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  1. J

    Still worth buying a 338 WinMag if I own a 375?

    I'm not a good one to ask, I have 3 of each and shoot them all. Perhaps the better question to ask is if you buy a 338WM why would you need a 300 mag of any kind?
  2. J

    7x57 Load Workup with Hornady 154 Spire Points and IMR 4350

    I too love that bullet in my 7x57 (A Ruger #1A). With IMR4831 I am able to get an easy 2750fps with good accuracy and the bullet Is certainly deadly on deer. Good luck with yours.
  3. J

    Hello from Michigan!

    Welcome from the U.P.
  4. J

    Anyone watched the Ken Burns Hemingway doc?

    I have not seen any of it but would just say that Mr. Burns has been both unfair and slanted many times. His documentary on baseball while enjoyable was also wrong about some things and the one he did on the Vietnam war was badly slanted, inaccurate and an insult to those of us who served there.
  5. J

    Scope Question

    From your description of the problem it almost has to be a problem with the scope bases or the rings if they mount directly on the receiver. If the components are the same as the other rifle just take some good measurements from the other rifle and compare them to the same measurements taken...
  6. J

    What single caliber would you reccomend from each of the following cartridge families to a new shooter?

    That's a good question but I can't imagine that anything in that family of cartridges is easy to find so it's just my best guess. I have never had that problem because nothing in that category fits my budget.
  7. J

    What single caliber would you reccomend from each of the following cartridge families to a new shooter?

    I would say keep it simple, 375H&H, 416RM, 458WM, and 500NE. Those would be my choices if for no other reason than ammo and component availability.
  8. J

    Stevens 22lr/410 3" is it worth it?

    They are selling in the U.S. for much more than that. It sounds like a great buy!
  9. J

    Another “hunt” from YouTube Cape Buffalo

    Absolutely disgusting!
  10. J

    Why not a Dangerous Game lever?

    There is no good reason why, A Winchester 71 or an 86 or a 95 can all be chambered for a suitable cartridge for DG. They are tough reliable time proven designs. Quick to cycle at the shoulder, generous magazine capacity and certainly accurate enough. They are almost exclusively an American...
  11. J

    Winchester 30-06

    I like your choice of scope size and mounting system! Medium height rings should be perfect.
  12. J

    Sako 90 Line Drops Today...sadly no Safari guns

    To me Winchester and Ruger build the M70 and the Hawkeye on designs that while perhaps not "innovative" are time tested and reliable. I'll take that every time.
  13. J

    Federal 215 Magnum Primers -Needed

    Handloads magazine did a test on magnum primers a few years ago and found that actually Winchester large rifle magnum primers were the hottest of the brands tested which included the Federal 215s. I have used them all and never had a problem with any of them but have tried to standardize my...
  14. J

    In search of a proper belt

    Filson makes some great belts. Also check with makers of good leather holsters such as Milt Sparks and Kramer, they also make some good ones.
  15. J

    Allure of the Ruger No1

    The Lott and the few 450NE are the largest that I'm aware of that were factory built.
  16. J

    Is the Winchester Model 70 Safari Express too light?

    Mine in 416RM is nicely balanced and recoil does not seem much different from 375s (different makers) that I own.
  17. J

    One rifle, two scopes

    What I like about his suggestion is that it provides you with a spare scope if you should need it. As to the mounts I have used the Talleys with complete satisfaction.
  18. J

    Winchester XTR 300 H&H ID

    I suspect that it could be a Winchester custom shop rifle. Winchester should be able to tell you for sure.
  19. J

    Concentricity-What is "Good Enough" for Safari Ammo

    I am more interested in how well it shoots at the ranges that I will be hunting at. In that context as long as my handloads are acceptably accurate it means nothing to me. I realize that for those who play the long range accuracy games it is important but for any hunting that I do its just not.
  20. J

    300 WSM, 300 WM, or 300 PRC for Freestate Plains Game

    A whole bundle of the big bears have been taken by the good old 30'06 as has all of Africa's plains game so the 325wsm should certainly be lethal.
  21. J

    Reloading Components Question

    Even using the exact components listed in a good Manual always remember that that data is only the gospel in the firearm or test barrel that they were using in exactly the conditions that that it was tested in. There are many variables, just considering manufacturing tolerances that always exist...
  22. J

    Rifle for my daughter

    There are many older Ruger M77s on sites like gun broker or guns international chambered for the 243. They are nicely stocked well balanced quality rifles that will last her lifetime and then some. They will cost a bit more than the new plastic wonders but are so much better value.
  23. J

    Ruger No. 1

    Just consider that what seems expensive today will look like a great deal in the future!
  24. J

    Hunting dogs

    You might check out the Dogtra pathfinder system. It appears to be smaller than the Sport dog system that I use on my dogs. Places like Lion Country Supply carry multiple brands and could be a good source of information for something that fits your needs. I know people who have lost A dog in the...
  25. J

    Hunting dogs

    My setters are also voice controlled but I also use a tracking E-collar because they are frequently too far for voice control or perhaps its a windy day and they can't hear me. I like knowing where they are and having the ability to communicate when they are out of earshot. They know that if the...
  26. J

    I was mad about the price of ammo....Until I tooled up to reload a new caliber! # .338 Win Mag

