That looks to me like one of the specials honoring Jack O'Connor. Certainly a keeper!!
  26. J

    Ammo issue or rifle issue?

    Sounds like an ammo issue to me. If the Federal or Remington shoots well just use it and don't look back. For what its worth I have had a similar problem in the past. If they all are problematic its a rifle issue but if 2 of the 3 tried function without issue then simply don't use the brand...
  27. J

    Need help picking a nice Safari rifle. Sako 85? Sako 90? Something else?

    For less than what you are proposing to spend you con buy a mint pre64 M70 Winchester in 30'06 which is certainly in heirloom territory and a better rifle than any Sako. If you were to decide to go that way I could suggest a couple of honest knowledgeable places that have the good stuff.
  28. J

    Straight-pull Mauser 98

    That's what it looks like to me as well. It certainly adds a degree of complexity where none is needed.
  29. J

    What do you do when you fill your package early?

    Why not, sounds like a nice relaxing way to just enjoy being in Africa. A bit of bird watching could also be big fun!
  30. J

    Pre-64 Winchester, dilemma…

    Just remember that the classic rifle that seems a bit overpriced today will look like a bargain in a couple of years.
  31. J

    Pre-64 Winchester, dilemma…

    I have and love several pre64 M70s. You can't go wrong using one. My vote on scope choice would be a Leupold 2x7, they are just perfect on a classic '06.
  32. J

    416 Rem Powder Recommendations

    I have had excellent results in mine using IMR4064.
  33. J

    Straight-pull Mauser 98

    Its 98 receiver but certainly not a 98 bolt.
  34. J

    Looking for 7x64 and 7x57

    That is a lovely rifle!
  35. J

    Beautiful FN Mauser 458 win mag

    The FN rifles all had the bolt handle flattened on one side and grooved on that side.
  36. J

    Sako High Power Mauser Sporting Rifle in .375 H&H

    The best information would be from Sako collector websites. They are fairly rare and highly prized by those who collect them particularly in the H&H magnum calibers.
  37. J

    Allure of the Ruger No1

    They are indeed the perfect deer blind rifle!
  38. J

    Premium bullets needed for PG?

    They are some extra insurance but not absolutely needed. Several years ago a friend of mine called me one morning to ask for some help with ammo to take to SA. He was leaving the next day and the premium stuff that he had bought wouldn't group any better than 4" in the rifle he wanted to use. I...
  39. J

    Is 2300 fps too slow for 375 H&H 300 gr solid?

    Have you chronographed that load? Anything that any computer spits out is only a guess.
  40. J

    What are my options for a current production crf 375 h&h rifle?

    There is a truly lovely Browning Safari grade 375 on guns International right now for an asking price of less than $2500. You won't find anything of that quality for less.
  41. J

    Knockabout/ utility rifles

    I have a Ruger Scout rifle 308 with the laminated stock. Its accurate in a great chambering low maintenance and nearly indestructible.
  42. J

    How did you get your handle or user name?

    I flew helicopters in Vietnam and Joker12 was my callsign.
  43. J


    If I'm the gander allow me to say that it certainly is not good for me and many others!
  44. J


    I'll check with UPS to see if its possible and let you know what I find out.
  45. J


    I'll check with UPS
  46. J


    Where are you located? I do have a pound ( opened but nearly full ) that I would give to you if possible. I have always had more success with IMR4831 and am well supplied with that.
  47. J

    Request for .275 Rigby/7mm Mauser Load Data

    My 7x57 is a Ruger #1A with a 22 inch barrel. It shoots 154gr Hornady interlocks beautiful. These rifles are long throated to handle the heavier bullets so you can seat the bullets out a ways. The load that I settled on is 50gr of IMR4831, Winchester LR primers and Winchester brass. In my rifle...