Search results

  1. J

    Commercial FN Mauser

    Great rifle and tremendous deal. The action alone is worth the asking price.
  2. J

    1961 Winchester Mod 70 In 375HH

    Lovely rifle, the S/N says original date of manufacture was most likely late 1961 or early 1962.
  3. J

    Can we please stop talking about "flat shooting" cartridges

    A nice 257 Roberts would also be a dandy.
  4. J

    Wolves Have Been Released in Colorado USA

    You nailed it! The original goal for wolves in the U.P. was 200-250 spread throughout the area but with no plan to manage them once that goal was met and we still are not allowed to control them. Because of our extremely high snow totals in the winter 200-300+ inches the deer concentrate in...
  5. J

    Wolves Have Been Released in Colorado USA

    They have certainly done a number on the deer herd in the U.P. of Michigan. The hunter take of deer has declined over 50% since 2018. In that time somewhere around 1000 wolves are killing an estimated 35-45 deer per wolf every year. Doesn't leave much for hunters.
  6. J

    Allure of the Ruger No1

    There is a #1A 7257Roberts on guns international right now with an asking price of $1500. It looks to be in great condition.
  7. J

    Rifle bore cleaning techniques

    I like your reasoning. Why clean if accuracy doesn't improve when you do. One of my favorite hunting rifles requires about 5 rounds put through it after cleaning before it settles down and shoots consistent groups. My experience mirrors yours.
  8. J

    Things to look out for when buying pre 64 mod 70?

    I have collected and used pre64 M70s for over 50 years and will say that is a very very good deal. Its not a collector but a really nice user. If it were mine I would add 2 cross bolts to prevent the stock from cracking in the tang area ( not expensive ) and be happy with a fine rifle! Hunters...
  9. J

    .416 Weatherby

    I handloaded ammunition for a friend of a friend who was taking his 416wby on a cape buffalo hunt. The first thing that I did was ask him if he wanted it loaded to be a 416wby or a 416 Rigby. After shooting some loaded to match the Rigby velocity he felt that was plenty and it was. If you...
  10. J


    I have used Hornady bullets for years and like them very much. They are accurate and lethal for hunting. No they aren't Swift A frames but they are affordable and generally available.
  11. J

    High capacity lever gun?

    Marlin makes lever guns chambered for both 357mag and 44mag. They hold 10 rounds and are handy quick to operate rifles. For your needs they might be just about perfect.
  12. J

    Need assistance finding ammo and reloading components for 38-55 Win

    I have found Starline back orders to be very reliable. If they are accepting back orders you may have to wait a few weeks but they will deliver.
  13. J

    To Crimp Or Not To Crimp, That Is The Question?

    I used to think that with a few exceptions crimping wasn't necessary. Then on my probably once in a lifetime hunting trip in S.A. I had a problem with bullets moving so much that I decided to finish the trip using my backup rifle. The ammo that was problematic was for my #1 Ruger 338wm using...
  14. J

    338 Winchester Magnum

    Either that or simply poor shooting.
  15. J

    Allure of the Ruger No1

    Yes, the Winchester and the Browning 1885s have ejectors that can be set by the user to eject left or right or to simply extract the case. Nice rifles.
  16. J

    Whisky appreciation

    My absolute favorite too and along with the peat and seaweed there is that aftertaste with just a hint of sweetness. Perfection!
  17. J

    Allure of the Ruger No1

    What kind of loony thinking would make the powers that be decide to ban a classic single shot hunting rifle? We are truly living in strange times.
  18. J

    For Sale ‘63 Browning Safari 375HH

    That is an extraordinary deal! I have one like it built in 64 and if I didn't I would be all over that. Good luck with your sale, can't imagine it will last long!
  19. J

    Is hearing protection needed with a suppressor?

    No, I misread that and was thinking about recoil reduction like magnaporting.
  20. J

    Is hearing protection needed with a suppressor?

    Only if you want to be able to hear in the future. If I shoot at a range where someone near me is using one I pack up and go elsewhere.
  21. J

    Which rifle do we crown as the best looking ever?

    I'm pretty keen on it too! That is a beautiful rifle.
  22. J

    Is 'jump' the same as freebore?

    Yes, they are the same.
  23. J

    Whisky appreciation

    Try some Laphroig 10 year old, its about 50-60$ so not cheap but one of the great ones. Its peaty and seaweedy and very flavorful. Just sip it and notice the slightly sweet aftertaste. Its my favorite!
  24. J

    .30 Cal: Eland & Kudu = Moose & Elk ?