    They not only don't have them but they are really expensive! Last summer I took one of mine out the shoot a few rounds just to check the sight in. When I got home I was wondering what that session had cost me. YIKES, at about $2 just for the bullet those will be the last partitions that I will...
  27. J

    I was mad about the price of ammo....Until I tooled up to reload a new caliber! # .338 Win Mag

    I have 3 of them and load for them all, great cartridge. I like 250gr bullets and mine all prefer either IMR4350 , IMR4831 , or R22. One thing that I have discovered is that Nosler partitions and Hornady interlocks of the same weight will shoot to the same point and safely digest the same powder...
  28. J

    Open sights on new rifles

    I use black plastic electrical tape on the muzzle when I'm hunting. It has no effect on the rifles performance and keeps everything from getting in the barrel. A couple of wraps around the barrel gives me a spare to apply if needed.
  29. J

    Open sights on new rifles

    Yes I would insist on irons as a backup. Better to have them and not need them than to need them and not have them!
  30. J

    Black powder shortage and cause

    Black powder is available at Graf, no Goex but a good selection of 3 other brands. Price is reasonable too
  31. J

    Alec Baldwin Movie Set Accident

    Why would any responsible person follow those instructions, wait I'll answer that, they wouldn't without checking the firearm themselves.
  32. J

    Kimber 338win mag for sale

    Great buy at that price, unfortunately I already have more 338s than I need. Good luck with a quick sale.
  33. J

    Alec Baldwin Movie Set Accident

    Whoever dismissed the charges did justice a disservice. That being said I don't know exactly what the charges were but he was certainly guilty of negligence. He didn't personally check the revolver, he pointed it at her and lets not forget that this was a single action revolver which means that...
  34. J

    Magnum Primers

    I think that you are drawing conclusions without knowing the facts. When I bought my powder and primers in bulk there were were no shortages of them. The primers cost an average of $28 per 1000 and the powder averaged less than that per pound. I plead not guilty to hoarding anything, just being...
  35. J

    Magnum Primers

    Several years ago after one of these great shortages I decided that I would lay in enough components to hold me for a while. So far that is working as planned for me but I know that there are plenty of folks who got caught in this one. I particularly feel for newer hunters and shooters who can't...
  36. J

    Alec Baldwin Movie Set Accident

    That concept has been dead for a long time.
  37. J

    Magnum Primers

    The only way that any reloading components will come down to reasonable levels is if there is a major change in the political leadership in the U.S. I hate to use the term leadership with regards to the current crop. I have seen this happen several times over the years and it has always...
  38. J

    Allure of the Ruger No1

    Nice rifle, you did well!
  39. J

    Allure of the Ruger No1

    The way I compare them is with bullets of similar sectional density the 7x57 does with 154-160gr bullets what the '06 does with 180gr bullets which is give or take a bit 2700fps. Its a reasonable step up but both great cartridges.
  40. J

    Wanted 375 Ruger Brass

    Check on ammoseek, they have several listings for 375Ruger loaded ammo. A couple of boxes will get you 40 Pieces of brass to work with. More expensive but in today's world perhaps your only choice. Good luck.
  41. J

    Allure of the Ruger No1

    I do more looking on GunsInternational. Its a site where you can talk directly with the seller and many times offers below the asking price are accepted. Also they usually have more to choose from. I shop both but GI is my favorite.
  42. J

    Allure of the Ruger No1

    Of the calibers that you mentioned the 375 seems to be both the most numerous and the most reasonably priced. I have seen a few lately that fit that category.
  43. J

    Maybe I'm an idiot, but...

    Pure marketing and nothing else. Another example is here in Michigan where crossbows are legal for deer most are sold with 3x9 scopes. That's for a 30-40 yard shot!
  44. J

    Allure of the Ruger No1

    My favorite deer rifle is a #1 7x57 that I have owned for over 25 years. Short and very fast handling and deadly with Hornady 154gr interlocks.
  45. J

    Smells that transport one

    The smell of o horse, A well loved wet dog, Hopes #9, JP4 exhaust, bacon and hot buckwheat pancakes on the griddle, the smell of Vietnamese fish sauce (stinks but tastes good and takes me back to 1966. Those are some that come to mind.
  46. J

    Is the .458 Win Mag not a step up over the .416's?

    One thing to remember is that energy kills nothing so don't get hung up on it. Injury to vital tissue is what kills. Either of those cartridges with a decent bullet in the proper place will kill anything that walks with no problem. If the rifle is a good deal grab it and use it with confidence!
  47. J

    30-06 recoil vs 300win mag.

    You have made a good choice in a 30'06 and as to a scope a Leupold is always a good choice. Most of my rifles wear Leupold and most are either 2x7s or 1 1/2x 5. Good optics, tough as nails and they look good too! Good hunting whatever your choice is!
  48. J

    30 Nosler - 180 or 200? NP or A-Frame?

    With what's on your list a Hornady interlock or Speer hot core would work just fine. The choices that you mentioned are both superb bullets. Let your rifle make the choice.
  49. J

    Hello from MI

    Welcome from the UP.
  50. J

    Disturbing trend on TV

    Yep, I have also observed the same. Most of that programming is what I call wack em and stack em and pretty poor quality too. It just doesn't hold my interest.