    I used a 30'06 for both, 180gr Nosler partition at 2700fps. Both one shot kills.
  25. J

    7x57m handloads

    Hornady data is many times very conservative and in general everyone's 7x57 data is all over the spectrum. The only way to really know is to carefully work up loads for your rifle. That being said I have no problem pushing 154gr Hornady interlocks accurately to 2740fps in my rifle so you should...
  26. J

    Winchester M70 vs Ruger RSM/M77 in .375

    Both are splendid rifles! The right choice is the one that feels best to you.
  27. J

    need new load

    I think that H4350 may be an even better choice for that bullet in your 30'06.
  28. J

    Ordering a ‘74 Sharps

    It's been over20 years since I ordered mine from Shiloh and I had to wait about 4 years for it but well worth the wait. There were no problems at all, they are very good to deal with. When I ordered I paid it in full rather than wait because then there were no price increases. Study what's...
  29. J

    How Strong Is It?

    I have an early Browning Safari grade rifle factory chambered for 308 built on a F.N. small ring action. The 308 operates at much higher pressure than a 7x57. Considering that it makes sense that your 7x57 is a perfectly safe rifle at modern pressure levels for the 7x57.
  30. J

    another reminder...get it while the getting is good

    A friend who had been to Africa sent me a post card that said " humans have been hunting in Africa for thousands of years, where have you been? Remember, you are not getting any younger and its not getting any cheaper. Go now while you can! " I went the next year, the experience of a lifetime...
  31. J

    Wanted Nosler Solid Base 7mm 120 Grain Bullets

    Those were good bullets. I used to like them on deer. When they were replaced with ballistic tips I tried them but found them to be too explosive for me. Too much meat damage, the solid base was a much better bullet. Good luck with your search, they have been out of production for quite a long...
  32. J

    Recommend A Quality Rimfire scope

    Leupold makes a very nice 2x7 rimfire scope. Unless you are doing serious competitive target shooting I can't imagine a better choice.
  33. J

    Would you like a Cigar?

    I just finished a Punch Rare Corojo and about 3 fingers of good Irish whisky, great way to finish the day!
  34. J

    Best thermos for cold weather use

    I have been using the same Stanley thermos for over 40 years and can highly recommend it. I bought it when I was flying helicopters in Alaska in very cold temperatures and the thing is absolutely bullet proof. If you preheat it with boiling water before you fill it with coffee it will keep it...
  35. J

    Tire kicking for a Ruger #1

    A great choice.
  36. J

    Tire kicking for a Ruger #1

    I have a 375H&H and with full house 300gr loads its stout but very managable. With 235s loaded down a bit its downright pleasant to shoot. They are truly lovely rifles!
  37. J

    What to pair with a .450/400 3" double?

    Either a 30'06 or a 338WM and you could hunt anything.
  38. J

    Loading for 338wm BAR?

    I have always used 250gr bullets in mine. Hornady interlocks for load development and Nosler partitions to hunt tough game with. I have found that those 2 bullets of the same weight can be interchanged in my rifles which helps with cost. As to powders my best results have been with IMR4831...
  39. J

    New m70 crf

    Both are good solid rifles but the pre64s are special. I have both and prefer the older guns. One difference that hasn't been mentioned is the 2 piece bolt used in all post 63 rifles. To me a one piece forged bolt as used in the pre64s is certainly better.
  40. J

    Dog Beds

    I use a memory foam mattress that's 4" thick and 48" long by Brindle. They are less than $100 on Amazon. The dogs love them and with $30 fuzzy crate pad from Tractor Supply on top of them they hold up very well. The one my 9yr old setter sleeps on is 3 years and counting.
  41. J

    Which Ghost Ring for Winchester Model 70?

    New England Custom Gun Service makes some very nice ghost ring sights and front sights. That is where I would look.
  42. J

    Is 338 Win Mag adequate for brown bear?

    Actually one of Winchesters original loadings for the 338WM was with a 300gr bullet and today Hawk Bullets makes a 300gr bullet for a 338.
  43. J

    Why not a Dangerous Game lever?

    A DG lever based on a Winchester 86 or 71 does have a couple of things in their favor. Magazine capacity is one and the ability of the hunter to refill a partially empty rifle without taking it out of action temporarily is another. All DG doesn't reside in Africa and the big levers have been...
  44. J

    A Proper Plains Game Rifle

    The early F.N.s did not have a barrel mounted rear sight. They instead had from the factory a receiver sight that was installed on the right side of the reciever. Many of those were removed by the buyer when they decided to mount a scope. I have owned 3 of them one of which had a S/N in the 9xx...
  45. J

    Is 338 Win Mag adequate for brown bear?

    A boatload of Alaskan guides say yes!
  46. J

    A Proper Plains Game Rifle

    Great choice of both rifle and caliber! That kind of quality simply isn't available in today's factory rifles.
  47. J

    8 Great Africa Books Some Old & Signed

    What a great buy!
  48. J

    Anyone watched the Ken Burns Hemingway doc?

    With regards to his The Vietnam War I will concede that he got some things right but he got so much wrong that it was no more than another trashy propaganda effort. Just a question, did you serve in Vietnam?